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Había una vez un niño llamada Samuel que era de muy mala
conducta y no respetaba los derechos y deberes en el hogar, en la
comunidad, en el liceo y en todos los lugares a donde iva, los
vecinos no lo apreciaban por lo mismo. Un día llego un compañero
a conversar con Samuel para ver si cambiaba su actitud y le dijo,
que él lo iba a ayudar, Samuel acepto porque se dio cuenta que
estaba violando los derechos y deberes de las personas. Lo
primordial que tenía que saber era que le habían dado el derecho a
la vida, derecho a una familia, derecho a la salud, derecho a la
educación, entre otros y ya sabiendo estos derechos comenzó a
cumplir con los deberes que son; deber a cumplir con las
asignaciones en el hogar y en el colegio, respetar a la familia,
respetar los derechos de las demás personas, también cumplir con
un acorde aseo personal y preservar la salud. Finalmente Samuel
puso en práctica lo que el compañero le había enseñado y cambio
su forma de ser. FIN.


Once upon a time there was a boy named Samuel who was very
misbehaving and did not respect the rights and duties at home, in
the community, in the high school and in all the places where he
went, the neighbors did not appreciate him for the same thing. One
day a colleague came to talk to Samuel to see if his attitude
changed and said that he was going to help him, Samuel accepted
because he realized that he was violating the rights and duties of
people. The main thing that he had to know was that he had been
given the right to life, the right to a family, the right to health, the
right to education, among others, and knowing these rights, he
began to fulfill the duties that are; duty to comply with assignments
at home and at school, respect the family, respect the rights of
others, also comply with a personal hygiene agreement and
preserve health. Finally Samuel put into practice what his partner
had taught him and changed his way of being. END.

Duties are responsibilities that ensure social integrity and protect
rights. These duties allow us to have more independence, freedom
and assume new responsibilities necessary for adult life, and the
rights are inherent to all human beings, without distinction of
nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color,
religion. , language, or any other condition. We all have the same
rights, without any discrimination.

Lista de Deberes y derechos:


1 Respect the family.

2 Respect the rights of other people.

3 Meet your educational obligations.

4 Support with homework.

5 Comply with a personal grooming chord.

6 Preserve your health.

7 Contribute to the conservation of the environment.

8 Citizen participation.

9 Responsible for your freedom of expression.


1 right to life

2 Right to privacy

3 right to health

4 right to do sports

5 right to a family

6 right to health

7 education rights

8 Right to Food

Adolescent: The stage that comes after childhood and that covers
from puberty to the full development of the organism is known as
adolescence. ... It is a change of body and mind, but it not only
occurs in the adolescent himself, but also combines with his

Boy: he is a person who has not yet reached maturity sufficient to

become independent.

Little girl: It is that female person who is going through the stage of
human life called childhood

Straight: are related to attitudes that are expected of all human

beings, regardless of their origin, ethnicity or living conditions

Lifetime: It can mean both the space of time that elapses from the
moment of conception, some moment of gestation, or from birth to

Health: it is the general state of a living organism, as it executes its

vital functions in an efficient way, which allows it to function properly
in its environment.

Education: is understood as the process by which the knowledge,

habits, customs and values of a society are transmitted to the next

Respect: it is a positive feeling that refers to the action of respecting;

it is equivalent to having veneration, appreciation and recognition for
a person or thing.

Family: The group of people who have a degree of kinship and live
as such is designated as a family.

Human rights: are rights inherent to all human beings, without

distinction of nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic
origin, color, religion, language, or any other condition.

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