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                                    Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf was a famous English novelist,
critic and essayist. She was the daughter of a
prominent Victorian critic, Sir Leslie Stephen.
This essay4werewre, The Eclipse reveals her
vivid observation and artistic description of
details.ewrerew This is her one of
representative essays4ew which shows her
qualities and attitudsgwretdes as a writer.
describes the scene of solar eclipse that
lasted for twenty four second. It also projects
the excitement of the people of England who 
were very eager to see the solar eclipse. It
was a night in the month of June, when large
number of people was travelling to the North.
All of them wanted to reach Yorkshire by the
early morning so that they could see the solar
eclipse clearly.
 People had reached at the Euston Railway
station from the different parts of the
country. Everybody was up at that night.
There was no fixity, no sleep in England at
that night..They felt themselves related to the
whole world .The crowd went on increasing
as the people on the way were joining them.
Finally they reached the meeting place on a
high fell. The ground was soft moorland
.They sat down on the ground and some of
them started eating while others were
moving about. They looked like statue
standing prominent at the ridge of the
world.None of them had good appearance.
Gradually the sun started rising and threw its
golden grays on the ground. The sky was
cloudy somewhat. Soon the sun started
shining in full glory.

 And the snow began to melt.But in no time

the clouds covered the sun. A game of hide
and seek began between the sun and the
clouds and it created suspense among the
viewers.It appeared that the clouds tried to
obstruct the path of the sun whereas the sun
dashed forward to reach its goal.

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