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Transport Fundamentals

1A. Basic Transport Modes and Their Performance Characteristics

1B. Intermodal Transport


What is the Transportation Supply
• Work strategically with other players in the supply
chain in order to more effectively reach the corporate
and business vision of your organization.

• Managers should ensure that a firm’s transportation

strategy supports its competitive strategy.
Firms should evaluate the transportation function
based on a combination of transportation costs, other
costs such as inventory affected by transportation
decisions, the level of responsiveness achieved with
customers (corelatia cost transport, costuri de stocare /
nivel al stocurilor si nivelul de servire al clientilor).
Importance of Transportation
A Familiar Situation
• Transportation is anywhere from 40 to 60% of your supply chain costs. Large
attention has been given to Transportation since it consumes a major
proportion (usually between 1/3 or 2/3) of the total logistics costs.
• The Romanian transport industry - more than 7% of GDP

Common Practices:
– Shipment planning and execution is decentralized and manual using limited TMS
and other logistics tools
– Freight bill processing is decentralized, poor visibility to freight spend (cheltuielilor
de transport).
– Carrier performance tracked randomly or at customer request or not at all (absenta
monitorizarii performantei transportatorilor)
– Carrier selection process, rates and service commitments manually

Centralizarea deciziilor este mai degrabă o strategie necesară, nu neapărat

Transportation Management
Transport management processes:

1. Transportation Planning and Execution

It is the process that ensures the best method of transport of goods from
source to destination.
2. Freight Audit and Verification – Verificarea si validarea la plata
a facturilor de transport
3. Fleet Management – Managementul flotei de transport
Fleet management is a process of planning and carrying out transport for
companies with their fleet or renting the transport fleet.
Transport management processes
Transport Planning and Execution – 1st Process
Este procesul care stabileste cea mai bună metodă de transport a marfii de la sursa la destinatie.

Etapele procesului:
1. Consolidarea sau divizarea ordinelor de transport pentru a crea loturi de marfa si rute optime
a)Sunt analizate toate ordinele de cumparare/aprovizionare, transfer intern care sunt « gata de livrare>, adica ordine a
caror marfa a fost déjà colectata, ambalata si depozitata in zona de expeditie.
b) Se consolidează aceste ordine pe baza urmatoarelor criterii : surse-destinații comune pentru regim expres si
distributie, destinatii multiple (multi-stop) pentru regim grupaj, acelasi termen de livrare, aceleasi categorii de
marfuri (generale, speciale, frigorifice, etc), restrictiile de capacitate transport (TL, LTL, container, multimodal, etc) si
echipamente de manipulare, transbordare, etc.
Etapa de consolidare determina capacitatea de transport, modul de transport si căile/rutele de transport ale
ordinelor de transport.

2. Procesul de selecție a resurselor de transport (operatori, echipamente). Aceasta etapa există atunci când sunt utilizati
mai mulți transportatori. La alegerea transportatorului in afara criteriilor de cost se poate lua in considerare si alți
parametri, cum ar fi performanța acestora, istoricul colaborarii, volumul angajamentelor contractuale de transport,

3. Faza de transport si monitorizare a livrarilor.

Urmărirea transportului de marfa se face de obicei folosind standarde de comunicare a mesajelor electronice între
transportator și expeditor pentru a permite automatizarea procesului.
De ex. tranzacția EDI* 214, denumită și mesaj de stare a transportului (Shipment Status Message - SSM), este utilizată
pentru comunicarea etapelor din tranzitul de marfa și respectă un standard la nivel de sector, care este în general
respectat de toți transportatorii și expeditorii de marfuri.
Platformele WEB, aplicatiile cloud sau client-server pentru sistemele de transport manangement (TMS) pot asista
dispecerii pentru a modela și rezolva optim toate etapele procesului de transport.

*EDI – Electronic Data Interchange;

REGIM EXPRES – transport pentru un singur client TUR-RETUR, , DISTRIBUTIE – transport pentru un singur client numai TUR
GRUPAJ - transport organizat pentru mai multi clienti
Freight Audit and Verification – 2nd Process
Procesul de audit al transportului de marfă utilizează urmatoarele tipuri de date:
livrarile efectuate si inregistrate in sistem, datele din contractele de transport, respectiv
tarifele de transport, tarifele de suprataxă a combustibilului, alte taxe suplimentare
(extra greutate, rute extinse, depozitare, etc).
În cazul în care se primește o factură, aceasta este verificată în raport cu livrarea la care
face referinta. Dacă expedierea s-a efectuat si are stadiul „livrat” sau „închis” aceasta este
facturata de transportator. In procesul de audit al transportului de marfă se verifică
validitatea tuturor tarifelor de pe factură, respectiv ratele (tarifele) de transport pentru
tipul specific de cursa, categorie si volum de marfa transportata; suprataxele pentru
combustibil si alte tarife aditionale. Pe baza acestor validări și in functie de profilul
transportatorului, procesul de audit al transportului de marfă poate aproba si transmite
factura la plata, o poate respinge sau o poate păstra pentru revizuire, reevaluare.
Facturile aprobate sunt trimise catre contabilitate, care, le vor plati in functie de
termenele de plată stabilite in contract.
In cadrul procesului de audit se efectueaza si alocarea cheltuielilor de transport,
considerate a fi cheltuieli indirecte, pe centre de costuri pentru a se determina
rentabilitatea operațiunilor.
De asemenea, procesul asigură funcțiile de gestionare a tuturor reclamațiilor împotriva
transportatorului pentru pierderi și/sau daune în timpul tranzitului de marfa.
Fleet Management – 3rd Process
Gestionarea flotei este un proces al managementului transportului în companiile care
dețin sau inchiriaza flota de transport.

