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The energy detector performance is analysed using Pd vs SNR curves for cluster distributed

cooperative sensing with ‘AND/OR rules’, as shown in Figure 4. SNR is between – 20 dB and 20 dB.
For each curves, decision threshold γ is chosen such that Pfa = 0.1. We can show from Figure 4, that
in decentralised fusion policy, OR sensing group requires SNR ≈ 5 dB at the same time as AND
sensing group requires SNR ≈ 9 dB to achieve the same Pd ≥ 0.9. This is very obvious from this figure,
that the signal detection chance is very low for AND policy at low SNR region (−20 ∼ 0 dB).
Simulation results prove that OR fusion policy achieved the best performance that it arrived at Pd ≥
0.9 at the lowest value of SNR compared to AND fusion policy. 6 Conclusion In this paper, we have
investigated the application of CRWSN on SG systems. This technology allows to meet the frequency
requirements of new services, and to adopt the heterogeneity of networks and the variety of traffic.
We have confirmed that WSNs with a cluster-tree topology are one of the proper choices for the
design of SGs. We have adopted cooperative sensing in distributed framework. Cluster124 I. Hosni
and N. Hamdi distributed cooperative sensing based on energy detection is evaluated under two
different fusion policies ‘OR’ and ‘AND’. Simulation results confirm that the distributed cooperative
sensing with OR rule attained the best performance in terms of detection probability. As a result, the
flexibility, efficiency, and reliability can significantly be enhanced in a CRWSN based on SG network.
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