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This activity helped the students to enhance their camaraderie, teamwork, and gave them

idea on how to pass challenges they might encounter in the future when it comes to business. It

made them experience handling a business and the customers. It also brought them more

knowledge and understanding with regards to the field they are about to enter.


Through the process of this project, the proponents encountered many challenges that

measured their patience and endurance. The problems they encountered and the things they did

to solve it are as follows:

Conflict of Ideas – The proponents let each of them to give their own ideas in order to

practice everyone's freedom of speech and it helped them to finalize the ideas for this project.

Personal Misunderstandings – They solved this problem by talking about their issues that

affect the process of making their business.

Putting up the stall (lack of experience, knowledge and tools in building a stall) – The

proponents solved this problem by borrowing tools needed to the school's maintenance and

together they did their best to build their stall.

Shortage of some of the raw material's supply – They passed this one by finding an

alternative at the day of simulation and having one of them to buy the materials needed outside

the school premises.

The Number of Customers – Having many customers gives the proponents more pressure

and they manage to passed this one by dividing the tasks to each member.

Customer's Attitude – The proponents encountered different attitudes brought by their

customers. There are customers who are being demanding and they keep on asking about the

product even if everything about the business' product were written in the standee and menu of

the store. The proponents managed to solve this by being approachable and patient in facing all

the customers' demand.



Statement of Income
Sales 4,439.00
Cost of Goods Sold 4,209.20
Gross Profit 229.80
Transportation Expense 69.00
Net Income 160.80
Statement of Cash Flow
Operating Activities

Cash received from customers 4,439.00

Adjustment for increase in inventories (1,143.00) 3,296.00

Cash provided by operating activities 3,296.00

Investing Activities

Cash provided by investing activities

Financing Activities

Cash provided by financing activities

Increase in cash

Cash (Beginning) 4,250.00

Cash (End) 954.00

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