Modulul software destinat managementului flotei trebuie sa asigure urmatoarele

functii (subprocese):

• Planificarea Capacității Necesare a Flotei

Acest subproces stabilește capacitatea necesară a flotei dedicate (proprii sau inchiriate).
Utilizarea flotei dedicate asigură flexibilitate in programarea rutelor.
Deoarece volumul cerintelor de transport se modifica in timp (cresterea cifrei de
afacere, sezonalitate, etc), planificatorul poate decide să–si asigure o flota dedicata
pentru a realiza intre 60 și 80 % din volumul total de transport, restul fluctuațiilor de
capacitate fiind gestionate cu ajutorul transportatorilor terti.

• Gestionarea Activelor Flotei

Procesul de administrare a activelor flotei asigură gestionarea ciclului de activitate al
flotei și modul de alocare in raport cu cerintele de transport.
Permite managerilor să localizeze in timp real activele flotei, utilizarea lor curenta (in
cursa, fara sarcina, etc) pentru a oferi clientilor capacitatile libere de transport necesare.
Ex. Trailere – metri liberi de podea (mlp)

• Întreținerea/Mentenanta si Programarea Flotei

Pentru a fi la zi cu mentenanța vehiculelor se foloseste sistemul ALERT de setare si
activare a alertelor.
Astfel, vei primi notificări asupra datelor de expirare RCA, ITP, schimbarea anvelopelor,
revizia mașinilor din flota proprie,etc.
Transport Performance Variables - Variabilele care definesc performanta unui mod de transport
Performance Measurement Description
This attribute refers to the rate for transporting the shipment
plus any additional service fees such as, extra inventory,
Total Distribution Cost
warehousing, buffer stock, and international fees (broker’s fees,
customs,, etc.)
Measured as time from when the shipment is released at the
Speed/Transit time
supplier’s facility (origin) to the time of receipt at buyer’s
Viteza de transport
receiving dock (destination)
Also know as OTIF* rate; refers to ability to deliver on time; i.e.,
Eficienta, Securitate,
percentage of deliveries made within the specified time
Siguranta livrarilor la timp
*OTIF – OnTime InFull delivery

Refers to how closely the capacity of the transport mode
Capacitatea de a transporta
matches the size and nature of the shipment, including special
incarcaturi complexe si
materials, hazardous materials, etc.
variate de marfa

Refers to the ability of a transport mode to reach origin and
destination points over the route and provide service from
Accesul direct la client
picking up the shipment
9 to door-to-door delivery.
– livrare door to door -
Choice of Transportation Mode
Ranking of Transportation Modes in Terms of Supply
Chain Performance Score: 1 = best, 5=worst
per-unit Speed Reliability Capability Accessibility Total score
Air 5 1 4 3 3 16

Rail 3 3 3 1 2 12

Pipeline* 1 4 1 5 5 16

Road 4 2 2 2 1 11

Sea & Inland

2 5 5 4 4 20

Din tabel rezulta, transportul rutier ofera cele mai bune performante.
In logistica transporturilor acesta are si cea mai mare frecventa de utilizare.
* Pipeline transport (transportul prin conducte) is the mode of transportation of liquids and gases and any chemically
stable substance (the transport of crude and refined petroleum, fuels - such as oil, natural gas and biofuels, etc)
Sustainability of freight transport

Transportul de marfa contribuie cu

30% la poluarea aerului.
The efficiency of energy use
and fuel emissions
Distance, Mode and Transportation Cost
Corelatia mod de transport - cost

Different transportation modes have different cost functions.

