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GMO, Roundup & Wheat: Get the Facts 

by John Douillard on March 9, 2017 | 4 Comments

Average Reading Time: 3 minutes and 33 seconds

While wheat is not an approved GMO food CATEGORIES

anywhere in the world, Monsanto conducted
Ayurvedic Beauty + Fitness
experiments from 1998 to 2000 using GMO
Ayurvedic Philosophy
wheat in the Pacific Northwest. This variety of
Circadian + Seasonal Lifestyle
genetically-modified wheat, called MON 71700,
Conscious Vedic Healing
was designed to be resistant to the herbicide,
glyphosate, commonly known as Roundup. Diet + Detox
Digestion + Lymph
In years since, GMO wheat has been popping Men + Women + Family Health
up in wheat fields in Washington State, as the Mental Health + Mood
pollen from wheat is quite difficult to control. Other Health Topics
Recently, 22 unapproved genetically modified
(GMO) wheat plants were discovered by a 9 MILLION+ YOUTUBE VIEWS
Washington state farmer. This was the third time
Monsanto’s experimental GMO wheat was

found in farm fields in the past three years.


The first GMO wheat plants were found in Oregon in 2013, and this prompted Japan and
Korea to temporarily ban the import of any wheat from the US. The USDA is testing wheat
fields, as are farmers, to prevent the spread of these rogue GMO plants. Due to the small
number of GMO wheat plants found, the USDA has stated that there is no threat of GMO
wheat entering into our food supply.
Monsanto, the agri-tech giant, has been merely slapped on the wrist for GMO wheat
escaping into the wheat fields. In 2014, they paid 2.4 million to settle a lawsuit filed by
Oregon farmers – who are now forced to pay hefty amounts to test their fields for rogue
GMO wheat plants. In 2015, Monsanto paid another $350,000 to farmers in seven states
for the same issue.

In This Article:
Glyphosate and Bt Toxin Dangers
There’s not a lot we can do here, but here are my top suggestions to deal with this issue:

Glyphosate and Bt Toxin Dangers

The good news is that the number of plants found in each of these cases was very small.
For this, we must thank the farmers who are conscientiously inspecting and testing their
fields and, thus, keeping pollen from these plants from insidiously spreading to other
wheat fields.

The more urgent GMO issue is the glyphosate or Roundup that GMO plants are being
modified to be resistant against. The GMO foods we have to avoid are corn, sugar
beets, rapeseed for canola oil, soy, zucchini, papaya, cottonseed oil, yellow squash
and alfalfa. Roundup can be sprayed on these GMO plants and will not kill them.

What this is potentially doing to us and our trillions of microbes is another story…

When glyphosate is ingested by eating GMO

foods or non-organic foods that have been
sprayed with Roundup, studies have measured
a reduction of the good bacteria and the
overgrowth of harmful strains of bacteria in the
gut. (4) These strains have been shown to alter
the intestinal wall and be possible contributors
to the widespread intolerance of gluten.
Exposure to glyphosate is insidious, as it
causes a slow, steady, gradual alteration of the
gut microbiome and intestinal tract. Healthy gut
bacteria have been shown to aid in digestion,
shield the intestines from permeability, and
boost immunity and synthesizing vitamins.

Some experts are linking not only the epidemic of non-celiac gluten sensitivity to ingesting
glyphosate, but also the dramatic increase in celiac disease. In a study published in the
Journal of Interdisciplinary Toxicology, researchers found a strong correlation between
celiac disease and the use of glyphosate. (3)

Perhaps worse is the genetically-engineered Bt toxin, or Bacillus thuringiensis, a bacteria

that produces proteins that are toxic to insects and, therefore, a widely used biological
pesticide. Bt, commonly found in GMO, non-organic corn, is designed to be toxic to many
insect species found on crops, puncturing holes through the intestines of the insect. A
new study has shown that Bt can puncture holes through the human digestive tract
as well! (5) Bt is carried by pregnant moms and can be transmitted to the fetus, possibly
predisposing infants to food intolerances. (6)

One of the suggested effects of gluten sensitivity is “leaky gut,” or intestinal permeability
into the lymphatic system, which we now know may be related to intestinal irritants such
as Bt toxin. (5,6)

Bt has been shown in animal studies to activate an immune response against foods that
were previously digestible. (7) It is very possible that exposure to this insecticide in corn
products may activate an immune hypersensitivity response to hard-to-digest proteins,
such as gluten.

There’s not a lot we can do here, but here are my top

suggestions to deal with this issue:
1. Actively write and share this science with your senators and representatives.
2. Eat organically. By law, organic foods cannot be sprayed with Roundup or Bt toxins.
This is not a perfect solution, as when we eat out, snack on corn chips or load up on
papayas while at a vacation buffet, we are being exposed to these GMO toxins.

I wrote my new book, Eat Wheat, to help folks

take a step-by-step approach to rebuilding their
digestive strength and protecting the integrity of
their intestinal tract. The health of our intestinal
wall is our protection from the toxic and
genetically-modified world we live in. >>> Learn
more and dive deep into the GMO topic in
my best-selling book, Eat Wheat.

In addition, here’s a list of common ingredients derived from

GMO crops and found in processed foods (See
Amino Acids
Ascorbic Acid
Sodium Ascorbate
Vitamin C
Citric Acid
Sodium Citrate
Flavorings (“natural” and “artificial”)
High-Fructose Corn Syrup
Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
Lactic Acid
Monosodium Glutamate
Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP)
Yeast Products

Dr. John Douillard, DC, CAP is the author of seven health

books (including bestselling Eat Wheat and The 3-Season Diet),
seven online courses (including new Yoga Journal course
Ayurveda 201 on Ayurvedic Psychology), and numerous free
eBooks. He is a former NBA nutritionist and creator of—with thousands of free articles, resources, and
videos. LifeSpa is a leading wellness resource, with nine
million+ YouTube views and over 130k newsletter subscribers.




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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of John Douillard. They are not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a
qualified health care professional, and they are not intended as medical advice. They are intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and
experience of John Douillard and his community. John Douillard encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership
with a qualified health care professional.

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