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Ju’Tyra Scott


Psy 215

Management Plan

Management Plan


In my future classroom, I would like to have an honest,safe, and respectful

environment. I would like for the classroom to be a family-like environment and free of

judgement. I would show respect and understanding to the students as I would hope

they would show to me. I feel these morals and ideas should be shown to students as

they would need these things to prosper in life. I believe everyone has a different

upbringing which can make them different from others and we must be open to

understand them and their reasoning. I would also like to teach them to respectfully

disagree with each other. Even if you don’t like their way of thinking you must be able to

show them respect.

In chapter eight of the book, Kohn highlights Kohn's philosophy of building a

community. I enjoy this chapter and would hope to reflect these key points into my

classroom. One having effective praise ( pg 143) when the child has done something

great in the classroom. Effective praise is showing praise in private, assuring the praise

is real and not phony, as well as giving praise that doesn’t start a competitive

environment amongst the students. This praise allows you to give kudos while not

hooking the student onto praise, as some students will only do good out of hope and
feeling of receiving praise. You want the praise to build the child’s self-esteem not stroke

his or her ego.

Another chapter I'm in favor of is chapter six (pg 101) as it explains giving

discipline with dignity. As a teacher you never want to belittle or break down a child as a

form of discipline. This philosophy is of Curwin and Mendler. They share how the

students and teacher share these four sets of needs: Personal identity, Connectedness,

Power, and Achievement. Everyone in the classroom should have a sense of positive

self image, as we should all strive to be the best us. We should all feel connected and

like a unit in the room, no one should feel like the odd one out. The sense of control and

power should be established amongst everyone. You want to feel like you have control

of your life and no one is forcing you to do anything. Lastly, Achievement in the

classroom, classroom control for the teacher and academic achievement for the

students should be present.


I plan on working in an elementary school, preferably public. My biggest hope of

working with children is to make an impact. I would like to use these young ages as a

time to build the child’s character before they get to puberty or pre-teens. It seems to

me it is harder to connect and change some of the learned behavior in older children. A

big part of teaching for me is making sure the student’s feel they have rights to free

thinking and being their own person. I always want the student to feel like they are

human and not just a child in a world of adults. I personally have ran into the feeling of
pleasing the teacher or adults rather than thinking for myself. You should always feel

like you have the right to say “no” and respectfully disagree.

I would want all my practices to still fall under the basic school rules. I would

strive to make sure I reflect those rules as well. Showcasing respectfulness,

responsibility for my actions and belongings, assuring safety amongst staff and

students, lastly treating others how I would want to be treated.

In the past I’ve worked with students who were seen as at-risk. I enjoy working

with this group of students because you are able to see growth in them as time goes on.

I’ve seen many teachers act like it’s their way or the highway for some students. I don’t

want to be seen as one sided or stubborn to students because they stress and have

pressure on them too.


The procedures within the class help keep the class a safe, clean, and a

manageable space. I would let the children know what I expect from them before each

task. When I first meet the children I would make the basic procedures of the class

known and post them somewhere the children are able to ask about and read.

1. Entering Class

a. Put all your belongings away, grab all materials needed for class.

b. Shake, fist bump, sideways hug the teacher saying “Goodmorning, How

are you?”

c. Grab a water bottle or ask to go to the water fountain before the teacher

starts and do a bathroom check.

d. Have a seat at your desk quietly.

2. Teacher is teaching!

a. Sit up and be attentive to what she is saying.

b. Raise your hand when you have something to say.

c. Don’t start side conversations with friends.

d. Write down things you may have found confusing or doodle a picture that

may help you remember your question.

3. Bathroom Break

a. Wait until group bathroom break

b. If emergency, raise hand and mark off emergency bathroom break as only

get two extra outside of classroom bathroom breaks.

c. Take a Bathroom pass and return in five minutes or less.

d. If you have any urinary or bowel problems ask parents to communicate

with the teacher about them. Nothing too in depth a note, a phone call or

face-to-face will work.

4. Recess and coming in

a. You’ll be given 3 minutes after the bell rings or recess call to make it to the

class line.

b. You stay on school property areas, where you are able to be seen.

c. We respect each other's space and right to not play a game.

d. Soft touch and non-aggressive play when we are playing games with

e. When problems arrive, attempt to solve them respectfully, if not able to,

find the nearest teacher for help or simply find another game to play

somewhere else.

5. Pencil sharpening

a. You should be prepared at the beginning of class and after recess with two


b. If possible, have a personal pencil sharpener and share with those at your


c. If not, wait for a quiet moment, raise your hand and request to sharpen

your pencil.

6. Before Leaving

a. Ask questions about anything confusing in class that day.

b. Prepare as much as possible for the next day, making sure you have

pencils and homework and due dates.

c. Shake a friend's hand and tell them about your day.

d. Push in chairs and clean the desk area with wet towelette.

e. Every Friday we will clean backpacks, desks, and folders.

7. Student attention

a. Call and response taught at the beginning of school. Changes every month.

b. Quiet coyote.

c. Hand Clap

a. Students are able to sit at tables where there are two boys and two girls.

b. Students seat arrangements are adjusted when they’ve become distracted by the

group. Every other seating arrangement is chosen by the students.

c. Each seat has a color that correlates with a set of students from different tables.


I would have the basic school rules posted in the classroom. Two days into the

school year, I would have a class meeting allowing the children to come up with the

rules of the class. They would also be writing these rules on a page in their notebooks

and I will write them down on a piece of poster paper to be posted in the classroom.

When we’ve agreed on the rules I would have the children sign their name at the bottom

along with date and time. I would then go around and check that page and stamp it as a

sign of me agreeing to the terms as well. When the children give a rule they must have

a reasoning or scenario that rule would be used in. A blind vote will be used to see what

rules are staying. I will hold a class meeting monthly to talk about the rules and allow

discussion of change or understanding of the rule.


I will always give positive reinforcement in a non-competitive manner. I will

acknowledge good doing for singular students in private manner. When the class is

doing good as a unit I will count those towards points for a classroom chill day or party.

Every quarter I will attempt to highlight every child's good doing, with a certificate and a

healthy treat or toy.


When rules are broken I will use the philosophy of Albert and Nelson , Natural

and Logical consequences. Natural consequences occur when the action they do

backfires on them as long as it doesn’t threaten their safety and self-esteem. Then also

using logical consequences making sure they are : related ,reasonable, respectful,

reliably enforced, revealed. Consequences for breaking the rules will be posted next to

the rules in a 3 step warning. I will verbally warn you once, the second warning is a

private conversation between the student and I about the next time it happens, third a

rewriting of the rules and consequences and a note home. If these actions become a

daily thing we will instantly go to the second step of warning, then talk with principle if



I would model the rules and system of the class daily. I will have posters with

rules and consequences and class systems posted. At the bottom of those posters I will

have a question pocket allowing the students to ask questions about the rules. Every

other day I will empty the pockets out and answer the questions for the students. I will

always be open for questions the students may have at the beginning or end of class.

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