Point D1 is generally located between 500 and 750 km of the
point of departure while D2 is near 1,500 km. 13
Transportation efficiency
Corelatia mod de transport - volum, valoare marfa
Raport mare valoare-greutate, ex
telefoanele inteligente

Raport mic
ex. mobila

The widening of the Panama Canal and enhancements to some U.S. East Coast ports
to accommodate larger freighters also has tended to increase the volume of cargo
that can be imported at an attractive cost (marfurile importate la un cost mai mic).
The Panama Canal connects Asia and U.S. East Coast ports.
1A. Transport Modes
Modes of Transportation and Their Performance Characteristics
1. Road Transport - Truck
The trucking industry consists of two major segments— truckload (TL) or less than truckload (LTL).
TL industry is characterized by shipments of more than 7500 kg. A full trailer has a capacity of 40 tones.
LTL industry are priced to encourage shipments in small lots, usually less than half a TL and is suited for
shipments (> 70 kg and < 7500 kg) that are too large to be mailed as small packages using Package
Road transport can be split into two categories:
• Primary transport
• Secondary transport
Primary transport vehicles are large and generally used in upstream supply chains. Primary transport
takes raw materials or finished products from ports, airports, rail terminals, factories or warehouses
to a distribution centre. A typical size load in primary transport would be 40 ft. in length (12.2 m).
Secondary transport, in comparison, picks up customer orders from the distribution centre and delivers
them to the customer. Secondary transport vehicles will generally be smaller trucks, vans or even
motorcycles in order to deliver customer orders effectively in urban areas. Some secondary transport
operators use hybrid vehicles to reduce inner-city congestion.
Some Truck Performance Characteristics:
 Relatively low cost and efficient transit time
 More expensive than rail but very flexible, it offers the advantage of door-to-door
shipment, alternative route and a shorter delivery time.
 Very competitive within certain distance bands
 Low capacity as only small consignments can be moved.
 Time consuming on long distance bands
 Accounts for almost 70% of cargo shipped within Europe.
Road Transport Vehicles
Tipuri de autovehicule marfuri/servicii
1. VAN-URI / CAMIONETE (3.5 tone) : DUBE/PRELATE;Capacitate:1.5
to, Volum: 12-15 m3; LTL=1&2
2. AUTOCAMION / FURGONETE ( >3.5 to dar <=7,5 tone)
:DUBE/PRELATE;Capacitate:3.5 to, Volum: 35-42 m3;
3. AUTOCAMION (> 7.5 tone) DUBE/PRELATE; TL=3&4
DUBE/PRELATE;Capacitate:20-24 to, max 44 to, Volum: 120 m3, max
160 m3;
6. Alte transporturi speciale (autocisterne, autoizoterme,
autofrigorifice, autobasculante, autosanitare, automacarale,
autoamfibii etc.)
TIR* : Autocamion de mare tonaj pentru transportul internațional de mărfuri

Types of Vehicles
Autotren: autotractor cu semiremorca si remorca
camioane Semitrailer sau Semiremorca : Jumatate
extra-lungi din greutatea remorcii este dispusa pe
axul autotractorului (capului tractor)
Trailer sau Remorca
Toata greutatea remorcii este sustinuta
de axul propriu.
Autotren: autovehicul cu 2 remorci.
Roadtren: autovehicul cu mai mult
de 2 remorci..maxim 6

Autocamion : semiremorca nu este detasabila Camion cu semiremorca: autotractor cu semiremorca

semiremorcă platformă
Copiator=Xerox ?

• TIR vine de la carnetul TIR (Transports Internationaux Routiers),

un document de tranzit vamal care faciliteaza transportul rutier
internaţional de marfuri, garantând plata taxelor vamale
pentru mărfurile transportate sub regim TIR, în condițiile
prevăzute în Convenţia TIR. Un carnet TIR poate fi utilizat
numai pentru un singur transport TIR
• Deoarece pentru transportul international se foloseste un camion
cu remorca sau autotractor cu semiremorca, se denumeste in
mod implicit si eronat TIR un vehicul mare de transport.
• Vorbim asadar de un transport TIR - transport efectuat sub
acoperirea unui carnet TIR
Transport paleti 92 m3 Transport
33 Europaleti ISO1 pe podea Cisterna
Permite încărcarea
paleților cu
încărcătură pe două
rânduri în lățime.

cu prelata

Open Top
Transport cu
Greut. totala max 44
to cu un container
ISO(12m) de 40
2. Rail Transport
The rail transport is excellent for large volume, high-density
products over long distance and suitable for low-value,
non-time-sensitive deliveries. Other characteristics:
 Experienced rapid growth in the last 20 years.
 Efficient way to deliver large capacities of items (mod eficient de transport terestru volume
mari de marfuri)
 Provides fast links, safe and environmentally friendly
 Dependent on available fixed routes and timetables; hence, inflexible services, not mobile.
 Rail is a major player in intermodal transport and can provide “piggyback” services, such as:
• Trailer on Flat Car (TOFC)
• Container on Flat Car (COFC)
• Rolling Road Train (RRT)

Comisia UE in Cartea sa albă din 2011 a stabilit pentru 2050 ca cea mai mare parte a
transportului de pasageri pe distanțe medii să se realizeze cu trenul. Pe termen
mediu (până în 2030), ar trebui asigurată triplarea lungimii rețelei de mare viteză
existente și menținerea unei rețele feroviare dense în toate statele membre. Pe
termen lung, ar trebui finalizată o rețea feroviară europeană de mare viteză.
3. Sea Transport

