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Kamille Omar Gallegos Gamonal U20204502

Eber Junnior Huaripuma Gala U20217634
Kamille: Hello Junnior, how are you doing?
Junnior: Hi Kamille, I’m okay
Kamille: Who is this?
Junnior: is my homework, I will write about my uncle Mario, he is an engineer.
Kamille: that is amazing
Junnior: Thanks, my uncle Mario is very tall and friendly
Kamille: is he from ica?
Junnior: No, he is from Barcelona, Spain
Kamille: So interesting.
Junnior: well, I’m late, see you later
Kamille: Bye Junnior, take care

Junnior: Hello Kamille, you did your homework?
Kamille: Yes I did it, is about my grandpa, he was a musician
Junnior: what is his name?
Kamille: His name is Jonathan kirk.
Junnior: oh, I met he in a concert, he is very short.
Kamille: yeah is short.
Junnior: How old is he?
Kamille: He is 78 years old.
Junnior: wow, when I met he, he was very talkative.

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