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Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard

Q1/What is the main idea of the poem?

It talking about the death that's mean all people die in the end
regardless of social class or talent as the power of death makes
every one equal.
‫يتحدث عن الموت وهذا يعني أن كل الناس يموتون في النهاية بغض النظر عن‬
.‫الطبقة االجتماعية أو الموهبة ألن قوة الموت تجعل الجميع متساوين‬
Q2/ What is the meaning of Elegy?
Poem or song expressing sorrow or sadness especially for
someone who is dead
‫قصيدة أو أغنية تعبر عن الحزن أو الحزن خاصة لمن مات‬
Q3/What is the meaning of Country?
It means Countryside or rural .
Q4/ What is the meaning of Churchyard?
A yard that belongs to a church and is often used as a burial
.‫ساحة تابعة للكنيسة وغالبًا ما تستخدم كمقبرة‬
Q5/ What is the meaning of Epitaph?
A phrase or words written in a memory of person who has dead
especially as an inscription on a tompstone.
.‫عبارة أو كلمات مكتوبة في ذكرى شخص مات خاصة كنقش على عالمة مميزة‬
Q6/ What is the metaphor of thia poem?
Gray uses these two metaphors to compare the dead in the
churchyard to beautiful things that are never seen:- a gem in a
dark ocean care and blooming flower in a barren desert .
‫يستخدم جراي هاتين االستعارتين لمقارنة الموتى في فناء الكنيسة باألشياء الجميلة‬
.‫ جوهرة في محيط مظلم للعناية وزهرة تتفتح في صحراء قاحلة‬- :‫التي لم ت ُ َر قط‬
Importance of love
Helping or cooperation between every class.
Social class
There is no different between all people because they have the
same fate (the death) .
All people die in the end regardless of social class or talent as
the power of death makes every one equal.
‫عنوان القصيدة‬
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
‫الكاتب‬William Blake
Sad and melancholic
Setting/ Place:-in the churchyard
Time :- After the sunset
Note:- All symbols refers to the death.

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