Maritime transportation dominates, handling about 80% of the

volume and 70% of the value of international trade.
 High-capital investment
 Low-cost mode because of large capacity shipment
Types of ships:
- Liner Shipping – nava de transport care opereaza dupa un orar regulat
(scheduled regular services between ports, the same ships and routes and prices)
- Tramp shipping – nave cargo de curse neregulate pentru transportul in vrac -
operate like a taxi service (irregular process, irregular routes and schedules, operate
in all parts of the world in primarily bulk cargo: coal, grain, timber, sugar,
- Industry Shipping /Specialised Vessels (movement of raw materials, liquid
products requiring specialised containers, tankers) ex: the currently largest roll-
on/roll-off cargo (RoRo)
 Can ship large volume at low cost and offer more opportunities for
 Very slow, routes and timetables not usually flexible

DEADWEIGHT (DWT) - Greutatea maximă (masurată în tone) pe care o poate

transporta o navă (rezervele de combustibil, de ulei și de apă, proviziile și încărcătura
utilă de marfa, inclusiv echipajul și pasagerii cu bagajele lor).
De exemplu: nave maritime cu o capacitate maximă de 12.500 tdw.
4. Air Transport
 The youngest and the most rapidly growing.
 Rapid growth, requires high capital investment.
 Divided in 4 sectors
- Express (FedEx, TNT, UPS, DHL) – transport rapid
- Special commodities (perishables, live animals,
hazardous products…)
- Traditional Air Cargo (moving in containers or pallets)
- Traditional Air Passengers - an important objective of an airline
is to maximize the revenue generated per flight
 High speed, quick transits, reliable and low risk of damage for
sensitive items
 Limited capacity, very costly, subject to competition not
suitable for all goods and vulnerable to climatic conditions.
It’s suitable for small, high value items (high value-to-weight
ratio or time-sensitive emergency shipments that must travel
a long distance)
5. Package Carriers (firme de curierat)

 Package carriers are transportation companies which carry small packages ranging
from letters to small and time-sensitive shipments. Package carriers use air, truck,
and rail to transport time-critical smaller packages.
 Package carriers are expensive and cannot compete with TL (full truck load) or LTL
(less than truck load) carriers on price for large shipments.
 Package carriers are the preferred mode of transport for online businesses and
package carriers has increased significantly over the past few years.
 Given the small size of packages (<70 kg)* and several delivery points,
consolidation of shipments is a key factor in increasing utilization and decreasing
costs for package carriers. Package carriers have trucks that make local deliveries
and pick up packages. Packages are then taken to large sorting centers, from which
they are sent by full truckload, rail, or air to the sorting center closest to the
delivery point. From the delivery-point sorting center, the package is sent to
customers on small trucks making milk runs (ruta finala catre clienti).

E-commerce helps to reduce the need for large numbers of warehouses, reducing
the costs associated with stock and inventory management. As a result the costs
are reduced and the savings can be passed on to the customers.
*Greutatea max acceptata a coletelor depinde de firma de curierat.
De ex. Fan Courier max 30 kg, DPD max 40 kg, UPS max 70 kg dar cu aplicare de
taxa suplimentara pentru pachete > 40kg.
Sunt luate in calcul (cm) volumul (H*l*L) si circumferinta coletului (2*H+2*l).
6. Canals and Inland Water Transport

Transportul pe canale si cai navigabile interioare

 Low-cost mode of transport but slow
 Europe possesses 36,000 km of waterways
 In Europe, only 6% of freight traffic are carried out by inland whereas
12% in the US.
 40% of Netherland freight traffic is carried by inland waterways shipping
 Though it can accommodate high freight capacity, this mode is not yet
fully exploited in Europe.
 The completion of the canal joining the Rhine and the Danube, in 1992,
opened up a 3500km cheap inland waterways route between the North
Sea and Atlantic Ocean to the Black Sea. The Rhine–Main–Danube
Canal (RMD) provides the main east-west navigable artery across
Continental Europe between the Rhine delta (at Rotterdam in
the Netherlands), and the Danube Delta in south-eastern Romania and
south-western Ukraine (or Constanța, through the Danube–Black Sea
1B. Transportul Combinat
Multimodal/Intermodal Transport
Intermodal vs. Multimodal
Intermodal operations- running on several independent carriers contracts
( un transportator pentru fiecare mod de transport )
Multimodal operations - running on single carrier contracts
Rail Truck
A variety of intermodal
combinations are possible
Air Water
•containers Advantages:
•pallets • is best for a long-distance haul
•Intermodal Transport Operators
• minimizes disadvantages of individual modes,
•Transport Providers (Truck, Rail,
enables shippers door to door deliveries
Sea, Air, etc)
•Terminal Operators (TOs) • is the right choice for intermediate value
•EDI (electronic data interchange) • good choice for continuous and regular cargo
•Paperless platforms flow to the same destination
•Green logistics • a safe passage, the shipments do not leave the
•RFID container
• minimize its company’s carbon footprint
Intermodal transport operations
Transportul intermodal
Pack at origin; do not open until destination
Example: Land-Sea-Land

