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Peer Mentor Programme 2021-22 - Application Form

IMPORTANT - You must attend the following sessions for becoming a peer mentor:
Peer Mentor Training (video conferencing):
August 21 (Sat) afternoon
Greet and meet new students in UOW1 (local students: face-to-face; non-local students: video conferencing):
Peer Mentor for local and International Students
August 23 (Mon) afternoon for ARTS, COMM, SOSC; or
August 24 (Tue) afternoon for AVA, BUS, SCI, SCM
Peer Mentor for Mainland Students
August 24 (Tue) afternoon

Name: (Chinese, if any) 陳國銘 (English) Chan Kwok Ming Clinton Age: 20 Gender: M

Student No.: 18231217 Year of Study (as of 2020-21): 2018-2022 Faculty:Social Sciences

Course: European Studies (major-option) French stream GPA:2.80

Phone: (Home) 64168356 (Mobile) 64168356 E-mail


Please indicate your involvement in any extra-curricular activities organized by the university, your secondary
school, or any other community organizations.
Date Activity (Organization) Participating Capacity
(e.g. member, post title, participant, etc.)

 Absent from the training could result in being disqualified from the programme.
 You will be assigned to serve either Year-1 or senior year intakes, local or non-local new students.
 As a priority, you will be assigned to serve new students of the same course/faculty with similar background
of you. However, you may be assigned to serve as a peer mentor for freshmen from courses/faculties other
than your own if such urgent need arises as a result of some unforeseeable circumstances.
In that case, we would like to know more about your preference to facilitate our assignment.

I’d like to serve local freshmen [Y]; non-local freshmen (Mainland [_____]/Overseas [Y]).
(Please put “Y” next to the group(s) you would like to serve. )

I (am) (delete as appropriate) willing to serve new students from courses/faculties other than my own.

Please email the completed form to your Faculty/Department on or before May 24, 2021. You will be informed
of the application result in June, 2021 by email. All personal data collected will be used for programme related
purpose only and will be disposed of in May 2022.

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