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The importance of human resource cannot be a --------------- in the modern
world. The contents will help students to grasp the main concerns of HRM in
today’s dynamic business environment. The course deals with the issues of
recruitment, training, motivational techniques, different performance appraisal
procedures, and there use for efficient handling of human resource.

Specification Grid:

Part Chapters
I 1. Introduction.
2. Job Design and Analysis.
3. Human Resource Planning.
II 4. Recruitment and Selection.
5. Testing, interviewing.
III 6. Performance Appraisal.
7. Training.
IV 8. Promotion, Transfer, Layoff and Discharge.
9. Motivation.
10. Discipline.

Notes to the Specification Grid:

1. The question paper shall comprise 8 (eight) questions.

2. There shall be 4 (four) parts of the question paper, as above, and
every part shall contain 2 (two) questions.
3. Each question shall carry 20 (twenty) marks.
4. Students shall be required to attempt 5 (five) question in all by
selecting at least 1 (one) question from each part.
5. Questions may be set from outside the Prescribed and Suggested
6.Question, if deemed necessary by the examiner, may be fragmented
into parts, not exceeding four in number.

Evaluation Criteria:

1. Answer shall be evaluated on the basis of correct language and the

Subject matter.

Part – I
4. Introduction.
i) Definition and scope of Human Resource Management.
ii) Personnel Functions.
iii) Challenges of modern HRM.
5. Job design and Analysis.
i) Job information and Personnel Management.
ii) Analyzing jobs-----Obtaining job information.
iii) Administration of job analysis program.
6. Human resource Planning.
i) Reasons for Human Resource Planning.
ii) the Planning Process.

Part – II

7. Recruitment and Selection.

i) Recruitment and Selection Policy Issues.
ii) Sources of People.
iii) The Selection Process/Procedure.
iv) Auditing the recruitment and selection effort.
6. Testing, Interviewing, and Assessment centers.
i) Selection Testing.
ii) Guides to Testing.
iii) Developing a Testing Program.
iv) Types o f Tests.
v) The Selection Interview.
vi) Types of Interviews.

Part – III
7. Performance Appraisal.
i) Basic considerations in appraisal.
ii) Appraisal methods.
iii) Problems in rating.
vi) Appraisal and personal development.
v) Management by Objectives.

8. Training.
i) Training in the organization.
ii) The learning process.
iii) Training methods.

iv) Training program.

v) Evaluation of the training efforts.

Part – IV

9. Promotion, Transfer , Layoff and Discharge.

i) Promotion Description and Types.

ii) Description and Reasons for:
a) Transfer.
b) Layoff and Recall.
c) Demotion.
d) Termination and Discharge.
10. Motivation.
i) Human behavior fundamentals.
a) Self Concept and Personality.
b) Human Behavior is caused.
ii) Motivation.
a) Definition.
b) Classification of Needs.
c) Hierarchy of Needs Given by Maslow.
d) Characteristics of Acquired Needs.
iii) Theories of Motivation.
a) Theory X and theory Y.
b) Herzberg’s two Factor Theory (Hygiene Theory).
c) Intrinsic & Extrinsic Motivation.
d) Achievement Motivation.
e) Vroom’s Expectancy Model.
iv) Defense Mechanisms.
a) Aggression.
b) Withdrawl.
c) Fixation.
d) Compensation.
v) Dissatisfaction on the Job.
vi) Morale and Productivity.
vii) Applying Motivational Concepts.
11. Discipline.
i) Meaning.
ii) Approaches to Discipline.
iii) Administering the disciplinary Program.
iv) Rules and Penalties.

Prescribed Books.
1. Personnel: The Management of People at Work: Dale S. Beach. Macmillan
Publishing Company, New York.
2.Principles of Personnel Management: Flippo Edwin B. McGraw Hill Book
Suggested Readings:
1. Personnel/Human Resource Management: De Cenzo, David. A. & Robbins
Stephen P.

Model paper
Time Allowed: 04 Hours Max Marks: 100


1. Attempt any Five Questions by selecting at least ONE from EACH PART.
2. All Questions Carry equal Marks.

Part – I

1. Discuss in Detail the four management functions and six operative functions
of Personnel Management. (8+12) marks

2. Distinguish between Job Description and Job Specification. What are the
Uses of Preparing a proper job Description? (10+10) marks

Part – II

3. What is a skills inventory? What does it contain? How is it prepared?

(5+7+8) marks
4. What are different types of interviews? Discuss the Principles of
conducting an interview for the selection of an employee.
(8+12) marks

Part – III

5. Discuss in detail any four of the following problems of rating employees.

i) Halo Effect.
ii) Leniency or Strictness.
iii) Central Tendency.
iv) Interpersonal Relations.
v) Organizational Influence.
(5+5+5+5) marks
6. What is meant by vestibule training and how is it different from on the job
training? (12+8) marks
Part – IV

7. Discuss Maslow’s need ranking theory. How it can be applied in a work


8. What is meant by Layoff. Discuss the different Possible Criteria to Layoff and
recall the employees.

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