Ocean Vessel Truck Rail

Transportul intermodal reprezintă acel sistem de transport care utilizeaza în mod succesiv cel puţin
două moduri de transport şi în care unitatea de transport intermodal (ITU) nu se divizează la
schimbarea modurilor de transport (fără manipulări ale mărfii propriu-zise la schimbarea tipului de
Exemple de unitati de transport intermodal ITU: containere standard, cutii metalice, paleti cutii,
paleti ambalati, vehicule rutiere (însoțite de soferi) și semiremorci (neînsoțite).
Cele mai uzuale dimensiuni de containere ISO sunt: 20 de picioare 8 x 8 x 20 feet(TEU)
sau 40 de picioare 8 x 8 x 40 feet (FEU = 2 TEU’s); 1feet=30.48 cm.
Cele mai uzuale dimensiuni de paleti sunt 800x1200mm si 1000x1200mm.
Paletii sunt ambalati pentru a permite manipulari fara riscuri (FOLIE TEHNICĂ STRETCH, PLASE DE
Structura Transportului Intermodal
Structura sistemului intermodal de transport se bazează pe 3 elemente:
1- Transport principal
3-Transport secundar 3- Transport secundar
2- Terminal
(local) (local)
incarcare /

• 1 - un sistem de transport al mărfii pe distanţe lungi, denumit transport

principal (la care participă de regulă modurile de transport maritim, feroviar, căile
navigabile interioare şi/sau aerian).
• 2 - terminale de transport combinat care asigură transferul eficient al unităţilor
de încărcătură de pe un sistem modal de transport pe altul. Un terminal de
transport combinat este un loc echipat cu facilităţi mecanizate de transbordare şi
stocare a UTI (unităţi de transport intermodal).
• 3- un sistem de colectare şi distribuţie a fluxurilor de mărfuri în punctele de
origine, respectiv de destinaţie ale lanţului de transport (realizat de regulă prin
intermediul modului de transport rutier). Transportul rutier asigurâ servirea
In transportul intermodal este manipulata numai unitatea de încărcătură
(denumită în legislaţia europeană unitate de transport intermodal (ITU)* si nu
parti din marfa aflata in interiorul ITU.
O unitate de încărcătură contine una sau mai multe comenzi ale clientilor transportate
impreună si poate fi un vehicul sau o unitate de transport intermodal (ITU).
ITU - Intermodal transport unit
Intermodal freight transport cost
The figure below shows that:
for shorter distances, the total cost
of intermodal freight transport will
be higher than the cost of road
transport (additional costs are
incurred at intermodal freight
terminals, ie the freight
transhipment costs (loading and
If the new technology for freight
transhipment reduces loading and
unloading costs at intermodal
freight terminals, the critical
dc - the critical distance is defined as the distance dc will become shorter
distance where the costs for the road-only
freight transport and those for intermodal and the use of intermodal freight
(road and rail) freight transport are the same will be more widely accepted .
Transport Intermodal
Containerizarea marfurilor a permis expeditorilor sa combina avantajele a doua sau mai
multe moduri de transport.
Transportul intermodal presupune existenta in terminalele de transport combinat (huburi) a
facilitatilor de transbordare între modurile de transport diferite.

Tipuri de combinatie:
- piggyback - transportului combinat rutier – feroviar (autocamioane pe platforme feroviare)

- fishyback - transport combinat rutier – naval

- trainship - transport combinat feroviar - naval

- airtruck - transport combinat aerian- rutier

- L.A.SH (Lighter Aboard Ship) – transport combinat barje/salupe-nave maritime.

Utilizat in cazul transportului pe canale navigabile de adancimi si dimensiuni mici.

Din tipurile de combinatii prezentate, se remarcă faptul că transporturile combinate

navale-aeriene sau cale ferată-aeriene au şanse mai reduse de aplicabilitate.
Multimodal - Piggyback transport
Categorii de transport combinat rutier - feroviar:
LO-LO (Lift on – Lift off)
a) COFC (container on flat car) or LO-LO (Lift on – Lift off) – containere
transportate pe platforme feroviare cu incarcare pe verticala
b) TOFC (trailer on flat car) - trailere transportate pe platforme feroviare cu
incarcare pe vertical LO – LO. Semiremorcă pe platformă
RO-LA (Rolling Highway) – camioane transportate pe platforma feroviară - urcarea si
descarcarea se face prin rampa.
Transport portcontainer LO-LO:
COFC (container on flat car) TOFC (trailer on flat car)
Tren cu 2 niveluri
Containere plasate pe vagoane platforma
Transport combinat rutier - feroviar RO-LA
Transport combinat rutier - feroviar RO-LA prin transferul de pe şosele pe calea
ferată a transportului marfă asigura reducerea costurilor de transport pe
distante lungi dar si a emisiilor de dioxid de carbon.

