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1. Tiruneh Mossie ID. No …………BDU 1301192

Submitted To:-Asaminew Tassew (PhD)

June, 2021
Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
livestock due to having varied and extensive agro-ecological zones. From the total annual
milk produced cattle
milk, is the most prominent compared to other livestock species in Ethiopia. Numerous
finding showed that
calving interval, daily milk yield, lactation length and age at first calving are one of
the major measures of
productive and reproductive performance parameters for dairy cattle production. Different
report indicated that
productive and reproductive performances of cattle are very poor due to varied factors;
the causes for low
performances of dairy cattle were genetic and environmental factors like feeding, housing
and health care. In
Ethiopia most of (98.20%) cattle breeds are local breeds the remaining (1.8%) are hybrid
and exotic breeds.
Then, the genetic performances of these breeds are poor, even though they have good
adaptation in harsh
environmental conditions. So, training and awareness creation should be given particularly to
the farmers on
major management practices like feeding, housing and health care and genetic improvement
strategies should
ABSTRACT: The aim of the review is to summarize the Productive and reproductive
performance of different
indigenous dairy cattle breeds under farmer’s management practices. Ethiopia is the home of
large numbers of
livestock due to having varied and extensive agro-ecological zones. From the total annual
milk produced cattle
milk, is the most prominent compared to other livestock species in Ethiopia. Numerous
finding showed that
calving interval, daily milk yield, lactation length and age at first calving are one of
the major measures of
productive and reproductive performance parameters for dairy cattle production. Different
report indicated that
productive and reproductive performances of cattle are very poor due to varied factors;
the causes for low
performances of dairy cattle were genetic and environmental factors like feeding, housing
and health care. In
Ethiopia most of (98.20%) cattle breeds are local breeds the remaining (1.8%) are hybrid
and exotic breeds.
Then, the genetic performances of these breeds are poor, even though they have good
adaptation in harsh
environmental conditions. So, training and awareness creation should be given particularly to
the farmers on
major management practices like feeding, housing and health care and geneczxvzcxx

First of all i thank to Dr.Asaminew Tassew, the instructor of the course, advanced dairy
production for his valuable support to write this dairy project preparation document.


Title page



Ethiopia has the biggest livestock number that estimated 65.35 million cattle, 39.8 million
sheep, 50.5 million goats, 9.9 million donkeys, 2.1 million horses, 0.35 million mules, 7
million camels, 48.9 million chicken and 6.9 million beehives Among the cattle population
36.53 Million are Females and within this 12.57 million(19%) are Milking cows (CSA,

Dairy production system is a biological efficient system that converts large quantities of
roughage i.e. the most abundant feed in the tropics to milk, the most nutritious food to man.
Dairy production is a critical issue in Ethiopia, a livestock-based society where livestock and its
products are more important sources of food and income and dairying has not been fully
exploited and promoted. The greatest potential for few technologies in dairying is expected in
the highlands of Ethiopia and other Sub-Saharan Africa and Asian countries, due to low disease
pressure and good agro-climatic conditions for the cultivation of feeds (Tangka et al., 2002).

Among livestock species, cattle have significant contributions to the livelihoods of the
farmers. They serve as a source of draught power for the rural farming population, supply
farm families with milk, meat, manure, serve as source of cash income, and play significant
role in the social and cultural values of the society. Cattle contribute nearly all the draught
power for agricultural production at smallholder level in Ethiopia (Melaku, 2011). 

The productivity of cattle depends largely on their reproductive performance and the rate of
genetic progress in both selection and crossbreeding programs particularly in dairy production
(Nuraddis, 2011). An important prerequisite for the sustainability of a dairy production system
is that cows must have efficient reproductive performance (Asheber, 1991 and Tewodros,

Reproductive efficiency is expressed by the extent of reduction of reproductive wastage and it

affects life time milk and meat production (Nuraddis, 2011). The reproductive performance of
the breeding female is probably the single most important factor influencing herd or flock
productivity. The expression, reproductive performance, does not usually refer to a single trait,
but to a combination of many traits (Azage and Alemu, 1998).The main indicators that would
be considered in evaluating reproductive performance are Age at first service, Age at first
calving, Calving interval, Days open and Number of services per Conception (Assemu and
Dilip, 2014).

