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Creating the solution

Time management plan 

W7 W8 W9 W10 W1 W2 W3 W4
Design ------
specification -
design 1 ------ ------
- -
design 2 ------ ------ ------
- - -
design 3 ------ ------ ------
- - -
Final design ------ ------ ------
- - -
PMI ------
Product testing ------
Time management ------
plan -
Final product plan ------
Making Product ------ ------ ------
- - -
Justification of ------
changes -
answer the following questions
 Does your plan contain a sequence of logical steps? Is the use of resources explained clearly?
My plan contains a sequence of logical steps in making my final website product design. It
breaks down the steps into small sections making it easy to complete without being
overwhelmed. It will also organize my progress with the task and make sure I'm completing
the tasks on time.

 Have you made sure you have enough time to complete your product?
Yes i have done this by adjusting the weeks taken to complete the task depending on
how big the task is, how complicated the task is and how time consuming the task is.
 Have you given time for practicing or learning a new skill?
Yes, we have taken time out to practise skills such as research skills
 Have you allowed extra time in case something goes wrong?
 Have you considered alternative ways of creating the solution?
 Have you planned for testing at appropriate times in the manufacturing process?

Plan for making Final product: (Fill in the below table to plan how you will
make your poster make sure the steps are logical and clear)
Ste Process (including quality control and Required Time to
p health and safety considerations) Resources Complete

1. Make template on website (wix) Wifi, Laptop 1 hr 30

2. Gather information for website Wifi,Laptop 20 mins
3. Add pages on website Wifi,Laptop 1 hr
4. Add information on website wifi,Laptop 2 hrs
5. Add images to website wifi,Laptop 1 hr
6. Proofread website and fix errors wifi,Laptop 1 hr
7. Submit website Wifi,Laptop 2 mins


3. Justification of Changes (Here you need to list and justify any changes you
made to your final design & Plan for making final product)
Aesthetics My product will have an elegant aesthetic. And the colours that will be present in the website are beige, white and
black. The website background will be black and the writing will be in gold for titles and subtitles and white for
they body writing.
Cost This website does not require a budget. (Sameeha)
Customer This website is targeted towards people from all age groups. The manager of Liverpool hospital is asking us to
design  this for people who have celiac disease. (Yasmin)
Environmental Our website can impact the environment by informing people about celiac disease and some recipes for it. It can
impact the food supply. Shops will start to sell more gluten free products. It helps the people in the community
considerations who are sick. (Sameeha)
Function The website must be able to work and function in a proper manner. Its purpose is to educate people who don't
have celiac disease and give people who have celiac disease recipes that they could rely on when they don't know
what they need to cook. This product will be stored online through a URL since it's a website. To use this website
you need to click on the URL to open the website to then pick between 2 categories about and recipe. The about
page will include information regarding celiac disease to raise awareness and the recipe page will include
subcategories. The subcategories will be Breakfast, lunch, dinner, desert, snacks, drinks. Within those
subcategories will be a list of recipes that they could use for example; in the subcategory of desert an example of
what will be within that subcategory is Gluten-Free Blueberry Banana Bread.
Manufacturing Resources that are available to us include wifi, wix, library, chefs, etc. It has to be online so therefore it limits us
from making 3d sculptures and doing events to spread awareness on celiac disease. In order to create this design it
will take us 4 days of us planning and designing new ideas.
Materials We will need IT materials such as website templates and the internet for research. (Sameeha)
Website 1: - Will use this website to gain meals ideas
Website 2: - We will use the
information about what celiac disease is and add it to our home page.
Website 3: - We will use this website to gain layout ideas and
help categorise our information more systematically.

Safety Making sure to not get sued by the website. Making sure to only include the important and appropriate
ingredients. (Sameeha)
Size The person needs something that is safe for their consumption . The meals will have the right amount of calories
that should be intaken from the average dietary plan of an individual.

I changed the format of the final design to make it easier to access and design. 
I added extra images so that the website did not look bland.

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