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School: C.E.

Santa Teresa
Student's name: _____________________________________Nº ____
Classroom Nº: 3nd year
Teacher: Nilton G. dos Santos Date: 31/05 a 11/06/2021

The emphatic use of do.

The auxiliary verb do and its form does are used in the simple present to ask questions, to make
negative sentences and to make short answers.
Example: Do we need a new car? Yes, we do. No, we don’t.
Does Edgar eat sushi? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. Edgar doesn’t eat sushi.

- The form did is used in the simple past in questions, negative sentences and in short answers.
Example: Did Mike play the guitar? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t. Edgar didn’t play the guitar.

- There is another way to use do, does, and did. It is when you want to give emphases to a certain
detail in the conversation. In this case you can substitute do, does, did, for really, in fact.
It’s only used in the affirmative sentences with the verb in the present.
Examples: I do love Jane = Eu amo Jane de verdade.
She does need help = Ela precisa mesmo de ajuda.
They did study the language = Eles de fato estudaram o idioma.

Observe the dialog.

Phil: I did like her, but she never talked to me.
Jane: She is playing in the concert tonight.
Phil: Really? I do want to see her. I need to tell her I did love her and I still do. But I’m afraid
she has another person.
Jane: If you did love her why didn’t you declare your love to her?
Phil: I was afraid she would say “No”. But I’ll find courage tonight and I’ll tell her: “I do want
you to be my wife for the rest of my life”. Is that ok?
Jane: that’s perfect.

- Exercise: Complete with emphatic: do, does, did.

Father: You didn’t send the letter to the university. You missed the opportunity.
Son: But I ______ send it. I’m sure of that.
Father: You never talk to me about your future profession.
Son: Are you serious? I ______ talk to you but you forget about it.
Father: What do you mean? Are you saying that I have Alzheimer?
Son: I remember that I ______ ask your opinion yesterday and you said you would help me.
Father: You ________?
Son: The truth is that I _______ want to enter a university but I can’t decide.
Father: OK. I promise that I will help you make you decision.
Son: Thanks for that.
Father: You’re welcome. But I’m sure I don’t have a bad memory.
- Watch this video: Do Does Did for Emphasis.
Emphatic Do, Does, Did.

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