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Book Review

M Hannan Siddiqui
Section: B
Submitted to: Sir Hasan Zaheer
Leading Through Digital Disruption

Chapter 1:
The book is about the digital disruption of this era. The largest challenge facing organizations
today is digital disruption. We constantly face new technologies and business models or new
ways to apply existing technologies and business models. There are many examples of how
new entrants or technologies have disrupted existing markets and completely wrapped out
established businesses from the market. Digital business is often a common component of
many of these disruptions. Some new entrants are not true disruptions, because they create a
temporarily hype in the market for (example Pokémon Go) and after sometime its usage gets
lower resulting in shift of people’s mind to new technology. A fundamental shift is what defines a
disruption, and it can alter the very core of value generation in many ways, some directly and
many secondarily. The ability to discern between fads, features and true disruptions is
becoming critical as the rate of new technologies and vendors continues to increase day by day.
The main challenge to manage disruption is to recognize, prioritize and respond appropriately.
CIOs can lead the organization to overcome the challenges of digital disruption and equip peers
to recognize and deal with digital disruption.

A disruption will completely redefine the market’s needs and cause a significant change in the
industry and beyond. For example, tablet computers like the iPad caused changes in application
development, impacted revenue of desktop and notebook computer manufacturers, and even
changed how humans interact with technology, with FaceTime as the first mobile conferencing
application. The effect of digital disruption is that it changes the fundamental expectations and
behaviors in a culture, market, industry.

The organizations that have taken advantage of digital capabilities in one form or another to
create and drive fundamental shifts is digital disruptors.

Nowadays CIOs are engaged inside and outside their enterprises to create new business
opportunities to improve operational effectiveness. The Companies who are successful
disruptors, have created a culture of innovation; that is, innovation is a normal day-to-day
activity not just a special meeting once in a month

One decision every enterprise will need to make efficiently when it comes to digital disruption is
how to respond to it. Many organizations lack the skills, resources and risk appetite to
realistically play the role of disruptor

The Digital disruptions should be viewed within three dimensions the scale of the disruption, the
reach and the richness of the experience. an enterprise that has an established culture of
innovation will be able to better respond to the uncertainty and risk that accompanies this era.

Chapter 2:

For becoming market leader five mindset traits can help you to become a market leader
against those of a successful disruptive digital leader.
 Thrive despite uncertainty,
 Focus on ideas that leapfrog ahead,
 Select your digital-era lever,
 Start experiment and learn,
 Innovate faster than others

Disruption in the digital world doesn’t just apply to companies. Technology itself must be
re-evaluated and experimented with as it matures. Companies that ignore potential
industry-changing technologies run the risk of falling behind.

The teams looked at its current mindset about customer privacy expectations because
of its planned digital disruption, evaluate what negativity affect customers perception of
the new value, considered potential negative ramifications to the company beyond low
sales and analyze what would need to shift to minimize negative consequences By
changing the viewpoints with which you view a situation and placing it in company that
fits of your future market reality, you can create the new context for the needed change.

Chapter 3:

Today, blockchain hype has gained visibility in mass media and in the technology press
as consultants and vendors promise to help your company leverage this technology for
digital transformation

An explanation of blockchain begins with the bitcoin cryptocurrency, since it is the first
implementation of distributed ledger technology, launched in 2009 now, about 500
million transactions later, managing assets worth more than $70 billion.

CIOs should explore the potential of this disruptive technology but also recognize the
limitations of the current generation of blockchain platforms. They should gain an
understanding of the current state of the art by doing basic proofs of concept, followed
by implementing tactical, narrow-scope deployments that solve specific business

Explaining blockchain to the board is challenging. It’s a complicated technology that has
been overhyped. CIOs need to explain that companies that do nothing about blockchain
run the risk of being left behind

Artificial intelligence is changing the way in which organizations innovate and

communicate their processes, products and services2

Any industry with very large amounts of data so much that humans can’t possibly
handle or understand it on their own but they can utilize by using artificial intelligence.
Current examples of Al include Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana and Google Assistant.
Chapter 4:

The companies who known for its innovation and disruption and companies of all sizes
can look to the e-commerce company for strategies on structuring the organization for
long-term disruption.

In Some organization the employees or IT staff will not be initiating the disruptive
innovation. The CIO and IT team should create a strategy to work with business-unit
leaders as they consider being disruptive and deal with disruption coming from
competitors that affects their business.

These are the five best practices for how any business can respond to and lead for
digital disruption.

 Proactively scan and respond to digital disruptions

 Establish a diverse trend-spotting capability
 Scope innovation efforts based on strategic priorities
 Focus on collaborative governance, less on assurance
 Look for threats as much as opportunities

From reading the book my point of views is that a CIO is responsible for creating and
innovative culture in which employees work in a friendly environment and innovation in
their business is its top most priority, because of innovation in technology and digital
business models continues to disrupt markets. The book is all about today’s disruptive
world in which new and new technologies came and wipe out old technologies. For the
survival of old business models, they must need to compete with existing technology
because if they cannot do it they failed in the market. Change your mindset implement
new things and system that motivates employees and your customer to purchase. The
companies who knows how to respond can achieve excellence in market.

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