So, based on the above basic facts the objective of this paper is to review the reproductive
performances of some Ethiopian local dairy cattle breeds.


 To prepare dairy farm project preparation

2.1. Dairy Production Systems in Ethiopia

2.1.1 Pastoralist

Livestock owners who exploit natural grass lands mainly in the arid areas, even though
information on both absolute numbers and distribution is vary; it estimated that about 30% of the
livestock populations are found in the pastoral areas (Ketema and Tsehay, 1995). The herd is
dominating with unimproved Zebu animals and milk production is of subsistent type. It is
mainly operating in the range lands where the peoples involved follow animal based life styles,
which requires of them to move from place to place seasonally, based on feed and water
availability. Livestock doesn’t provide inputs for crop production but they are the very back
bone of their owners providing all of the consumable and saleable outputs and regard as
insurance against adversity, milk production is dependent on season due to the rainfall pattern
that influenced feed availability (Zegeye, 2003).

2.1.2 Urban and peri-urban dairy farming
Urban and peri urban dairy farming are emerging as an important component of the milk
production system. It is based on cross breed dairy stock, mainly Friesian x Zebu and purchased
conserved feeds (Estal and Shapiro, 1996) and it is contributing immensely towards filling in the
large demand –supply gap for milk and milk production urban center, where consumption of
milk and milk product is remarkably high. The sector contributes immensely to generation, asset
accumulation and poverty alleviation. Almost all of the fluid milk supplied to major urban and
peri-urban centers in Ethiopia, comes from urban and peri-urban smallholder and commercial
dairy producers (Azage and Alemu, 1997).

2.1.3. Highland smallholder dairy farming

The highland smallholder milk production is found in the central parts of Ethiopia where
dairying is nearly always parts of the subsistence, smallholder mixed crop and livestock farming.
It becomes important source of house hold income in Ethiopia. However, the sector is affected
by several problems like poor quality and quantity of feed resource, lack of appropriate feeding
system, poor production and reproduction traits, low productive and reproductive performance
and economic and technical problems (Yosef, 1999).

2.1.4. Intensive dairy farming:

This is a more specialized dairy farming practiced in state sector and very few individuals on
commercial basis. The urban, peri-urban and intensive reproduction influences the rate of
genetic progress in both selection and crossbreeding programs particularly in dairy and beef
production (Mukassa-Mugerewa and Azage, 1989). Reproductive efficiency is expressed by
the extent of reduction of reproductive wastage and it affects lifetime milk and meat
production (Nuraddis 2011). The reproductive performance of the breeding female is probably
the single most important factor influencing herd/flock productivity (Azage and Alemu 1998).
The expression, reproductive performance, does not usually refer to a single trait, but to a
combination of many traits. The main indicators that would be considered in evaluating

reproductive performance are age at first service(AFS), age at first calving(AFC), calving
interval(CI), days open(DO) and number of services per conception NSC) (Assemu and Dilip,

2.2. Reproductive Performance of Indigenous Dairy Cattle

There are over six distinguishable, indigenous cattle types in Ethiopia mainly Arsi, Barca,
Boran,Fogera, Horro and Ogaden are evolved as a source of natural selection influenced by
factors like; Climate, altitude, available feed supply, endemic diseases and functional
objectives of conditions livestock owners, management techniques and market demands that
make them adapted to harsh environmental conditions (Feleke et al., 2010).

2.3. Major Constraints of Dairy Development System in Ethiopia

The livestock sub-sector in general and the dairy sub-sector in particular; do not make a
contribution to the national income considering with it size. The reasons for this are numerous
and include both nontechnical and technical constraints (Ketema and Tsehay, 1995.

Non-technical constraints

The non-technical constraints of dairy development generally include a variety of socio-

economic and institutional considerations, which is most cases and are will common
constraints to other agricultural sector in the country. These are human population and
livestock population.

