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1.1 Introduction

An independent life in the modern world of today. Already 75% of the

teenagers in Iraq possess an own PC and even over 90% a mobile phone [1].
Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to teach them computer science and
technology, already at early ages. It is very important to assure that children
not only know how to use computers, smart phones or other technical
products but also understand how such systems work. The idea is to prepare
the person to work on and with modern technologies in the future. This
should be promoted by the schools as early as possible. Therefore,
integrating the work on sensor platforms in colleges lessons is a chance for
colleges to deal with the technical development. Letting student build up a
product like a weather station, is giving them a sight into the workflow of
constructing and programming a complex system.
The main goal of this thesis is the deployment and documentation of a
weather station prototype, partly based on the SenseBox that was developed
during a study project at the Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi) in Muenster
[2]. The SenseBox is a small, lightweight and low cost sensor platform,
operating as a web server. It is a solution for a flexible usage of sensor data,
which is typically transformed into observations.

One advantage of the SenseBox approach is that the main parts of a data
infrastructure, such as configuring servers for data storage and the SenseBox
portal for visualization of the boxes, already exist. With this portal and its
connections between different boxes, it is also possible to compare related
datasets. This enables advanced processing, e.g. regional instead of local

climatic models or even bringing up correlations between different sensor
platforms in the portal. Further server-side development is necessary to
make all spatial data available via the internet. The enhancement of
databases and data structure will be future work and are not covered by this
thesis.The SenseBox weather station is developed in collaboration with the
AL-Kitab college initiative also located at the ifgi [3]. The thesis will
describe the use case for a low-level approach of sensor platforms which
could be used by academic persons. The teachers are intended to build up
the hardware setup and to implement the microcontroller's firmware together
with pupils to improve their technical knowledge. This should be a
possibility for pupils to get in touch with a practical approach to technical
work. Further statistical evaluation with resulting data from a self-
constructed weather station should be more motivating for pupils than just
working with abstract data samples. Therefore, a goal is to prepackage a
complete DIY-Kit with hardware, software and a construction manual
designed for pupils in colleges. The outcome of the thesis could be used as
part of a high thesis subject and has the ability to be well accepted by pupils.

1.2 The Goal of projects

1) Build portable weather station for academic persons.
2) Build adaptive system can modified according to the places.
3) Easy implemented system of by add or removes the sensors.
4) Develop the engineering in embedded systems.
5) Provide local market by project achieve compete the international

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