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The Astrology of team chemistry. http://astro-chologist.


In sports, whenever a team is “under performing”, first issue looked at is

the teams chemistry. One player may face scrutiny since he’s the star, or
a “support” player for not not performing up to the standard. We have
also seen many instances of star players being traded and then becoming
less than stellar and vice versa. Astrology is completely overlooked in
team chemistry, and I will give examples of astrological team chemistry
in action, and why it should be utilized when drafting, trading, and
signing players to teams.

New York Knicks of the 90s

Since they are my team, I will use them as my star example of team
chemistry. The Knicks had on the floor Patrick Ewing (Sun Leo, Mars
Gemini), Anthony Mason (Sun Sagittarius, Mars Libra) Charles Oakley
(Sun Sagittarius) and John Starks (Sun Leo, Mars Libra). The resonance
here is outstanding and the instinctual level with each other is also high.
It’s been said how the Knicks then played with so much heart and fire.
Well there is definitely an abundance of heart with two Leos and enough
fire with 4 solar fire signs .

Dynamic Duos

There are also historically and currently some dynamic duos who have
such a strong vibe that they basically “make” the team. One of these
duos was on the 90s Seattle Supersonics. Shawn Kemp and Gary Payton.
These two had a psychic and intuitive vibe (both are lunar Cancers).
Shawn is a solar Sagittarius, and Gary is a Leo, again, a very strong
resonance. The Utah Jazz had their own duo as well. Karl Malone is an
early Leo sun and John Stocton is an early degree Aries. Karl Malone is
rightfully named the “Mailman” with his mars and moon in Virgo
(worker sign). John’s mars opposes Karl’s in service and sacrifice
oriented Pisces, which is what he did most (distribute the ball and put
self last). Last example and most well know is Michael Jordan and
The Astrology of team chemistry.
Scottie Pippen. Michael Jordan (Aquarius, moon Sagittarius) and Scottie
Pippen (Libra, Moon Libra) were the core mechanic of the Chicago
Bulls dynasty.

Fast Forward to 2011

The blockbuster deal adding Lebron James and Chris Bosh to the Miami
Heat is working out so far. Astrologically however, Chris Bosh may
prove to be the odd man out here. Lebron James and Dwayne Wade both
have a strong Capricorn presence in both of their charts. Lebron’s Sun is
at about 8 degrees in Capricorn and Chris Bosh’s Sun is at 2 degrees
Aries. Dwayne Wade will clearly vibe better with Bosh due to his sun
being close to the Aquarius cusp. Bosh is a power forward though, and
he is not directing traffic or handling the ball.

The other “big” deal, was trading Carmelo Anthony and Chauncey
Billups to the Knicks. Astrologically, neither one mesh with Amare
Stoudamire very well. Amare has an abundance of Scorpio energy and a
Capricorn Mars. Chauncey Billups and Carmelo Anthony are both airy. 
If an exchange was made between Chris Bosh, and Amare Stoudamire, I
believe both teams would fare better.

Elemental resonance is important for anything and any sport. I would

definitely suggest teams management consult an astrologer for this very
purpose,  I hope you’ve gained something from this and enjoyed as
well . Peace

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