Human population

The high rate of population increase (2.9-3% per annual) is reckoned to affect livestock
development. The demand for livestock products directly related with the annual population
growth, which the livestock production is lag behind with the rate of population growth.
Moreover, high population growth has forced people to cultivate more and more land. The
necessity to extend the cropping areas to support the increasing population in the highlands,
the carrying capacity of the land is stretched beyond its limits, which resulted in law
production performance of the livestock (Ketema and Tsehay, 1995).

b. Livestock population
One of the serious constraints to the livestock development in Ethiopia rest on the importance
attached to the economic functions of the livestock found in various agro-ecological zones.
Overall, livestock in Ethiopia are used as input function, asset and security function. Farming
methods in Ethiopia have remained unchanged for centuries, cultivation is carried out using
oxen drown traditional ploughs in the highland this demand high dependency on animal power
(as an input function). High population growth has forced people to plough more land, which
in turn demand more ploughing capacity. Therefore, to fulfill this demand more ploughing
capacity requires for the presence of a higher cattle herd, which created pressure on grazing
land and ultimately poor economies of peasant farm.The other economic benefit of livestock,
as a source of additional income consideration as assets and security are also important, and
due to low productive indigenous stock these functions requires to maintain large herd and
demand additional area of grazing land. In the law lands the pastoral nomads maximum
benefit from livestock through milk and meat (The output function): Furthermore, in order to
overcome low productivity of their livestock and recurring draught large number of stock is
maintained as security function as well (Tesfaye, 1991).  

2.3.2. Technical constraints

1. Animal Health and disease prevalence. 2. Feed and Nutrition. 3. Genotype

Animal health and disease prevalence

Animal health and improved management is also one of the major constraints of dairy
development in Ethiopia, which cause poor performance across the productive system. Many
of the problems result from the interaction among the technical and non-technical constraints
themselves e.g. poorly fed animals develop low disease resistance, fertility problem, partly
because the animal health care system relies heavily on veterinary measures, poor grazing
management systems continue to cause high mortality and morbidity (e.g. internal parasites),
many of the disease constraints which affect supply are also a consequence of the non-
technical constraints e.g. insufficient money to purchase drugs or vaccines.

Feed and nutrition
In highland zones, high population growth and density are causing the shortage of grazing
land on which livestock production by small holders depends. In the lowland areas, the
shortage of feed and water during the dry season forces animals and livestock keepers to trek
long distances in search of food. The quality of feed also deteriorates during the dry season in
both the mixed farming and pastoral system (Anteneh, 1992).
Genotype problems

The genetic of Ethiopia's livestock have involved largely as a result of natural selection
influenced by environmental factors. This has made the stock better conditioned to with stand
feed and water shortages, disease challenges and harsh climates. But the capacity for the high
level of production has remained low.

2.4. Reproductive Performance Measurements of Dairy Cows

Age at first service
Age at first service (AFS) is the age at which heifers attain body condition and sexual maturity
for accepting service for the first time (Gidey, 2001). AFS signals the beginning of the heifer’s
reproduction and production, and influences both the productive and reproductive life of the
female through its effect on her lifetime calf crop. A substantial delay in the attainment of
sexual maturity may mean a serious economic loss, due to an additional, non-lactating,
unproductive period of the cow over several months (Mukassa-Mugerewa, 1989).

Age at puberty is an important determinant of reproductive efficiency. Many heifers,

especially taurine, can reach puberty and breed fairly satisfactorily at one year old. However,
the cost of achieving this varies among breeds and among heifers within the same breed.
Heifers with the inborn ability to reach puberty early thus attain puberty and breed at less cost
than those with later inherent age at puberty Estimates of age at puberty in Bosindicus
(indigenous cattle) in the tropics and subtropics range between 16 and 40 months. Bos-
indicus  cattle reach puberty later than Bostaurus x Bosindicus crossbreeds or purebred taurine
cattle. This is due to genetic and environmental factors, including nutrition, disease,
temperature and season of birth. These factors affect heifer growth rates Age at puberty varies
among species, breeds and even strains and families. On average, the zebu reaches puberty 6

to 12 months later than Bostaurus cattle (Warnick, 1965 and Wiltbank et al., 1969). Temperate
taurine breeds of dairy cattle reach puberty at 30-40% of their adult body weight, compared
with 45-55% for beef cattle (Hafez, 1980). In contrast, ranched Boran zebu heifers in Ethiopia
do not attain puberty until they reach 60% of their adult body weight. Several studies,
particularly among taurine cattle, have attempted to relate age at puberty with other production
traits. Werre (1980) found strong, negative genetic correlations between age at puberty and
measures of growth faster growing heifers reached puberty earlier. Heifers growing faster for
genetic reasons are likely to be younger and heavier at puberty (Arije and Wiltbank 1971).

