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The Phenomena of COVID-19 Pandemic

Covid 19 is a disease caused by a virus. This disease is so dangerous that it can cause death.

someone who is exposed to this virus will feel several symptoms such as shortness of breath,

flu, cough, etc. because of the virus, all activities in the world must be carried out from home to

reduce the level of people infected with this virus. including Indonesia Currently teaching and

learning activities in Indonesia must be carried out from home. This is due to the increasingly

widespread Covid-19 outbreak in Indonesia, Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Anwar

Makarim issued Circular Number 4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Education in a

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Emergency, one of which emphasizes that online (long distance)

learning is carried out. to provide a meaningful learning experience. E-Learning is the best

choice for education in the midst of the Covid19 outbreak.

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