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Question :

1.) President Joko Widodo has launched a Global Maritim Fulcrum campaign since his first
term in 2014 aimed at reorienting Indonesia towards its maritime resources and power.
What do you think that Indonesian Government should do in the realm of diplomacy in
order to support this campaign ? Explain and analyze your answer
World Maritime axis is the concept conveyed by the President Jokowi in the East Asia SUMMIT
on November 13, 2014 in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. Jokowi further elaborate the doctrine of the
the construction of the infrastructure of the toll of the sea, the shipping industry and tourism
maritime and the implementation of maritime diplomacy, whether it's increased work the same
and the handling of conflict maritime, such as the theft of fish, violation of the sovereignty,
territorial disputes and maritime piracy maritime. The delivery of the national strategy Jokowi in
the conference of the states East Asia indicates the important thing. Jokowi bring a political
message while the message of the economy that for Indonesia, Asia East and Asia Pacific as a
whole play an important role for the stability of the security and the global economy. The
strategic environment of the Asia-Pacific region has been transformed into the area is important
in the arena of global politics. Main power on this area will be the competition placed a variety of
work like this better economy and security. Active China in strategic partnership with ASEAN in
recent years and the policy of One Belt One Road ‘unite’ the heart of Eurasia is the real evidence
this transformation. On the other hand, the United States also continues to improve the presence
and influence in the region through policy Shaft of the Pacific in the time of Barack Obama and
now in the time of Donald Trump, the United States also always perform a variety of excursions
and strategic cooperation various countries in the Asia Pacific region.
For me, World Maritime Axis, is a Strategy too Increase Indonesia's Economic Sector The
doctrine of the Maritime Axis is an effort to promote the role of the maritime economy and the
synergy of the construction of the national marine with a target of economic development, the
implementation is contained in the construction of the toll of the sea. The toll of the sea is an
attempt to create connectivity sea an effective form of ships sailing in routine and scheduled from
the region west to east Indonesia. In simple terms, the concept of the sea highway connecting the
the connection between the island and help access commerce and industrialization in order to
improve the welfare of the people and the economy of the country. The concept of the toll of the
sea implemented also as an increase in the performance of sea transportation through tissue repair
domestic and international shipping, the decline in dwelling time as a barrier to the performance
of the national ports, as well as increasing the role of sea transport. With subsidies and
development the toll of the sea is expected to develop the economy, defense and the unity of the
territorial waters of Indonesia.
2.) In your opinion, how effective is it a maritime inter governmental organization of IORA
(The Indian Ocean Rim Association) in order to contain China’s maritime hegemony in the
Indian Ocean?
In my opinion, Regional power (the power of the regional) is a terminology in international
relations that refers to on the strength of the country able to exert influence in the a regional
(region). Regional power has the military capacity, economic, politics, and the ideology that is
capable of influence the agenda of the security regional. In the perspective of the NeoGramscian
mention that regional power can grow into hegemony that is able to provide influence in the
global system. The Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA), formerly known for The Indian
Ocean Rim Association For Regional Cooperation (IORARC) is the initiative for regional
cooperation countries in the coastal Ocean Indian ocean. Relations between the countries in the
Indian Ocean coast is affected by a factor of historical where these countries have already
established interaction since a few centuries ago through trade, shipping, and pilgrimage. In
addition countries they also have in common experience the history that is located in under
imperialism European Nations. This closeness that encourage a number of countries in the Ocean
Indian ocean to improve the work the same socio-economic progress region.
IORA has a value very strategic for the Chinese. In general, there are six kepentinganmaritim
Chinese. First, the Chinese want to secure the islands last the beach, one is the Taiwan, The
chinese have interests strategist at the island is in the context of political nor economic. The
chinese want to consolidate the rule of the parts Chinese apart. The Chinese Government consider
Taiwan is part of the Chinese mainland and should be be a part of the territory of his country.
While Taiwan insist that the relationship between the Taiwan with the Chinese is the relationship
between the national not the relationship between the government center with propinsinya.
Taiwan see disabilities reunifica.