a) Imbarcarea /Debarcarea autocamioanelor pe/de pe vagoane RO-LA se face cu

ajutorul unei rampe de imbarcare /debarcare) – transportul autotrenurilor rutiere
se face pe rute feroviare
b)Trenurile RO-LA au unul sau două vagoane cuşetă în care călătoresc
Transport RO-LA
Fishyback & AirTruck
AirTruck- Lo-Lo (Lift On-Lift Off)
Transport combinat rutier – aerian specific
pentru marfurile de volum mic si valoare

Fishyback RO-RO (Roll On–Roll Off)

Fishyback LO-LO Lift On–Lift Off
Nave Feribot Ro-Ro : permit transportul
Nave Lo-Lo: încărcarea /descărcarea
vehiculelor pe roţi proprii, adica
containerelor si semiremorcilor se
incarcarea/descarcarea se face pe orizontala).
face pe verticală)
RO-RO necesita insotirea vehiculelor de catre
HUB intermodal rutier-feroviar
( piggyback )
• 2017 – Verona-Curtici linie de transport intermodal Italia (Verona) – România (Curtici)
deschisa de firma Arcese.
• 2018 - GOPET primul tren intermodal care leagă două dintre cele mai importante
piețe din regiunea CEE, Polonia(Spedcont, Lodz ) și România (Oradea).
Deoarece acest tip de transport este mult mai dezvoltat in vestul Europei, foarte multi
clienti cer acest serviciu si in Romania.

Transportul intermodal se dezvolta lent in Romania din cauza infrastructurii slabe.

Aceaste investiții sunt parte a unei strategii mai ample de dezvoltare a unei rețele
intermodale integrate în Europa ca alternativă la serviciile de transport rutier, ce va
permite reducerea emisiilor de CO2 cu peste 50%.

Motostivuitor intr-un terminal intermodal

Frankfurt is the largest air freight transshipment site in Europe

The "Blue Banana“

• 25 780 m² freight shipment Hall Birmingham, via London, Brussels,
(Lufthansa Cargo Centre) the Randstad, the Ruhr Area, the
• Handles 700 000 tonnes per year Rhine axis, Basel and Zurich, as far
• 6000 shipment per day as Milan, Turin and Florence, and
•Operated by Lufthansa Rome.
Cuprinde si Frankfurt, Rotterdam,
Lille prezentate in slide-uri.
Port of Rotterdam – gateway to Europe

 The port & industrial area stretches over a length of 40km and covers
10,000 hectares
 More than 500 scheduled services link Rotterdam with over 1000 ports
 Around 370 million tonnes handled in 2005
 The European market is accessible from Rotterdam via all modes of transport;
 Rotterdam is an excellent hub for multimodal shipping; hence its name “gateway”
to Europe.
 The 5 largest oil firms (Shell, BP, Esso, Kuwait Petroleum & Texaco) have
refineries there).
Lille as Regional Multimodal Hub

• Road transport : over 550 kilometres of highways linked directly into the
pan-European road system
• France’s densest rail network, offering an efficient freight and passenger-
transport alternative with 1,512 km of rail track and 122 local freight
• High-speed rail service: Lille is at the heart of the TGV
(Train à Grande Vitesse) network serving Northern Europe
• Direct rail link to the UK via the Channel Tunnel
• High-performance inland waterway network serving Northern Europe
(680 km / 422 miles of canals).
• Seven seaports in the immediate vicinity: Rotterdam, Antwerp, Felixstowe,
Le Havre, Dunkirk, Calais and Boulogne sur mer
• Rail and waterways links with main ports in Northern Europe; complete
forwarding service combining inland transport by barge and the shipping
Piggyback (transport combinat feroviar-rutier)
Tunelul Canalul Manecii (1994) este un tunel feroviar submarin, lung de
50 km (38 km sub mare), care leagă vestul Franței de sud-estul Angliei, pe
sub Canalul Mânecii. Reprezinta cel mai mare proiect de inginerie civila din
sec. 20. Este administrat de compania franco-engleza EUROTUNNEL si
asigura servicii de transport multimodal tip Piggyback.
Passenger and freight vehicles are carried
in separate shuttle trains.
Traversarea mașinilor, autocarelor,
motocicletelor și camioanelor este
asigurată de navete feroviare (shuttle
wagon) și durează aproximativ 35 de
minute de la peron la peron Calais -
Transportul călătorilor este asigurat de
compania Eurostar, care utilizează trenuri
de tip TGV modificate pentru a se adapta
specificului tunelului și rețelei britanice
(alimentare prin a treia șină). Conexiuni
Paris / Brussels - Londra
• Cross-Channel ferry-boat routes –transport
multimodal apa-rutier fishyback
• Alternativa la transportul feroviar prin canalul Manecii este
transportul cu feribotul intre Calais – Franta si Dover – Anglia.
• Dezavantaje
Timpul de tranzit este mai lung.
(35 min Eurotunnel vs. 75 min feribot)
• Avantaje
Costurile sunt mai mici de jumatate
decat cele practicate de EUROTUNNEL.

