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Surah fatiha is the first surah of Holy Quran. The meaning of fatiha is opening.

The Holy Quran starts

from this surah this is the reason it is called fatiha. Surah fatiha is the summary of Holy Quran that’s why
it is also called as ummul Quran which means the mother of Quran. All the muslims recite it in daily
prayers. It is base and foundation of Holy Quran because in this surah all the subjects and headings of
Holy Quran is mentioned are deeply linked with this surah. It is not just a normal surah it is the most
essential part of salah without this surah salah is not acceptable.

This surah tell us about the oneness and the great fullness Of Allah. He is very gracious in entire
universe. His graciousness and his countless blessings cannot be compared with anyone else.

This serves a great purpose of asking almighty of granting one attainment of right path.

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