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The difference between these models;

According to the Broadband model, physical features of messages are used to select one
message for further processing while the others are deleted.
According to the Treisman model, both attended and unattended messages pass through
the attenuator, but only the attended message exits at full intensity.
1. How come Automatic Processing is part of Divided attention? Explain with the concept
of Processing Capacity and Perceptual Load.
When Roger was able to play his cell phone game while listening in on a nearby
conversation, he was able to divide his attention between two or more things. People can
also drive, converse, listen to music, and plan their activities for later in the day all at the
same time. Automatic processing is a sort of processing that occurs
(1) without purpose (i.e., without the person wanting to do it) and
(2) at the expense of only a portion of a person's cognitive resources.

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