An Ernst & Young report found that 30 percent of UK exports to

and 22 percent of imports from the EU depend on the tunnel. The
tunnel also transports 21 million passengers a year.
Drumul Matasii ASIA-EUROPA : Transport Intermodal TrainShip
Proiectul privind livrarea bunurilor
China - Uniunea Europeana va lega
Oceanul Pacific de Europa, prin
Practic este vorba despre o cale ferată
care să transporte marfuri de la Oceanul
Pacific, să străbată China şi Kazahstan
pana la Batum, port la Marea Capsică, apoi
imbarcare containere pe vapoare, în
Azerbaidjan debarcare pe platforme feroviare
pentru a străbate zona caucaziană, apoi
imbarcare din nou pe vapoare pentru a
străbate Marea Neagră, până la
Constanţa. Aici, mărfurile trec din nou pe
calea ferată românească pentru a ajunge
în Occident. Timpul de călătorie va fi de
20-25 de zile, aproape la jumatate din
timpul actual maritim China-Europa de 45
de zile prin Oceanul Indian. Reducerea
timpului de tranzit şi a costurilor pentru
transporturile de marfă sunt printre marile
avantaje ale rutei.
Romania effective gateway for Eastern&Central Europe???
Amplasarea geografică a unei ţări, alături de infrastructura sa şi apartenenţa acesteia la
spaţiul Schengen, permite sau nu dezvoltarea logisticii.

Viteza este cel mai important factor în logistică.

Ne-ar ajuta dacă România ar fi în Schengen, cea
mai mare pierdere de timp este la graniţa cu Ungaria.
Transportatorii ar câştiga până la zece ore la un
drum din România în vestul Europei, potrivit unui
raport al asociatiei transportatorilor.


1) Currently via port of Rotterdam
2) Bonded warehouse (Antrepozit) in Venlo
3) Fiscal Representation in Holland
4) VAT deferment (amanare TVA) in Holland
5) 1000 containers/year from China
6) Value approx. € 50.000,00/container

Koper (Slovenia) or
Constanta Port ?
Inbound and Outbound Transport
Cost Calculation / Comparison
• Port to Warehouse transport
– Inland trucking
– Barge
– Rail
• Warehouse costs
– Stripping, palletizing, loading
– Cross dock storage
• Distribution in CEE
– Trucking (FTL / LTL)
– Rail ?
• Import duties & VAT deferment
(amanarea platii TVA)
The dominant maritime route for goods from Asia to Europe

Containerization has been identified as a key driver of economic globalization since the 1970s.
For several reasons, such as geographical proximity (Eastern Europe) the European Union has
significant trading linkages with other parts of the world.
• Deoarece infrastructura rutieră şi feroviară • Plata TVA la import*
dintre zona de vest a Romaniei şi Marea
Adriatică e mai bună decât cea care separă – Pentru achizitiile extracomunitare
Constanţa de vestul ţării, mărfurile ajung mai (CHINA, etc) pana la data de 26
repede în vest prin Marea Adriatică, aspect noiembrie 2014 TVA-ul se platea in
sesizat şi de portul Koper, care şi-a deschis un vama la valoarea declarata in vama
terminal de containere la Curtici. Firme din (valoarea in vama cuprinde
Ungaria au deschis curse regulate de transport atat valoarea in vama a bunurilor
containerizat pe calea ferată către Arad.
livrate, cat si cheltuielile de
• Absenţa unor centre logistice de prelucare a
transport si de asigurare a bunurilor
containerelor în portul Contanţa face ca deseori
containerele cu mărfuri destinate consumului în
pe parcurs extern care intervin
Dobrogea să ajungă pentru prelucrare la centrele pana la primul loc de destinatie a
logistice din Bucureşti, urmând ca ulterior să se bunurilor in Romania in situatia in
reîntoarcă în Dobrogea. care acestea nu au fost cuprinse in
• Plata TVA in avans* impiedica transformarea pretul de livrare al furnizorului).
Portului Constanta intr-un "hub" (nod de retea ) Pentru suma TVA datorata si
pentru toate tarile din estul Europei. achitata in vama, societatea isi
Autoritatile romane nu se lasa convinse sa exercita dreptul de deducere a TVA
renunte la acest sistem. in baza declaratiei vamale de
• Motivele* : Probleme cu recuperarea TVA import
*Plata TVA in avans a fost eliminata, incepand cu 26
noiembrie 2014
Kooper vs Constanta
Plata TVA la achizitiile extracomunitare
• Daca ne uitam la statistici, vedem ca numeroase containere din China, care este cel
mai mare furnizor, ocolesc Constanta, pentru ca este mult mai ieftin pentru
importatori sa foloseasca Koper ca port in Slovenia, membra UE si de acolo sa
aduca marfurile in Romania fara a plati TVA-ul de 24% in avans**.
• Koper ofera servicii foarte bune, acest port se dezvolta in toate directiile, vorbim
de sume astronomice, are un management foarte dinamic, dupa model privat, si
beneficiaza de sprijinul guvernului. Koper apartine Sloveniei care este tara membra
a spatiului Schengen incepand cu data de 21 Decembrie, 2007.
• Constanta ofera facilitatile transportului de barje pe Dunare pentru transportarea
marfurilor de la Constanta catre Viena si Budapesta pana la Rotterdam.
The canal connects the North Sea and Atlantic Ocean to the Black Sea, providing a
navigable artery between the Rhine delta (at Rotterdam in the Netherlands) and
the Danube Delta (at Constanţa)
* *Plata TVA in avans pentru achizitiile extracomunitare a fost eliminata incepand cu
26 noiembrie 2014.
Consecintele:Eliminarea plății TVA la importul extracomunitar va avea ca efect
creșterea numărului de importuri procesate de birourile vamale, atât din
Constanța, cât și din țară, România devenind astfel o poartă de intrare în
Participants in Transportation
The shipper is the party that requires the
movement of the product between two
points in the supply chain.

