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Why I believe we should focus more on our



Why hello there! I see you picked to read my essay. Is the

reason you picked my essay because you want to learn more
about what's happening to our earth? I hope so because that's
what my essays are about. Now let's start this essay! Welcome
to “Why I believe we should focus more on our

Fact 1

So, We all know our environment isn’t the best, right? I

mean it's getting worse and worse every day! People are
polluting, trees are being cut down, oil spills are happening,
and sea levels are rising! But there is also good stuff
happening to our environment too! For example, People are
Protesting, we are getting better at saving energy and water,
people are finding ways to make better eco products!

Did you know…..

Hey did you know, our environment is what makes our
houses, animals, plants, and us thrive! Yea this goes to show
that if we don't take care of our environment it means we are
hurting our community we are hurting what we and our
ancestors built up! So, do you really think leaving the water on
while you brush your teeth really worth hurting our community
and our environment? I know it may seem small but just
leaving the water on while brushing your teeth or keeping a
light on while you go into a different room can leave to bigger
things! This is why you could help stop this by just fixing this
simple mistake!

Fact 2

The only way to save our world all together tho is if we all
pitch in! If we all save water and energy, if we stop polluting,
we can make our world great again. So help out by going to
protest about climate change, doing park clean-ups, and
saving water and energy! Because we are the people who are
going to be affected by our environment!

Did you know….

We are burning fossil fuels which is what the main cause

of global warming is! Yeah, when you burn fossil fuels you are
sending Carbon dioxide into the air which is the cause of
global warming! I know you may be a bit shocked, because
one small thing can cause something life threatening but it’s
true! When carbon dioxide is in the air it can cause asma, it
can ruin our environment too! So here are the ways you can
help our environment! 1. Use less energy! The reason we burn
fossil fuels is for energy! So, saving energy is burning less
fossil fuels which can save global warming! 2. Inform people
about what is happening! Letting more people know means
more people helping, because we can’t do this alone!

We can make our world better, together!

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