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Direct Instruction Model Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Learning How to Effectively Listen

Targeted Grade Level: Kindergarten/First Grade

Academic Subject: Character Building

Lesson Goals:

Students will be able to communicate with others through effective listening skills.

Lesson Objectives:

 Learning to listen effectively. What it looks like and sounds like.

 Checking for understanding through role-play.
 Practice listening skills.
 Guided practice.
 Independent practice.

Materials/Resources Needed:

 5 Ls of Listening Poster

Lesson Components:

Phase One: Orientation

During phase one the teachers’ expectations are presented by explaining the objective of the
lesson to the class. The teacher states the objective and has the class repeat the objective.
Example, “Students will understand what listening looks like and how listening sounds.” The
teacher highlights areas within the class that students will need to exhibit listening skills (when
the teacher is presenting instructions, when a classmate is talking, when completing assignments,

The teacher will discuss the lesson procedures by telling the class that they will have circle time
once a week and during circle time a topic will be discussed, each classmate will provide their
opinion and students are to effectively listen through their actions.

Students will raise their hand in order to share with their class. The teacher will verbally identify
the student chosen to speak. Students will be reminded that when it’s time for sharing they are to
stop what they are doing and exhibit behaviors that supports effectively listening (calm body,
quiet mouth, eye contact, body language).

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Phase Two: Presentation

During phase two the teacher will provide examples of effective listening.
The teacher will model welcoming the students to the circle time. Students will welcome their
peers by turning to those sitting next them and welcome them to circle time.

Teacher: “Hello class welcome to circle time. Let us welcome our peers.”

Teacher acts like a student and welcomes the peer next to her. Then the teacher introduces a
topic of discussion. For example, the teacher asks the peer next to her, “What fun activity did
you do this weekend?” As the student responds the teacher exhibits a calm body by not moving,
sitting crisscross and hands in her lap. The teacher further exhibits a quiet mouth and eye contact
toward her peer that is talking. The teacher also shakes her head so that her peer knows she is
listening. After her peer is finished the teacher posses’ questions to ensure that the class
understood what they saw.

Teacher: What listening skills did I display?

Students: “You looked at your partner.” “You did not interrupt your partner.”

Phase Three: Structured Practice

During phase three the teacher will provide an example of each step on how to effectively listen.

Tabikh, D. (2019). Five Ls of Listening [Image].

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Further the teacher will walk through each step with the students.

Phase Four: Guided Practice

The teacher will allow students to practice on their own while providing support as needed
through corrective feedback.

Teacher: “Hello class welcome to circle time. Let us welcome our peers.”

Students: Turn to the person to their right and welcomes their peer to circle time by saying, “Hi
friend welcome to circle time.”

Students further identify the 5 Ls in Listening.

Phase Five: Independent Practice

Students will be closely monitored each week and will begin to achieve an accuracy level
between 95-90 percent during guided practice. Students will start to perform the tasks
independently without the help or feedback of the teacher until later after the exercise is


Each student will be evaluated throughout each phase by gather feedback through questions and
teacher observing listening skill behaviors.

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