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Alternative Courses of Action (ACA’s)

Voicing out of ideas should not be limited

The companies should give orders and rules for not restricting by their seniors to voice out their ideas
because younger generation could be more productive when people around them are open to their
opinions. Research efforts regarding youths’ civic and community engagement show that when youth
are positioned in roles that allow them to voice their concerns within their communities—efforts to
increase health initiatives, policy development, program planning, and youth governance— youth
development is strengthened and civic engagement awareness increases (Borden & Serido, 2009; Wong,
Zimmerman, & Parker, 2010; Zeldin, Christen, & Powers, 2013; Zeldin et al., 2015).


This solution will give a sense of belongingness to the young employees inside the company where
seniority dominates the authority in every corner of the workplace. It is important for the new
management to formulate communication strategies to inform young employees about the long term
business strategies of the new firm and to treat them in a positive manner (Appelbaum et al., 2007).
Even though the young employees will have fair treatment, still they should respect their seniors.
Fairness or interpersonal justice calls for a handling of all employees with respect, regardless of age,
providing periodic information-sharing sessions in order to iron out difficulties that employees might
face, particularly those related to perception of unequal treatment by the management(Colquitt et al.,
2005; Rubin & Oehler, 2013).

Programs for young and old

-Seminars are substantial programs that could help all generation. Companies who has diverse age
group of workers should build a program that will enlighten the old employees about the life of new
generation to fully understand why companies hires lot of them and most employers prefer the “young”
applicants. On the other hand companies should also create a program for the young employees why
their seniors are stricter and traditional. Recreational Activities should be implement to have interaction
between the clashing generation, companies should set once or twice in a year for this to build
teamwork and friendship. During the post-partnership focus group sessions, they all shared that working
with adults was “fun,” “cool,” and they “enjoyed it.” Elizabeth disclosed “Honestly, I’m going to miss
them.” (Price and Been, 2018) “Figuring Out the Age Gap”: Youth Reflections on a Youth–Adult

-Spending enough for your employees is not necessarily a disadvantage to your company rather it will
give a sense of satisfactory to them that their hard work really pay-off and it increases their work
progress. According to the Association for Talent Development’s 2016 State of the Industry Report, The
average training cost per employee is $1,252. Most respondents (92%) rated very highly the contention
that recreation has a positive effect on job satisfaction. This implied that if recreation is well planned
and managed it would significantly contribute towards higher levels of job satisfaction and employee
commitment to the organization. (Mokaya & Gitari, 2012) Effects of Workplace Recreation on Employee
Performance The Case of Kenya Utalii College. Burning money for your employees is not a big deficit to
your company but it can increase the overall performance. Recreational activities provide an
opportunity for socialization and strengthening ties among employees and customers as well as for skills
development such as leadership, interaction and communication which are essential in the provision of
effective service delivery. (Mokaya & Gitari, 2012)


These Alternative Courses of Action (ACA’s) are good enough to address the problems. Having rules
inside the company will help to the younger employees to stand firm inside the workplace, having fresh
mind will provide fresh ideas to give solution to the problem of the company regarding the new trends
and issues and seniors employees will have the opportunity to learn from the younger one and by that
seniors will help the young employees by their experience it is like a give and take opportunity. To fully
address the problems, having seminars, programs and recreational activities will tighten the relationship
of different generation. During seminars they will be given different information regarding their
unrelated time zones. Programs that will tackle about the contrasting lifestyle will surely the way to
understand everyone’s daily mood. Recreational activities will be the place to know their similarities,
and realize that even they’re far from each other they have in common. Stereotypes, gaps and different
styles will eliminate and both generation will share unexceptional things that will help them to grow and
become a whole and strong workforce.

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