2.4.2 Age at first calving

First calving marks the beginning of a cow's productive life. Age at first calving is closely
related to generation interval and, therefore, influences response to selection (Mukasa-
Mugerwa, 1989). Under controlled breeding, heifers are usually mated when they are mature
enough to withstand the stress of parturition and lactation. This increases the likelihood of
early conception after parturition. In traditional production systems, however, breeding is
often uncontrolled and heifers are bred at the first opportunity. This frequently results in
longer subsequent calving intervals. It is the period between birth and first calving and
influences both the productive and reproductive life of the female, directly through its effect
on her lifetime calf crop and milk production and indirectly through its influence on the cost
invested for upbringing (Perera, 1996).

Higher values in the range of 35 to 40 months of AFC have also been reported by for the
indigenous cattle in Ethiopian agricultural research stations farmers’ management system
(Azage 1981). A mean AFC of 32.8 months obtained for indigenous (Arsi) heifers are lower
than 38.8 months reported for indigenous Fogera heifers in Ethiopia (Mekonnen and Goshu
1987), and is much lower than the average of 44 months reported for indigenous cattle
(Mukassa Mugerwa, 1989). This indicates that given reasonably good management and
feeding the AFC of indigenous heifers could be reduced to a lower age. Season of birth had no
significant effect on this trait. However, the indications those heifers born during the long
rainy season had a relatively higher age at first calving than those born at the end of the dry
season and throughout the other wet months (Negussie et al., 1989).

Particularly, heifers born during the months of January to April calved earlier than those born
during other months. The reason for this may probably be due to heifers born during these
months taking advantage of improved feed quality and availability in the subsequent rainy
season giving them ample opportunity for a good start at earlier stages. This is in contrast to
heifers born later than June, which had to pass most of their critical growth during the
prolonged dry period commencing in October. El-Khidir et al. (1979), working in Ethiopia,
also found that improved nutrition significantly decreased age at first estrus, which in turn
reduced age at sexual maturity, first conception, calving and total rearing costs. Supplemental
feeding during the dry season reduced the average age at first calving from 45.0 to 37.5
months in Nellore, Gir and Indu Brazil cattle in Brazil. Calving interval was also shortened by
52 days to 49 days (16.4 months), with a calving rate of 83% (Weitze, 1984).

2.4.3. Calving interval

Genetic group had significant influence on CI. HF crossbred cows had significantly longer
average CI (469.4±88.8 days) than that of indigenous crossbreds (431.1±78.0 days). Genetic
group has significant effect on CI in the case of indigenous cows in private sector (Kumar,
2005). The animals managed in a herd of 1-3 milch animals had the longest mean CI
(459.8±54.7 days) followed by those in a herd of 4-6 animals (454.5±89.5 days), 10 and above
animals (453.1±98.8 days) and 7-9 animals (451.3±67.7 days) (Shrivastava et al., 1996).

2.4.4. Number of services per conception

The number of services per conception (NSC) depends largely on the breeding system used. It
is higher under uncontrolled natural breeding and low where hand-mating or artificial
insemination is used. NSC values greater than 2.0 should be regarded as poor ( Choudhuri et
al., 1984). Ethiopian breeds, the Barca, Horro and Boran, found that NSC was lower for
animals from wet areas than for those from drier areas (1.74 ±0.6 vs 1.98 ±0.07). Crossbred
cows required 0.12 and 0.14 fewer services per conception than local zebu cows in wet and
dry areas, respectively (AzageTegegn et al., 1981).

