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Beatrice Garland Fact File (by Abdullah)

 Beatrice Garland was born in Oxford in 1938 (it is likely that she
either knew family or friends who were severely affected by the
world wars.)
 She worked as a teacher and a clinician in the NHS
 She enjoys writing about life; death; nature and all its power.
 Garland was inspired to write the poem by the horrific events of
9/11, she describes how news outlets compared these events to
the Kamikaze attacks.
 She has cited John Dunne, John Clare and Seamus Heaney as
inspirations for her work and poetry
 She found the fact that young men, in the primes of their life
destroying themselves and thousands of others for a cause.
 Themes of War are deeply embedded into her poetry, maybe due
to her being alive whilst many wars took place around the world.
 Beatrice Garland has won numerous awards for her poetry
 Garland has written a poetry collection known as ‘The Invention
of Fireworks’ which was awarded by the Felix Dennis Prize for
‘best first poem collection’.

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