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Adam Cullen

IGE 2400.01
Kenneth Stahl
Spring 2021

Apache and the Interpreted Sky

A – Ash, Apache
N -Mr. Navaho, Astronomer

N - Good evening my name is Mr. Navaho and I am an astronomer brought in by the university
of Arizona and its affiliates. I wanted to start a conversation surrounding the possible
construction of telescopes on top of Mt. Graham
A – Hello Mr. Navaho my name is Ash, or friend, in my language. I would like to start that
conversation since the location you’re looking at is very important to my people and myself. Are
you aware of its significance?
N- I have some slight understanding of the land and its meaning but I would love for you to
educate me more about the land.
A – This land is absolutely sacred to our people it has been used for thousands of years by our
ancestors and ourselves. This land is not just land to us it is part of something much larger than
me, you, or both of our people. This mountain is part of the connected world that is important
to our daily lives in our community and even affects your community too. This land is used for
healing, education, and is a symbol of respect for nature.
N – Thank you for sharing I can tell this land does mean a tremendous amount to you and your
A – It absolutely does. Why does the telescope have to be placed there?
N – Mt. Graham is a unique location away from much of the world that allows unparallel access
to see things we have never seen before.
A – Is there anywhere else you can go to attempt to see these things
N – As of right now unfortunately not we have designated this sight to be the best.
A – May I speak freely without offense?
N – Yes please do
A – My people are kind. You can fact check this through the history book. From the beginning of
interactions with those outside things have been in a negative light. For one example 1871
there was a large massacre wiping out a large population of my people. A people who are
already small and took a large amount of time to form the population they have. Then the
outsiders got away with it, not a single one charged under the justice system that is designed to
protect us as well.
N - I’m sorry to hear that I could only imagine how hard that must be. However, this new
telescope could help us discover things we’ve dreamed of and may even help us understand the
exact energy you’re describing.
A – Our ancestors have both made mistakes, but what’s important is that we reflect on those to
make better decisions in the future. We are not here to fight, and we live peacefully but we
must do what we can to protect the place we call home but further than that we must protect
our spirituality. This land consists of a unique and virgin fir forest only touched by those who
are one with it.
N – Our plan is to only develop 25% of the land across the 472 acres. The rest will be available
to you like before
A – That is 25% of our spiritual land that will no longer be there. It is not about the land size it is
about the lack of respect and destruction of the land you need to make it happen. Anything
from constructing the roads through the forest and bringing large trucks through all disrupt the
balance the earth tries to hard to keep. We use this place to teach our medicine to keep us
N – Even if they place the telescope, they will still allow your access to the site.
A – The access being offered is one that is censored, tricky, and is clear violation of our rights
that are being disregarded. Most places considered good do not try to try to get around so
many laws trying to protect the vulnerable. We should not have to request for our rights
especially religious ones to be granted.
N – I understand I think this conversation is one that is long overdue and has been difficult to
start. My goal is to find something that will work for the both of us. I’m aware my name is
extremely close to evil in your language, but I promise to work to disprove that.
A – We love others and are here to support but you must understand what this means to us.
N – I do have to caution you there are multiple powerful allies on the side of the telescope
ranging from us political leaders to the pope himself.
A – Thank you for the warning, our people have tried to live our peaceful lives on our own but
it’s evident it may be time to start playing this evil game to defend ourselves.
N – The telescopes possibilities, to me, mean just as much as your land does to you. I know that
sounds shallow, but it is what I dedicated my life to.
A – I am glad to know you have found a passion that brings you happiness but our passion is
this land so I want to leave you with this old proverb from my people “I was warmed by the
sun, rocked by the winds and sheltered by the trees as other Indian babes. I was living
peaceably when people began to speak bad of me. Now I can eat well, sleep well and be glad. I
can go everywhere with a good feeling” (Geronimo). Regardless of what happens know I will be
going with good feeling and I hope you find the same.

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