2.4.5. Days open

Estimated DO value is higher than those recorded by Hunduma (2012), Nibret (2012) and
Tadesse et al., (2010) to be 85.6±5.6 days, 2.9 ±3.7 months and 148±1.72 days in indigenous
cattle in different part of Ethiopia. Feed shortage, silent estrus and lack of proper heat
detection might have other contributory factors for long DO (Belay et al., 2012). Genetic
group had significant influence on DO. The indigenous cows had significantly higher average
DO (185.8±51.2 days) than of HF crossbred (137.5±36.3 days). Although DO is supposed to
be influenced mainly by non-genetic causes, more genetic divergence among crossbred cattle
and indigenous cows might have resulted into expression of genetic effect on DO to be
significant (Kumar, 2005).



Dairy farming constitutes a major role for economic development of the country as a source of
feed and income and making it one of the biggest references potential producers of milk and
milk products. Dairy farm plugged with a number of challenges these includes, Non-technical
and technical constraints. The non-technical constraints of dairy development generally
include a variety of socio-economic and institutional considerations, which are common
constraints to other agricultural sector in the country. Technical constraints are; Animal Health
Disease, Feed and Nutrition and Genotype.
From the review it is concluded that Arsi breed has short age at first service, calving interval,
days open and have low return rate because of management and agro ecological zone.
On the other hand Ogden and Horro breeds have long age at first service, age at first calving,
calving interval and days open due to management problem and unsuitable climatic condition.
Poor management of dairy cows have direct negative effect on low productivity by elongated
age at first service, age at first calving, open days and maximization of return rate(less estrus).
Factors affecting reproductive performance were assessed Age at first calving, number of
services per conception, days open, and calving interval were considered in the evaluation of
reproductive performance.

Reproductive performance of Ethiopian indigenous cattle is not only affected by genetic
factors. But, also affects by environmental factors (feeding, disease, estrus cycle and proper
management system).

So; because of many important traits of local dairy cows; government strategy should focus in
order to solve especially feeding and disease problems which affect reproductive performance
of indigenous dairy cattle in Ethiopia. Not only government; each owner of dairy cattle in
Ethiopia maximized his profit by mindful the cow, Skilled person who found in Ethiopia,
contribute their skill to assist research center and farmers in Ethiopia.

Based on the review and conclusion it is recommended that every stakeholders and farmers
should have to focus on improving the management of rearing local dairy cows before going
to genetic problem.

Finally based on this review; it is recommended that Arsi and Fogera breeds are preferable by
the trait age at first service and age at first calving.


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Between-Subjects Factors
Appendix 1: Tables and Graphs analyzed
by SPSS General Linear Model.
Value Label N

Breed Arsi Arsi 5

Boran Boran 5

Fogera Fogera 5

Horo Horo 5

Ogaden Ogaden 5
Descriptive Statistics

Breed Mean Std. Deviation N

Age at first service in Month Arsi 29.800 1.6432 5

Boran 42.200 1.4832 5

Fogera 38.400 1.6733 5

Horo 46.000 2.5495 5

Ogaden 45.800 .8367 5

Total 40.440 6.3251 25

Age at first calving in Months Arsi 51.000 1.2247 5

Boran 52.400 2.0736 5

Fogera 48.200 2.1679 5

Horo 55.600 3.0496 5

Ogaden 55.600 1.1402 5

Total 52.560 3.4409 25

Calving interval in Months Arsi 13.400 1.1402 5

Boran 17.400 3.3615 5

Fogera 18.000 1.5811 5

Horo 15.200 3.1145 5

Ogaden 19.800 1.3038 5

Total 16.760 3.0995 25

Number of Services per Arsi

1.600 .5477 5
conception in frequency

Boran 1.600 .5477 5

Fogera 1.800 .8367 5

Horo 1.400 .5477 5

Ogaden 1.800 .4472 5

Total 1.640 .5686 25

Open period Arsi 8.400 1.1402 5

Boran 10.600 .5477 5

Fogera 9.400 .5477 5

Horo 10.000 1.0000 5

Ogaden 10.200 1.0954 5

Total 9.720 1.1372 25

Estimated Marginal Means

1. Grand Mean

95% Confidence Interval

Dependent Variable Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound

Age at first service in Month 40.440 .345 39.720 41.160

Age at first calving in Months 52.560 .411 51.703 53.417

Calving interval in Months 16.760 .460 15.800 17.720

Number of Services per

1.640 .120 1.390 1.890
conception in frequency

Open period 9.720 .181 9.342 10.098


95% Confidence Interval

Dependent Variable Breed Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound

