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Elizabeth came into power because her younger brother (1st in line to
the throne) Edward and older sister Mary (2nd in line to the throne)
both died.

People may have perceived her as inferior because she was a

woman. Also, Catholics would have considered her as a bastard as
Elizabeth’s mother was Anne Boleyn.

It was difficult for her to be accepted as queen as women were seen

as objects to men and they were ruled over by them as it was a very
patriarchal society.

She might have chosen not to marry as that would force her to give
her throne to someone. She possibly did not want to give into the
fear that she would marry a foreign prince who would take control of

Some of the problems she faced in her rule were money (Elizabeth’s
sister Mary had left a £250,000 debt), invasion (Elizabeth’s cousin
Mary, queen of scots, had a claim to the throne and was married to
the heir of the French throne. They could attempt and invasion and
steal her throne), gender (some thought a female ruler would make
England weak) and religion (Elizabeth’s father was protestant,
however, when her sister Mary came to the throne, she restored

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