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Cultural Autobiography

Learner Name

Capella University

Cultural Autobiography

The title of the paper should be centered. The title should not be bolded, italicized, or

underlined. The paper should be Times font size 12. The body of the paper should be double

spaced throughout. The introduction should identify the focus of your paper and provide a brief

overview of major content areas.

Cultural Heritage

The first header is a paper is centered, bold, using upper and lower cases. Do not forget

to use correct in-text citations for scholarly sources (Manis, 2012) and personal communications

(B. Hagen, personal communication, June 14, 2018).

Describe how your cultural heritage, including spiritual or religious traditions, and your

family’s experience with acculturation have contributed to your family’s and your worldview.

Personal Identity Development

Explain which groups or aspects of your cultural heritage and your spiritual or religious

orientation have been most salient to your personal identity development. This may include

consideration of aspects of your cultural heritage that have contributed to a sense of pride or

shame, and experiences of privilege or oppression for your or family.

Second Level Header

If there is a sub header, the second header is boldface, left aligned, and uses uppercase

and lowercases. You may wish to create one sub-heading for each salient aspect of your identity

you plan to discuss. For example, if ethnicity, religion, and being a second-generation immigrant

to the United States have been particularly salient for you, second level headings for each may be

useful to organize the content here.


Third level header. In the unlikely case that there is a need for a third level header,

meaning subsections under the second level header, the text is boldface, lowercase heading with

a period. Begin the text after the period.

Influence of Culture on Professional Help Seeking

Explain how experiences of privilege and discrimination for you or your family, based on

your cultural heritage and spiritual or religious orientation, have contributed to your family’s and

your perspectives on seeking professional help.

Influence of Counselor Characteristics on Counseling

Assess how your cultural heritage and spiritual or religious orientation will present

opportunities or challenges for you in applying multicultural counseling and therapy with diverse

populations (for example, a client of another race, gender identity, religion, or social class).

Identify strategies to prepare for the challenges you anticipate.


The conclusion of the paper restates the main idea of your paper. It also summarizes the

key subpoints of your paper. Finally, it completes the content and leaves your reader with a final



Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume

number(issue number), pages. doi:

Sue, D. W., & Sue, D. (2016). Counseling the culturally diverse: Theory and practice (7th ed.).


Your paper should be a maximum of 3–5 pages long, not including the cover and reference
pages. A minimum of four scholarly resources from peer-reviewed journals published within the
past 5–7 years must be cited and referenced. Also remember, since personal communications are
not a source readers can consult later they are cited, but not included in the reference list.

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