Age at first service in Month Arsi 29.800 .772 28.190 31.410

Boran 42.200 .772 40.590 43.810

Fogera 38.400 .772 36.790 40.010

Horo 46.000 .772 44.390 47.610

Ogaden 45.800 .772 44.190 47.410

Age at first calving in Months Arsi 51.000 .919 49.084 52.916

Boran 52.400 .919 50.484 54.316

Fogera 48.200 .919 46.284 50.116

Horo 55.600 .919 53.684 57.516

Ogaden 55.600 .919 53.684 57.516

Calving interval in Months Arsi 13.400 1.030 11.252 15.548

Boran 17.400 1.030 15.252 19.548

Fogera 18.000 1.030 15.852 20.148

Horo 15.200 1.030 13.052 17.348

Ogaden 19.800 1.030 17.652 21.948

Number of Services per Arsi

1.600 .268 1.040 2.160
conception in frequency

Boran 1.600 .268 1.040 2.160

Fogera 1.800 .268 1.240 2.360

Horo 1.400 .268 .840 1.960

Ogaden 1.800 .268 1.240 2.360

Open period Arsi 8.400 .405 7.555 9.245

Boran 10.600 .405 9.755 11.445

Fogera 9.400 .405 8.555 10.245

Horo 10.000 .405 9.155 10.845

Ogaden 10.200 .405 9.355 11.045

Multiple Comparisons

Tukey HSD

95% Confidence Interval

Differen Lower Upper
Dependent Variable (I) Breed (J) Breed ce (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Bound Bound

