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Republic of Philippines BUSINESS LOGIC

Bulan Campus Second Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021 BUSINESS



1.Since J.R. was over in the purchasing department and had final decision authority , should
purchasing have gone through the normal bidding routine?

Yes, the acquiring ought to have gone through the typical offering schedule. To begin with of all, it is
the university’s policy and everybody ought to take after it, indeed J.R. who is the Administrative Vice
President. They ought to think completely of what they would do since it is the university’s assets and
comfort that's at stake. $ 17, 500 could be a gigantic sum of cash however they select to purchase a
computer with less highlights and have an costly cost. Comparing this to IBM clones’ computer, they
ought to at slightest spare a few cash since they will fair spend $10,000 and they can have a computer
with more promising highlights. J.R. is within the position to form such choices however he select to buy
equipment from an foundation where his child works rather than being judicious with his choices and
select what is the leading thing for the College.

2. Is it acceptable for a V.P. to bypass the normal routine to do business with a family member?

No, it isn't satisfactory for a V.P to bypass the ordinary schedule to do trade with a family part. In
doing such act of favoring a family part instead of taking after the university’s policy, there must be a
struggle of intrigued for J.R being the Administrative Vice President. He ought to put in intellect that
there must be a few individuals that can be influenced in his activities. Yes, he perhaps need to assist his
family, particularly his child but utilizing other establishment's assets and not taking after an important
arrangement is unscrupulous. He is given the next position within the college and he ought to be
dependable for his activities and at slightest be a part show to his subordinates. He can be a
extraordinary father in other ways but not in a way where he employments an foundation finance for his
child to pick up a few benefit and he mishandle his control and did not take after the university’s

3.Was J.R.’s decision not to request for bids an ethical choice?

It is clearly an unscrupulous choice for J.R. not to ask offers. In a position or work that he have, he
ought to be reasonable and fair to everybody. He ought to not be one-sided in his choices and he ought
to continuously select what is superior for the college since that's his work.

Nikki Jean Hona

4.What should the college purchasing agent do?

The college acquiring operator must check and analyze to begin with what is the finest for Cripple
Creek Vocational College and after that know which one offers the leading highlights and where they can
bought it in much cheaper cost but still contains a great quality. By doing so, he ought to have at
slightest questioned or addressed the bargain or exchange that J.R. had made. They may have
conversation to J.R. and recommend a few thoughts or inquire him why he made such incautious choice
in obtaining computers from Tiddley Computer Corporation.

5. Should anyone else at CCVU have any interest in this activity?

• Yes, anybody else at CCVU ought to have any intrigued or be included in this action since the choice of
the Administrative President which is J.R. can influence them and their foundation. A choice of one
individual can make a tremendous affect within the lives of each representative of a company or
institution. That's why it is their right to address the choice and activities of J.R. and they could also
provide a better idea or suggestion in some important matters of CCVU.

6. Has Tiddley’s Cripple Creek franchise owner been wronged?

Of course, Tiddley’s Cripple Creek establishment proprietor has been wronged particularly for losing the
opportunity for himself and his eagerly of giving more effective hardware for Cripple Creek Vocational

7. Should Jim have made the sale? Received a commission?

Yes, Jim ought to have made the deal. He is fair an worker of Tiddley Computer Corporation and he is
as it were doing his work. He is clueless on the operations of CCVU and he has nothing to do with it. J.R.
specifically arrange with the proprietor himself and perhaps the proprietor of Tiddley Computer
Corporationfair coordinated him of what to do. And he ought to too gotten a commission since he has
done his work well and a small remunerate can pay all of his difficult work.

Nikki Jean Hona

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