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Censorship for the Theater. Its Relation to Morals and Art.

Its Difficulties and Its Benefit

Theatre can be rebellion in its finest form, wearing silk behind that heavy red curtain,
dancing, acting and singing in plain sight. It is the truth and reality in action fresh from the minds
of writers, who's works reflect everything around them.
Theatre has faced censorship at the hands of governments, the clergy, and powerful
individuals. The communal nature of theater the fact that plays are typically performed before
masses of people, who need not be literate to understand their messages has raised special
concerns about the power of theater to instill potentially dangerous ideas and incite action in its
audiences. A case from the life of Great Britain’s premier playwright, William Shakespeare,
provides an example. In 1601, on the eve of an attempt by the Earl of Essex to depose Queen
Elizabeth, those planning the insurrection, presumably to drum up support for their cause, paid
Shakespeare’s acting company to revive his Richard III, a play about the deposition and killing
of a monarch. It is unclear whether this performance had any impact on the public’s opinion of
the queen or if it helped Essex and his coconspirators. In any case, Essex’s uprising failed.
However, Elizabeth’s fury at the fact that the popular theater had been unleashed against her
illustrates an important point. Essex’s belief that the play’s performance would help his cause
and Elizabeth’s belief that the play would harm her cause illustrate the power attributed to this
art form. Censorship, can be the suppression of words, images, or ideas that are "offensive,"
happens whenever some people succeed in imposing their personal political or moral values on
others. Censorship can be carried out by the government as well as private pressure. Its relation
to morals and art are exquisite. Theater are performances that gathers a lot of information such as
telling a story or any kind of platforms. And art of it is engaging of how simply you convey your
feelings to the audience. But as one said there is always a negative side of things such as the
censorship. You simply can't show your art form in public or in the theatre. Or the government
might compel you to take it down. But such as one said, "a stage play ought to be the point of
intersection between the visible and invisible worlds". As Arthur Adamov said. We always have
this urge in doing the best we can to appeal others. To perform it elegantly. And to do it, you
have to have a behavior of diligence and a level of humbleness. Bad sides come as always when
you panic too much and acting it the way you do outside is a bad habit. Learn to accept it and try
to move on step by step.
Theatre means freedom. Freedom of expression helps in educating your audiences in
the most entertaining and peaceful way. It never fails to serves as a huge eye-opener, and it
teaches everyone what faults their society has, and it enlightens them on what is right and on
what is not.

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