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Ethics 1

1. As customers, consumer protection matters because it is essential in ensuring that all our rights as
buyers are protected. This will also help consumers to know more about the products and services they
purchase and assist them in performing complaints against businesses engaging in fraud. This will also
enable them to make better choices in the market place. On the other hand, this law also prevents
businesses from performing unfair practices in the market place. Businesses will gain a good reputation
if they treat their consumers fairly that may lead to higher profitability and competitiveness.

2. Basically, in consumer protection, consumers should also be knowledgeable of the information about
the products and services they purchase but I believe that the greater your knowledge on something,
the greater the responsibility it will also take. In the production of products, the manufacturer being on
an advantaged position has to take responsibility and has to protect the rights of his costumers. In the
Due Care Theory, the producer must take steps to protect the interest of his customers. Having the
greater knowledge about the product, adequate measure and care should be done by the manufacturer
right from the start of the production so that the products will not harm the buyers. Producers may
include all important information and warning on the packages of the said products.

3. In Mr. Nicanor’s situation, it is evident that he has the advantage among his competitors, but as
Covid-19 continues to spread, he must not take advantage of this. I think this time is not an opportunity
to gain more profit than his competitors but the time to help those who are in need. People are really in
need of protective face masks particularly the front liners while they go about their daily lives. Rather
than making the prices of his products higher, why not maintain its original price? You are not just
helping others, but you are also being ethical when in terms of the pricing policies in businesses and this
case, you did not violate any overpricing laws.

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