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Tarea: Can Google Star Marissa Mayer Save Yahoo!?


Marissa Mayer is the new CEO of Internet giant Yahoo! Mayer is one of the most prominent female
chief executives in the world. She is pregnant with her first child, due on October 7. Mayer is Google's
20th employee and a 37-year-old self-proclaimed "geek". Yahoo!'s turnaround will come into sharp
relief Tuesday, when the company reports second quarter earnings. The company has been eclipsed
by Google, its erstwhile search rival, and newer upstarts like Facebook and Twitter.

Mayer was Google's first female engineer and the company's 20th employee overall. She was
responsible for many of Google's most successful consumer-facing products. Mayer was instrumental
in developing Google's iconic, minimalist search box layout. At the search giant, she developed a
reputation for her laser-like focus on the user experience. She earned a B.S. in Symbolic Systems and
an M.S in Computer Science at Stanford.

At Google, Mayer's intensity was legendary, according to a former brand manager. Douglas Edwards:
"Marissa was a flashing neon sign, casting light and shadow in all colors" Edwards worked at Google
from 1999 to 2005. Mayer became a trusted adviser to Google founders Page and Sergey Brin.
Mayer's ascent within Google appeared to have stalled in recent years. Page shook up the company's
management ranks upon succeeding Eric Schmidt as CEO last year.

Meyer's first day on the job is Tuesday. She delivered her resignation to Google by phone Monday. It's
unclear if she will join Yahoo!'s earnings call after the stock market closes. Mayer disclosed that she's
pregnant with her first child. Yahoo! appoints Marissa Mayer as its new CEO. Mayer is a "visionary
leader," Yahoo! co-founder David Filo says. The company has been beset by turmoil in recent years.
Former CEO Scott Thompson was jettisoned after he admitted he didn't have a computer science
degree. The Yahoo! board wants a clean break from the tumult of the last few years.

Mayer is an accomplished engineer with a keen eye for design. Yahoo! is signaling that it intends to
make technology and user experience top priorities. Still, the company faces a steep climb to return to
its former glory. Yahoo!'s stock is down 40% over the last five years and has stagnated since 2010.
JPMorgan analyst: Mayer's background suggests Yahoo will "refocus on the user experience and
pace of innovation" Citigroup's Mark Mahaney called the hire "bold" Anmuth: Mayer may also be able
to attract "high quality engineering talent" to Yahoo.
Mayer's first job will be inspiring her troops to believe in Yahoo! once again. This turnaround won't
happen overnight; it will be a long road. For now, Yahoo! employees, shareholders, and Silicon Valley
at-large should savor Mayer's appointment.

Preguntas para el análisis

1. ¿Por qué es tan importante para Yahoo mejorar sus sistemas de TI y productos y servicios
para sitios web?

Porque debido a la fuerte competencia y a la necesidad tan cambiante del mercado actual es
necesario tener los mejores sistemas y servicios en cuanto a los sitios web.

2. ¿De qué maneras puede aprovechar Mayer sus conocimientos profundos de TI para mejorar
a) la capacidad de respuesta de Yahoo a sus usuarios en línea, y b) la calidad e innovación
de los productos y servicios para sitios web?

Al tener conocimientos técnicos profundos sobre las áreas de mejora hace que el proceso directivo
del mismo sea más asertivo y concreto, por lo que las mejoras pudieras representar un verdadero

3. ¿Cuáles son las formas más eficaces en que un portal de internet como Yahoo, o cualquier
otro, puede mejorar la experiencia en línea de sus usuarios?

Haciendo la página amigable para el usuario, funcional y sencilla. Agregando herramientas que de
verdad sirvan de manera eficiente y que presenten una mejora para el usuario.


La fuerte competencia que es Google para Yahoo presenta una gran amenaza y un verdadero reto a
la innovación de los servicio de Yahoo. Mayer como directiva debe de aplicar sus habilidades técnicas
para el correcto liderazgo de su equipo y para poder lograr que sus cambios y mejoras sean exitosas.

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