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Name: Moater Imran

Regis: L1S19BBAM0137

Section: B

Q8: What is Allah’s take and stance on the bane of cheating?

The Quran verse "And the weighing of deeds that Day will be reality. So those, whose scales are
generous it is they who will be the productive" obviously states there will be no weightage given
to lie. To the extent anybody knows powerful individual appearance up in the Day of Judgment
would have mountain piles of good deeds in respect of Allah's advantages in the Hereafter will
accomplish a conclusive salvation. Regardless, however in the event that they would have
swindled their kindred individuals in their privileges would lose every one of these great deeds in
that individual's approval. Allah portrays the losers in Quran "Say, O Muhammad, Will we
inform you with respect to the best disappointments concerning their deeds? They are those
whose exertion is lost in common life, while they imagine that they are accomplishing great in
work. Those are the ones who question in the sections of their Lord."

Q4: What is islamophobia? How will you describe in light of the class
Recently we have seen a disturbing and odd dread of Islam in Western nations. This wonder
Phenomena is known as Islamophobia. Where such scorn speculations against Islam and
Muslims have achieved one-sided discrimination in the West. Certain web bunches are very
active on the Internet against Islam. In few studies, the false cases and misjudging of Islam on
the Internet were researched. Various experts thinks that the term 'Islamophobia' is for the most
part new as there is for all intents and purposes no reference exists before the 1990s.
Islamophobia is portrayed by some others as "to forbid Muslims from social and political
centered issues", or it very well might be said that it is segregation or bias against Muslims.
Islamophobia further extended after 9/11 and Muslims of various countries have defied various
restrictions because of that. In the previous twenty years after the headway of science and
innovation media is assuming a significant part in inciting Islamophobia.

Q2 Why does the western culture not fear their native Indians, or the
Aborigines or the Japanese or Chinese, and fear the Muslim immigrants
settled there?
An absolutely new flood of religious fundamentalism challenged the advanced or modern pattern.
This new fundamentalism likewise got implanted in each worldwide religion and hence completely
influenced all the religion. Fundamentalists give off an impression of being, whenever seen
through the eyes of liberal and modern world, terrorists. However, this reality or fact can't be
neglected that not all fundamentalists embrace or even underwrite terrorism, and doesn't uphold
the mass killings and end of individuals. Fundamentalism as a whole is potential threat, danger
and peril. Furthermore, above all they misjudge or underestimate the religion of Muslims. They
think the Islam is so severe or strict.

Q3: We discussed in class at length that “nothing in Islam is opposed to

modernity”. Under this we discussed the three aspects of liberation. Describe
the FIRST aspect of Liberation.
Nothing in Islam is against modernity and we can relentlessly communicate that the Muslim
scholars who are against this considered advancement and improvement that it covers regularly
mistake it for the model which is right now in the West. Obviously, they mistake modernity for
Westernization which presents Islam rather than any cordial or legitimate advancement. The main
part of liberalism or freedom is just a stirred or awake, living acknowledgment, which joins
Revelation and the fact of the matter, is a given one. Faith is the light of life one which makes one
find to all the more probable orientate. Muslims ought to find this challege through dynamism and
reestablishment of religious idea or thought called tajwid. They should review the points of view
and the capacity to act, change, and gather

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