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Problem Statement


The outbreak of the Corona virus (Covid-19) in 2020 which hit 215 countries in the world including Indonesia,
presented a challenge in the education sector, especially universities. One of these universities is the Semarang State
Polytechnic, a state vocational college located in Semarang City, Central Java. The government has prohibited universities from
conducting face-to-face (conventional) lectures and ordered them to hold lectures or learning online (Kemendikbud Dikti
Circular Letter No. 1 of 2020). Universities are led to be able to organize online learning or online (Firman, F., & Rahayu, S.,
2020). Every student and lecturer will take a trip and need a mode of transportation to campus or other than campus. In
transportation planning, mode selection is the most important stage, because public transportation modes make an important
contribution to various transportation policies.
The occurrence of this outbreak resulted in a difference in face-to-face learning and online, so that from the
journey of students, those who before the outbreak often carried out activities to campus became online. So that it also has an
impact on the travel patterns of students and lecturers at the Semarang State Polytechnic during the pandemic.

A. Reseacrh Problems
1. What is the profile of students, lecturers and employees towards the Semarang State Polytechnic campus ?
2. What are the characteristics of the travel patterns of students, lecturers and employees to the Semarang State
Polytechnic campus before and during the Covid-19 pandemic ?
3. What are the factors that influence the characteristics of students, lecturers and employees in choosing the mode of
transportation to campus before and during the Covid-19 pandemic ?

B. Research purposes
1. Knowing the profiles of students, employees and lecturers heading to the Semarang State Polytechnic campus
during the Covid-19 pandemic.
2. Knowing the characteristics of the travel patterns of students, employees and lecturers to the Semarang State
Polytechnic campus before and during the Covid-19 pandemic.
3. Knowing the factors that influence the characteristics of students, employees and lecturers in choosing the mode of
transportation to campus before and during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Teddy senatriya yudha student

civil engineering, state university of semarang

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