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Name : Nabila putri kusumadani

Class : 02SMJE030 REG. C

Matkul : Bahasa Inggris



I. Directions: Underlined the correct verb in these sentences.

1. Sally (run, runs) to the park every day.

2. The dogs (bark, barks) at strangers.

3. Ted and Mary (is, are) going to the movies.

4. The game (was, were) exciting.

5. They (worry, worries) too much.

II. Chose the correct word to complete the sentence !

1. Does __she___ (her, she) know that __I___ (me, I) was absent?

2. Please tell __him___ ( he, him) _I____ (I, me) have obtained a degree in Chemistry.

3. I remember that __they___ (they, them) bought the fruits from __us___ (we, us).

4. Please don’t tell __her____ (she, her) about __me___ (I, me).

5. _she____ can swim because _she____ has webbed feet.

III. Use the Correct Form of the Pronoun in Parentheses !

1. The money was given to (he)…him….and (I)…me….

2. Their mother is taking (they)…them….. to the market.

3. Everyone finished the test except (I)…me……

4. All of (they)…them……come late.

5. My sister and (I)……i……are arriving on the early train.

IV. Used present perfect tense in the sentence below !.

1. He has not attended any parties since he came here.

2. Christina has typed a letter.
3. Finally, you started to write.
4. I have know Adam for ten years.
5. How many tests have you taken since the beginning of the semester?

V. Combine each of the following pairs of simple sentences into one complex sentence
containing an adjective clause !

1. John bought a boat. The boat cost thirty thousand dollars.

Answer : jhon bought a boat which cost thirty thousand dollars.

2. John is the man. We are going to recommend John for the job.

Answer : jhon is the man who we are going to recommend for the job

3. The men are angry. The men are in this room.

Answer : the men who are angry are in this room

4. The men are angry. I do not like the men.

Answer : I do not like the men who are angry

5. I do not like the men. The woman is talking to the men.

Answer : I do not like the men whom the women is talking to

6. John found a cat. The cat’s leg was broken.

Answer : the cat whose leg was broken was found by jhon

7. The robber was arrested last night. The police have caught the robber.

Answer : the robber who was arrested last night was caught by the police

8. The girl is happy. Her father bought a car for her.

Answer : the girl whose father bought a car is happy

9. This is the city. I was born here.

Answer : this is the city where I was born

10. You put the books somewhere. Show me the place you put it.

Answer : you put the books somewhere, show me the place where you have put it

VI. Complete the sentences below by using  noun clause !

1. She wanted to know where she was headed

2. That is unacceptable.

3. I predict that it will rain

4. Astri talks about her early life experiences with whomever she likes

5. We wonder what could have happened

6. The teacher asked me when is the class ending?

7. I don’t know how to cook

8. The worker is afraid when his boss enters the room

9. That is awesome.

10. The reality is whatever you want it to be

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