Age at first service in Month Arsi Boran -12.400* 1.0918 .000 -15.667 -9.133

Fogera -8.600* 1.0918 .000 -11.867 -5.333

Horo -16.200* 1.0918 .000 -19.467 -12.933

Ogaden -16.000* 1.0918 .000 -19.267 -12.733

Boran Arsi 12.400* 1.0918 .000 9.133 15.667

Fogera 3.800* 1.0918 .018 .533 7.067

Horo -3.800* 1.0918 .018 -7.067 -.533

Ogaden -3.600* 1.0918 .026 -6.867 -.333

Fogera Arsi 8.600* 1.0918 .000 5.333 11.867

Boran -3.800* 1.0918 .018 -7.067 -.533

Horo -7.600* 1.0918 .000 -10.867 -4.333

Ogaden -7.400* 1.0918 .000 -10.667 -4.133

Horo Arsi 16.200* 1.0918 .000 12.933 19.467

Boran 3.800* 1.0918 .018 .533 7.067

Fogera 7.600* 1.0918 .000 4.333 10.867

Ogaden .200 1.0918 1.000 -3.067 3.467

Ogaden Arsi 16.000* 1.0918 .000 12.733 19.267

Boran 3.600* 1.0918 .026 .333 6.867

Fogera 7.400* 1.0918 .000 4.133 10.667

Horo -.200 1.0918 1.000 -3.467 3.067

Age at first calving in Months Arsi Boran -1.400 1.2992 .816 -5.288 2.488

Fogera 2.800 1.2992 .237 -1.088 6.688

Horo -4.600* 1.2992 .016 -8.488 -.712

Ogaden -4.600* 1.2992 .016 -8.488 -.712

Boran Arsi 1.400 1.2992 .816 -2.488 5.288

Fogera 4.200* 1.2992 .030 .312 8.088

Horo -3.200 1.2992 .139 -7.088 .688

Ogaden -3.200 1.2992 .139 -7.088 .688

Fogera Arsi -2.800 1.2992 .237 -6.688 1.088

Boran -4.200* 1.2992 .030 -8.088 -.312

Horo -7.400* 1.2992 .000 -11.288 -3.512

Ogaden -7.400* 1.2992 .000 -11.288 -3.512

Horo Arsi 4.600* 1.2992 .016 .712 8.488

Boran 3.200 1.2992 .139 -.688 7.088

Fogera 7.400* 1.2992 .000 3.512 11.288

Ogaden .000 1.2992 1.000 -3.888 3.888

Ogaden Arsi 4.600* 1.2992 .016 .712 8.488

Boran 3.200 1.2992 .139 -.688 7.088

Fogera 7.400* 1.2992 .000 3.512 11.288

Horo .000 1.2992 1.000 -3.888 3.888

Calving interval in Months Arsi Boran -4.000 1.4560 .082 -8.357 .357

Fogera -4.600* 1.4560 .035 -8.957 -.243

Horo -1.800 1.4560 .731 -6.157 2.557

Ogaden -6.400* 1.4560 .002 -10.757 -2.043

Boran Arsi 4.000 1.4560 .082 -.357 8.357

Fogera -.600 1.4560 .993 -4.957 3.757

Horo 2.200 1.4560 .568 -2.157 6.557

Ogaden -2.400 1.4560 .486 -6.757 1.957

Fogera Arsi 4.600* 1.4560 .035 .243 8.957

Boran .600 1.4560 .993 -3.757 4.957

Horo 2.800 1.4560 .338 -1.557 7.157

Ogaden -1.800 1.4560 .731 -6.157 2.557

Horo Arsi 1.800 1.4560 .731 -2.557 6.157

Boran -2.200 1.4560 .568 -6.557 2.157

Fogera -2.800 1.4560 .338 -7.157 1.557

Ogaden -4.600* 1.4560 .035 -8.957 -.243

Ogaden Arsi 6.400* 1.4560 .002 2.043 10.757

Boran 2.400 1.4560 .486 -1.957 6.757

Fogera 1.800 1.4560 .731 -2.557 6.157

Horo 4.600* 1.4560 .035 .243 8.957

Number of Services per Arsi Boran .000 .3795 1.000 -1.136 1.136
conception in frequency

Fogera -.200 .3795 .983 -1.336 .936

Horo .200 .3795 .983 -.936 1.336

Ogaden -.200 .3795 .983 -1.336 .936

Boran Arsi .000 .3795 1.000 -1.136 1.136

Fogera -.200 .3795 .983 -1.336 .936

Horo .200 .3795 .983 -.936 1.336

Ogaden -.200 .3795 .983 -1.336 .936

Fogera Arsi .200 .3795 .983 -.936 1.336

Boran .200 .3795 .983 -.936 1.336

Horo .400 .3795 .827 -.736 1.536

Ogaden .000 .3795 1.000 -1.136 1.136

Horo Arsi -.200 .3795 .983 -1.336 .936

Boran -.200 .3795 .983 -1.336 .936

Fogera -.400 .3795 .827 -1.536 .736

Ogaden -.400 .3795 .827 -1.536 .736

Ogaden Arsi .200 .3795 .983 -.936 1.336

Boran .200 .3795 .983 -.936 1.336

Fogera .000 .3795 1.000 -1.136 1.136

Horo .400 .3795 .827 -.736 1.536

Open period Arsi Boran -2.200* .5727 .008 -3.914 -.486

Fogera -1.000 .5727 .430 -2.714 .714

Horo -1.600 .5727 .075 -3.314 .114

Ogaden -1.800* .5727 .037 -3.514 -.086

Boran Arsi 2.200* .5727 .008 .486 3.914

Fogera 1.200 .5727 .260 -.514 2.914

Horo .600 .5727 .830 -1.114 2.314

Ogaden .400 .5727 .954 -1.314 2.114

Fogera Arsi 1.000 .5727 .430 -.714 2.714

Boran -1.200 .5727 .260 -2.914 .514

Horo -.600 .5727 .830 -2.314 1.114

Ogaden -.800 .5727 .637 -2.514 .914

Horo Arsi 1.600 .5727 .075 -.114 3.314

Boran -.600 .5727 .830 -2.314 1.114

Fogera .600 .5727 .830 -1.114 2.314

Ogaden -.200 .5727 .997 -1.914 1.514

Ogaden Arsi 1.800* .5727 .037 .086 3.514

Boran -.400 .5727 .954 -2.114 1.314

Fogera .800 .5727 .637 -.914 2.514

Horo .200 .5727 .997 -1.514 1.914

Based on observed mean:-The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .820. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level


Profile Plots.Age at first service in Month

Age at first calving in Months

Calving interval in Months

Number of Services per conception in frequency

Open period


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