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Definition of Religious ethics and its role

A. The Roots of Ethics

Religious Ethics 

 Based on a theistic understanding of the world

 What is real,true, and good is defend by God

Secular ethics

 Based on scientific understanding of the world

 Reality, truth, and goodness do not depend on the existence of a God

The primary difference is in how values are justified

  Religious Ethics defines the meaning of the field and presents a distinct and
original method for ethical reflection through comparisons of world religious

 A Christian ethic, for example, may be informed by Jesus' radical teaching about

loving one's neighbor, being a good Samaritan, loving one's enemies, and the like.

A. Role of Religious ethics

 Religious ethics are the moral principles that guide religions and that set the

standard for what is and isn't acceptable behavior. Surprisingly similar from
one religion to the next, these fundamental principles flow from the core beliefs and
ancient wisdom of religion, as well as its teachers and traditions.

Does religion play a role in ethics?

 At a minimum, we do seem to regard religion as a good source of basic moral

guidance, making it unwise to argue that there ought to be no connection between
religion and ethics. The link between religion and morality is best illustrated by the
Golden Rule.

Can religious based ethics play a role in development?

 Nevertheless, since the first missionary endeavors of the colonial era, religious-
based ethics have, for better or worse, always played a role in development (De
Kadt 2009). … This marked a growing interest in FBOs and their position in
development practices.

How does religion play a role in business ethics?

 Religions have long-standing approaches to ethics, including business ethics. ...

Religious ethics form a major part of broader understandings of ethical issues. Many
religions and denominations apply both an ethical screen to investment and also
advocate specific ethical approaches to business.

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