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April 27, 2021

4m 8s


Welcome to Ace Linguistics. This channel is about all things linguistic.

So, let's see what we've got today.

Did you know the word p? Like chickpea was actually not pee. In the beginning it was piece then people like in speaking do you
always hear it as a sound at the end and say is usually the sound for the plur suffix in English. So people get this sense that the word
peace is actually plural and then they say, oh so the singular should be P. So 1p and 2p s, so by analogy.

People might actually create new words, analogy may result in creativity. There was a time in English, that peas as I transcribed
piece meant P, but it seems to have sounded like a plural because of the Z sound at the end. So, English speakers treated the Z as
the pies, a plural suffix, and started using p as a singular form. So it means that a new word has been created.

A similar situation. For example when you have the word learner is the agent of learning, so er is the agentive suffix. So if you see
another word that has, ER, in its sound at the end, for example, the word Peddler has been treated as the agent and the verb has
been pedal, or swindler has become swindled. So swindler is now treated as the person who does it and swindle is the action.

Poker has become stuck and most familiar of all the word editor. So people thought editor is actually a person then they said ah, so
the verb should be added from the word enthusiasm. The verb enthuse I spent back formed back form this. You take enthusiasm as
the action or the state and then you'd arrive.

I've you shorten it to enthuse and you derive a new word. So enthusiasm Remains the noun, enthuse becomes the verb.

So when a part of a word is thus removed, and the result is treated. As a new word, the process called back formation and usually it's
a new category.

Back formation is a reduction process because it shortens the word.

Similar examples of back-formation are like action, gave rise to act. Revision was just a noun but then speakers created the revised
as a verb exemption, then exempt.

First, the word babysitter existed. But then the word babysit was derived from it through the process of back formation.

Did you know that preempt was back? Formed from preemption. So, in all of these, all of these examples, the second word was back,
formed from the first word, okay, and burglar. Now the AR has been treated like an agent. If a gentile of suffix or agentive, suffix and
the word burgle has been created.

Thanks for your time and attention and see you again soon.

Automated transcription by Sonix

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