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1 Introduction
2 Progrogramming Paradigms
2.1 Introduce several programming paradigms (2 pages)(P2)
 Procedural programming
 Event-driven programming
(Compare three of them)
2.2 Explanation of paradigms used in problem (D2)
Explain why / where do you use which paradigms to solve your problem

3 Program results (P3)

3.1 Scenario – Problem – Solution
3.2 Designing (Flowchart)
3.3 Explanation of Codes
Show screenshots of your program in running

4 IDE usage in development (P3, M2, M3, D3)

4.1 Common IDE features (P3, M2)
Explain common IDE features that can help developers to implement application, especially
features that help programming paradigms
4.2 IDE usage (M3)
 Show how do you use some IDE features in your program. (Evaluate the use of an
IDE for development of applications contrasted with not using an IDE)
 Evaluate the use of IDE in your development (advantages, disadvantages), be

5 Debugging (P4, M4)

5.1 Debugging process (P4)
Explain the debugging process
Show how to debug a program with an IDE
5.2 Evaluation (M4)
Evaluate how the debugging process help develop more secure, robust applications.

6 Coding standard (P5, D4)

6.1 Coding standard in program (P5)
Listing with evidences (screen-shoots, code listing) coding standards used in your program
6.2 Evaluation (D4)
Evaluate why a coding standard is necessary in a team as well as for the individual.

7. Conclusion

8. Reference list

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