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How to Patch VMware vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) 6.

7 via VAMI
Step 1: Download the ISO patch file from VMware product patches page:

Once you're there, select the drop-down menu with VC6.7.0SEARCH:

In this document, we'll see the steps followed when upgrading from version to with Patch released on May 28th 2020:

After downloading the iso file, upload it to a location that can be accessed by the VCSA VM. In our case,
we choose to upload it to "ISO&TEMPLATE" Datastore:
Step 2: Connect to your vCenter Server, select your VCSA VM and attach the ISO file:

Make sure, after validating the attachment of the ISO, the checkbox "Connected" is checked:
Step 3: Connect to VMware Appliance Management Interface (VAMI) and go to "Update", "CHECK
UPDATE" and click on "Check CD ROM":

After a while, you should see in the lower pane the information about the update:
Step 4: Click "STAGE AND INSTALL" to initiate the update process.
After completion, we can see on the VAMI that the current version is :

That's all Folks!

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