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In so many ways we will enter a new phase, Monday we start teaching.

I have allowed
and asked the members of the Mozans to introduce them selves worldwide, they speak
about eight to ten languages, they will start teaching across as on when ever they wish.
Maybe some of you may know one or the other, their identity was kept till the course was
finished today. They have the freedom to start elevating and teaching. They have been told
the secret of Space in how they can achieve motion, what is the condition and as they
teach they been enlightend to learn of what they learned and been able to expand and
extend on it. They introduce them selves as they wish to and they start teaching across in
at least eight, ten languages amongst them what they do.
This is the next step which we open as of Monday, that we start teaching the secret of
existence in the Universe. We kept their identity now they have finised they return back to
their homes, or leave tomorrow, and then there on we can learn, we can learn a lot from
them, it has been a intensive teaching and they have learned a lot they changed their life a
lot, and in so many ways, with them teaching, a lot will be opened to a lot of peoples that
we speed up the process of, what i call, uniting human race through the one understanding
of totality of the soul of the man. Monday they there on, they have the freedom to do as we
said today, we ??? for food, we call it the last suffer this spread, we spread the knowledge
of the soul of the man, never been done before, and in a way they have all the wisdom,
they come from totally different background, from different part of the world, and with it
they carry the Ethos of the Foundation and Universal Consil and Universal Community. It
have been a pleasure to have them with us, they are highly, highly charged in so many
ways with what they can carry and what they can teach and its beautiful to see them, the
way they have matured the way they have becomed one, in a way one person, one soul,
they are in so many ways excited, that they can share the knowledge and they never
thought when they come here, they will reach this state and that will be as of Monday not
only we go for development of the peace, we start teaching the process of elevating the
soul and understanding the structure of it. As we said in the other teachings in the past
week, when we started with Nano and Gans everybody was bothered about it when we
went from the Gas Reactors to Gans Reactors and then the same way, now that we start
teaching the soul past three four month, this time is inside the man and you are all afraid of
it up to now you could see it, it was there and now is not there anymore is part of you
which is there. This will frighten a lot of peoples but in a way is the fear of beeing able to
walk in the dimension of the Universe. In a way once you understand it, it becomes the
most joyful time of life for the man. If you all understand, when we set up the asked for and
we talked about setting up of the replacement for the leaders as those who want to accept
the charge for their nation, those who accept and the members of the Concils will be
enlightend an know so many ways they will become part of the structure. The structure
means, most of you who became member of the Council, you have already understood
whith the teaching which comes from the, what we call the Mozans, you will find out there
is nothing to be afraid off. We have become passengers of the Universe and it will become
so easy, the time and the place is now, we changed it, we have trained four, with this four
we will train thousands, because they are there to train, all of them of the same level. Do
not force them, let them teach you from their soul. Do not ask questions, to trying to show
you are clever or you understand or you want to understand more. Allow them to share
knowledge with the comfort of their soul. Man is ready to take into Space. I do n`t see
August to September, i see man ready today to go. And as i said to them today, man is in
the Space already, we have learned, we have trained, and they will train you, and they will
teach you, is very much when Armen and the others start showing the Gans and the
Reactors, and you got in to them, now these Mozans, as they like they will introduce them
selves and they will teach you the way. Then you understand even it might not even need
to go for that process if the process goes very fast.
When i start teaching about the soul don`t get scared, don`t be afraid, because its very
much, remember when we start talking about the Nanomaterial and we understood that
the Chinese have been in Nano making for years and they have been making Ganses in
their pots we already know the process, now we come to understand how to handle the
process how to be the part of process, how to enjoy the process in what we knew and we
did not want to comfirm it, because we never understood it. The soul of the man is the
Creator of the man and now for the first time you come to in touch with your soul. You
come to understand what you was something that was happening you understand is you
which is make it to happend. This is the beauty of what is going to come. And if we reach
that point and in the teaching if next two or three weeks we manage to raise the soul of
millions of peoples to understand what the soul is and how they can operate it and how
they can work with it, we might not even reach to August. The soul of the humanity raises
that the guns and the arms would be left on the floor, nobody wants to touch. Its so simple,
and its a virus, when it touches one it goes epidemic. We have seen it many times in the
Universes, its not the first time. Does not know animal from man, does not know one race
from the other, its very much like when you have a flue going across it does n`t matter
what nation. I called it the black death, the death of the past and the beginning of the new.
Blackness because what we have been through as a man, as a human race is so dark, is
better to forget.
But with the teaching of the soul, there is nothing but a bright future for man. There is no
other better time than today, and as i said, one of the Mozans asked me, how come things
changed from two days ago to today, i said, past time the man has matured. The maturity
is so fast we see it, the way you responded, the way we teach many of you, many of you
will start understanding your soul and many of you because you understand your soul you
will bring the behavier of the anxx into your life. And then you see why have n`t been told
for Centuries and Thousands of years? My friends, its the third time we are teaching. Last
time we thought we told to the peoples who was supposed to teach in Senegal, in
Temples, and they kept it away to abuse the man. This time, because of the
communication, its easy for us. That`s simple. Its the time and the place to feed the soul of
the man and in so many ways its time to come to change.
From Monday we work on two paths, one how for you to reach your soul, how to elevate it,
how to interact with everything else that it can raise the level of the souls, and then you
understand how collectively everything will start changing. You where afraid, you should
not be, because where does your arm comes from? Where does your eye comes from?
Where does your emotion comes from? It comes from your soul. Now i show you how to
control your soul, i show you how to speak through your soul, i show you how to
communicate your feelings through your soul, i show you how you can expand the spans
of your soul, that you do n`t need a physical dimension. I teach it. The all has been told to
the Mozans. I show you how you can absorb energy of the Universe without ever touching
food, the true way not the ways others tried up to now. We teach you everything needed
and with that, if you are a true man of peace you create peace in the dimension whithout
words. As i said to the Mozans many times, if i do, i become Moses or Crist, opening the
sea or raising the death, but when all of you do, you appreciate the knowledge of the
humanity, the knowledge of the Universal Concil, the knowledge of the Universal Comunity
On Monday we start teaching on Monday we start the process of Peace, but it has to go
hand in hand. I will not teach the same a before, i will not speak the same as before. I
teach you in a way, that you understand, where you came from, why you are here, how
you can absorb, and how you can give unconditionally to every soul. The Kings will kneel
in front of humanity, apologising for what they have done to humanity. Very simple. Its not
the day of jugdement is the day of understanding the end of separation and hirarchy has
comed. I have lived that life, i lived amongst you and with peoples, the same as every
other man does. I never separated my self. And that`s has to be the pattern of the xxx of
the foundation. The minute you separate you have finished, as long a you live amongst the
peoples, this is where you will be. This is the pattern and the way we shall operate, i teach
you everything that those of you who are close to your soul, you get enlightened, you will
fly in no time, those of you who are here to do damage to your self or to the others or use
the knowledge to create mayhem for yourself and the others, will find out even what you
had, you will loose. That`s the balance of the power in light.

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