The Carrier/Transporters is the party

Government that moves or transports the product.

The owners and operators of

transportation infrastructure such as
roads, ports, canals, and airports; Most
Consignor / Agents/Brokers/ Consignee/Receiver
Shipper transportation infrastructure throughout
the world is owned and managed as a
public good.

The bodies that set transportation policy

worldwide. Transportation policy sets
direction for improving transportation
The effectiveness of any mode of transport is infrastructure, prevent abuse of
influenced by equipment investments and operating monopoly power; promote fair
decisions by the carrier and the available competition; and balance
infrastructure and transportation policies. environmental, energy, and social
concerns in transportation.
Services Supporting International Trade

International trade requires several types of services:

Distribution services are related to the function of transportation and warehousing, which
are physical operations performed on trade goods. A carrier, such as a truck or a maritime
shipping company, and a terminal operator provide transportation services while a cargo
owner can have own account transportation and warehousing.
Transaction services include activities for managing international trade.
Procurement involves finding suppliers, setting contracts and ensuring continuity in the
supply. Customs are all the regulatory compliance so that traded goods meet national
standards and that duties are paid. Freight forwarders regularly assume this function on
behalf of their customers. Finance provides capital to invest in trade activities, such as the
purchasing (leasing) of equipment and the construction of facilities, an activity performed
by investment banks. Cargo also needs to be insured against common risks (delays, theft,
damage), a function assumed by insurance companies, some also involved in finance.
Actors involved in international trade

International trade requires a number of actors.

Investment banks facilitate for their clients investment in companies that need capital to
invest in trade activities.
Since many trade transactions are settled through currency exchange drawn from
corporate deposits, commercial banks are major actors in settling transactions and letters
of credit.
In recent years, actors known as third-party logistics providers (3PL) are offering a wider
range of trade services to their customers by controlling crucial transportation and
transaction services. Several 3PL are carriers that have decided for strategic purposes to
expand their range of services to provide added value, by combining the physical assets
they control (ships, vehicles, warehouses) with procurement and customs services. Fourth
party logistics providers (4PL) have also emerged, mainly focusing on non-physical asset
trade services.
Furnizori de servicii pentru transport

Carrier / Transporters- the party that moves or transports the product Express operators provide
Shipper – The services for the movement of
documents and small
shipper is the owner
Packages. Timpul scurt de
of the cargo.
livrare este esential
Este vanzatorul /
exportatorul care
solicita transportul Freight Forwarders –
marfurilor proprii. societate de expeditie
Raspunde de Colecteaza cererile de
alegerea carausului , expeditie de la clienți ,
continutul intocmeste documentatiile și
incarcaturii si organizeaza transportul de
suporta cheltuielile marfa la destinație.
de transport in
conformitate cu For Express operators the
termenii Incoterms timescales for transit are
stipulati in contract. measured in hours, in contrast
to forwarders, whose transit
times are generally managed in

Example: when Dell uses UPS to ship its computers from the factory to the customer, Dell is the
shipper and UPS is the carrier/integrators that provide a door-to-door service, usually using their
own road and air network, handling and transit warehousing facilities.
End-to-end, full-stack
LSPs: ‘from web to door’
are going to be the future.
Collaboration and
innovation with supply
chain partners is critical
for LSPs.
4PL: Arrangement in which
a firm outsources its
logistical operations to two
or more specialist firms (the
third party logistics) and
hires another specialist firm
(the fourth party) to
coordinate the activities of
the third parties.
3PL - A firm which provides multiple LLP (Lead logistics provider) major customer benefits:
logistics services for use by shippers •Reduction of operating cost (transportation,
(customers). Among the services warehousing, administration, IT)
which they provide, preferably, •inventory reduction (cycle time and inventory
integrated, are transportation, reduction)
warehousing, cross-docking, •reduction of fixed cost (better asset utilization,
inventory management, packaging, variable pricing models)
and freight forwarding. •consistent service-levels

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