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Fernando Govantes Romero CABD

Principal Investigator at CABD Univ. Pablo de Olavide/CSIC Carretera de Utrera km. 1
Phone: +34 954 977877 41013 Sevilla, SPAIN
Fax: 954349376

Structural and functional characterization of the high molecular weight adhesin LapA
in Pseudomonas putida
3-year postdoc fellowship

We are Fernando Govantes and Aroa López-Sánchez, researchers on Pseudomonas putida

biofilm regulation at CABD (Sevilla, Spain). Our group is interested in deciphering signals and
mechanisms driving the lifestyle switch in this model organism using multidisciplinary approaches.
One of the current research lines includes the structural and functional characterization of the
high molecular weight adhesin LapA. LapA is the main determinant of cell-surface and cell-cell
interactions during biofilm development in the Gram-negative soil bacterium Pseudomonas putida.
LapA is a gigantic (>8800 aminoacid) protein anchored to the outer membrane and extending into
the extracellular milieu. LapA displays a complex domain architecture including an N-terminal region
containing the determinants for outer membrane anchoring and a proteolytic cleavage site, an
extended central region containing multiple Ig-like repeats, and a C-terminal domain containing a
predicted Calx-β domain, a von Willebrand factor- type A domain and six copies of a repeat-in-toxins
(RTX) motif. The goal of this proposal is to clarify the involvement of the different domains in LapA
in its known function as an adhesion factor. In addition, we will explore the hypothesis that LapA may
act as a surface mechanosensor to trigger the biofilm development genetic program when cells
commit to surface colonization. The work plan includes a) In silico modeling of the LapA domains,
b) functional analysis of the large adhesion protein LapA. and c) exploring a possible role of LapA
as a surface mechanosensor.

We are looking for motivated postdocs to apply for a 3-years Junta de Andalucía (regional
government) fellowship. Requirements are to have obtained the PhD for less than 5 years. Having
a competitive CV in terms of scientific production, postdoctoral experience and a background in
molecular microbiology and/or bioinformatics will be considered. If you are interested in joining our
team in a really friendly scientific environment and a sunny city, contact us before June 7.

Link to the call:

Link to the CABD web:

Fernando Govantes Romero.
Aroa López Sánchez.

Campus Univ. Pablo de Olavide. Ctra. de Utrera km.1. 41013 Sevilla (ESPAÑA). Tlfno: +34 954348652 – Fax: +34 954349376

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