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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Province of Lanao del Norte
District of Bacolod
Pagayawan Integrated School

1ST Quarter Examination

Oral Communication - Grade 11
S.Y. 2019-2020

NAME: ___________________________________________ SCORE: _________

Part A. Identify the function, features and barriers to communication in each of the
following situations. Write your answers on the space provided.

______________1. functions to convey information.

______________2. facilitates people’s expression of their feelings and emotions.

______________3. motivates or encourages people to live better.
______________4. allows individuals to interact with others.
______________5. functions to control behavior.
______________6. is essential to the quality of the communication process in general.
______________7. does not mean keeping the message short, but making it direct or
straight to the point. Insignificant or redundant information should be
eliminated from the communication that will be sent to the recipient.
______________8. To be effective, the speaker should always consider relevant
information about his/her receiver such as mood, background, race,
preference, education, status, and needs, among others.
______________9. Effective communication happens when the message is concrete
and supported by facts, figures, and real-life examples and situations

_____________10. The speaker respecting the culture, values, and beliefs of his/her
_____________11. You are having a conversation with some friends when a song was
played loudly.
_____________12. You are asked to share something about your day but you are
hesitant because you are shy.
_____________13. You are a scientist discussing a certain whether phenomenon.
_____________14. You sit in a meeting or class where you think the speaker is boring.
_____________15. You are having a bad day or you feel frustrated.

Part B. Direction: Identify the correct answer inside the box, and write your answer in
the space provided.

Frozen Dyad Communication

Casual Intimate

Interpersonal Intrapersonal
Consultative Small Group

Formal Public Mass Communication

____________16. This style is common among peers and friends. Jargon, slang, or the
vernacular language are used.

____________17. This style remains unchanged. It mostly occurs in ceremonies.

____________18. This style is private, which occurs between or among close family
members or individuals.
____________19. This style is the standard one. Professional or mutually acceptable
language is a must in this style.

____________20. This style is used in formal settings. Unlike the consultative style, this
is one-way.
____________21. This type refers to communication that requires you to deliver or send
the message before or in front of a group.

____________22. Communication that occurs between two people.

____________23. This refers to communication that involves at least three but not more
than twelve people engaging in a face-to-face interaction to achieve a desired goal.

____________24. This refers to communication that centers on one person where the
speaker acts both as the sender and the receiver of message.

____________25. This refers to communication between and among people and

establishes personal relationship between and among them.
____________26. This refers to communication that takes place through television,
radio, newspapers, magazines, books, billboards, internet, and other types of media.
Part C
Directions: Identify the type of Verbal Communication.

____________25. Words that vividly or creatively describe things or feelings usually add
color and spice to communication.

___________26. Words should be carefully chosen in consideration of the gender,

roles, ethnicity, preferences, and status of the person or people you are talking to.

____________27. to clearly state your message and express your ideas and feelings.
____________28. Avoid fillers and insubstantial expressions which do not add to the

____________29. The language that you use should be appropriate to the environment
or occasion

____________30. refers to an interaction in which words are used to relay a message.

____________31. refers to an interaction where behavior is used to convey and

represent meanings.


Direction: Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is wrong. Write your
answer in the space provided.

____1. Verbal communication helps you vary your speaking style and avoid a
monotonous delivery.

____2. NonVerbal communication makes you a credible speaker.

____3. Verbal communication can build a connection with listeners.

____4. NonVerbal communication helps make your speech more dramatic.

____5. Verbal communication serves as a channel to release tension and nervousness.

____6. NonVerbal communication makes you appear more dynamic and animated in
your delivery.

____7. Verbal communication gives the audience a preview to the type of speaker you

____8. NonVerbal communication can sustain the attention of listeners and keep them
engaged in the speech.

____9. Verbal communication can communicate feelings, attitudes, and perceptions

without you saying a word.
____10. NonVerbal communication enhances and emphasizes the message of your
speech, thus making it more meaningful, truthful, and relevant.

B. Functions of
A. The Elements of

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
C. Models of Communication

1. What is Communication? (5 points)

2. Give some tips in improving our communication skills?

(6 points)

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