3.) ReCAAP with its headquarter in Malaysia is a regional government-to-government
agreement to promote and enhance cooperation against piracy and armed robbery against
ships in Asia. However, in reality, its role is regarded by some countries in Southeast Asia
as having similarities with the IMB (International Maritime Bureau) Reporting Center
with its headquarter in Malaysia, which is why Malaysia and Indonesia chose not to join the
ReCase. What do you think of the Crosscutting roles that these two organizations share?
Why Maaysia and Indonesia were not Interested in joining the ReCAAP? Explain and
analyze your answer!
Although during services authority Presediden Joko has Widodo the focus of foreign base in the
maritime field with VII Maritime axis The world, Indonesia does not semestinyya members of
the main focus for this issue piracy force in the Strait of SNI. This is indicated by not fusion
Indonesia with ReCAAP to deal with piracy in the Strait of Malacca and the waters of Indonesia.
However, Indonesia As a actors in maritime cooperation in the Indian Ocean Rim Unity (IORA).
Indonesia became this park IORA in the years 2015 and 2016 (IORA), 2016). This shows that in
the future a puff President Joko Widodo, Indonesia on maritime cooperation, however less
pertatian to control piracy in the Strait of SNI. Value by ReCAAP, IORA and the possibility of
having pbezaan that failed Indonesia and how to cope accompanying Rekaap. IORA is a
maritime cooperation is not only in the field of maritime safety, but also the field of trade,
fisheries, knowledge, technology, and wayfaring (IORA, 2017). IORA has 21 experts of the
country, which are the countries around the The Indian ocean region, namely Australia,
Bangladesh, Comoros, India, Indonesia, Iran, Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mauritius,
Mozambique, Oman, Mozambique, Singapore, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania,
Thailand, united Arab Emirates, And Yemen. He could see that not IORA countries members
'ligature additional region' seegerika America, Japan, and China. Third country only widened
dialogue congtion. This causing value by IORA different ReCAAP, which from the beginning of
the formation of the existing interference 'the power of the outside region',it is Japan.
Piracy is a threat for every country, but the way the state provides definitions of piracy can affect
the handling of piracy. In this case, countries such as Japan see piracy as a threat with which it
takes the cooperation of to handle it. ReCAAP as cooperation initiated by Japan also see piracy as
a threat together so how to handle it is to do with cooperation. In contrast to Japan, Indonesia
view of piracy that occurs in the region of Southeast Asia is a crime that occurs in the region
jurisdiction. Indonesia has the amount of piracy of the most high compared to other regions in
Asia. Therefore, Indonesia view that how to deal with piracy this with the national laws of
Indonesia and by involving other countries. ReCAAP use the definition of sea piracy in
accordance with the The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). On
UNCLOS mention that the crime of piracy that occurred on the high seas is ‘piracy’. UNCLOS
states that the crime of piracy this required cooperation between countries in the handle.
The principle of non-intervention Indonesia is then pushed Indonesia adheres to the norm
subsidiarity. ReCAAP is a collaboration between countries formed by the Japanese. With the
presence of Japan's cooperation for deal with piracy in the region, including the Strait of Malacca
has the interference strength of the extra-regional. Japan geographic is a country in East Asia
have a role in the handle piracy in the region of Southeast Asia, the Strait of Malacca. The Role
Of Japan this is the power of extra-regional. Japanese use values attached to the Japanese, such as
openness and transparency, to cooperation in the ReCAAP. Therefore, Indonesia adheres to the
values of non-intervention did not join with the ReCAAP because there are extra power regional
namely Japan.
The principle of Indonesia to reduce the role of the strength of ekstraregional in the security of
this country in accordance with the concept of resilience national. Indonesia, which has the
principle of national security, this means Indonesia stressed the concept of inward-looking in
overcoming the problems of the security of the state. The concept of inward-looking Indonesia
have a sense that in an effort to establish the national security of Indonesia not with the alliance
military and under the military state of the great power any. This shows that Indonesia is
independently resolve security issues in the region Indonesia including piracy that occurs in the
region of the sovereignty of Indonesia.

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