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Role-Play #1: Interviewing a celebrity

A: Hello and welcome to tonight’s show! This is Jeremy, and he is our special guest
for the evening, he is a talented and famous writer.
Thank you for joining us and welcome to Celebrity Spotlight. I'm very excited to have
you here.
B: Oh, thank you for having me here.
A: I appreciate it. So, I really wanted to ask you about this, are you married or single?
B: I'm married. No, I'm kidding. I'm single.
A: Okay, this information is for my single audience, so please don’t get me wrong.
B: Okay, let's get start then.
A: Do you like being a celebrity?
B: Well. I don't consider myself a celebrity whom the public can recognize.
A: Ok, then…would you like to be more recognizable on the street?
B: Oh no, I love the way things are at the moment.
A: Next question then…If you weren’t a writer, what else would you like to be?
B: I think I would be a singer.
A: Which other learnt skills do you have? Do you know how to speak other language
or languages? What are your hobbies? Do you play a musical instrument?
B: Yes, I can speak Spanish fluently, but I'm very bad at playing musical instruments.
A: You said that you would’ve liked to be a singer, who is the singer that you admire
the most?
B: That’s an easy one! That’d be Adelle. love her very much, and thus I wish to meet
her one day.
Great choice, if she was here right now, what would you say to her?
A: For starters, I would be shocked. Then, I’d ask her for an autograph and a picture
with her as well.
B: Are you friendly or shy?
A: I consider myself very shy, and thus love spending time at home on my own.
B: Actually, what do you like to do in your free time? I mean, which other hobbies do
you have?
A: I like cooking and love spending lots of time with my pets.
B: Interesting.
Role-play #2: At the restaurant

Nancy: Good morning, a table for four please.

Ada: Welcome to "catrachos gourmet" please follow me, here is your menu.

Nancy: Give me a moment please.

Ada: Are you ready to order?

Nancy: Yes, I would like to order fried fish yojoa style, and for my mom what do you

Ada: Okay, for your mom we have a delicious bean soup with chicharron and meat.

Nancy: Okay.

Ada: Do you want anything else?

Nancy: No, thank you.

Ada: What would you like to drink?

Nancy: We'd like a fresh juice, what flavors do you have?

Ada: We have lemon, tamarind and blackberry juices.

Nancy: Let's order two blackberry juices.

Ada: Is that all?

Nancy: Can we order the lemon tart dessert to go?

Ada: Yes, you can.

Nancy: Can I have the check, please?

Ada: Sure, here you go.

Nancy: Can I pay by credit card?

Ada: I'm sorry, we only accept cash...

Nancy: That's okay, here you go. Thank you for the excellent service.

Ada: a pleasure to serve you, thank you for your visit, we look forward to seeing you

Role-play #3: Shopping for a Mother’s Day gift

Nancy: welcome to the exclusive jewelry store. how can I help you?

Ada: hi I am looking for a gift for mother's day, can you help me?

Nancy: Sure, I can help you.

Ada: I'm looking for a necklace but if you have something better.

Nancy: Ok I have several options that you would like. And, how much do you want to

Ada: Well, let's see... about $100.

Nancy: tenemos estos collares de oro

Ada: wow... qué bonito, ¿cuánto cuestan?

Nancy: este cuesta 250 dólares

Ada: Oh, it's very expensive. I want to see another one.

Nancy: Of course, I'll help you with that. Well, we have this other one and it's beautiful

Ada: oh, it's so elegant, what's the price on this one?

Nancy: it costs $150.00

Ada: ok, I think I can spend a little more to surprise mom.

Nancy: That's a nice choice.

Ada: do you have one just like it for me?

Nancy: of course I have one right here. your total is $300 .... do you pay cash or credit

Ada: Credit card please. thank you for your help.

Nancy: I am happy to help.

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