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Subject: Language 1st Semester Lesson Planning SY 2017-2018

Prepared by: ____________ Grade: KG 3/1

Approved by:_______________

Week / Date Content Evaluation after


Week 9 UNIT 9:
July 3-7, 2017
Circus fun activities on festival.

At the end of the week, the students
will be able to:
 Have a knowledge on different
fun activities in a circus show.
 appreciate and respect the
honourable task of a circus
attendants and performers in the
different show to be presented
 read, spell and memorize the
vocabulary given

 Teacher will present a television
on screen about the different
living things and non-living
things that can be found in the
circus show.
 Question and answer portion
about the topic and let the
student give examples by using
the new given vocabulary
 Students will listen, follow, and
say the vocabulary taught by the
teacher in 3-5 times repetition.
 Singing-Action game by pair.

 Listen, point, read and say the
vocabulary given
 White board activity
 Singing-Action game by pair
 Question and answer about the
 Answer worksheet provided

 Worksheet
 White board
 USB for television screen
 Pictures/Images/Objects
presentations to visualize the


Step 1. (10 Minutes)

Greetings between teachers and students. Teacher will check the attendance. Let the
students heard what the new vocabulary for the day by watching and following the action
song “Old McDonald Had A Farm”.

Step 2. (25 Minutes)

To begin with the class, ask questions or any examples of what things they can they can
see in the circus show. By pairs, let students stand in front of their classmates and one
student will say the vocabulary as like as name of an animal and other pair will say the
sound of the given animal name. Afterwards, let students be evaluated their knowledge
through naming the living and non-living things seen and repeating it by 3-5 times to let
them understand and remember the vocabulary used in the topic. By more understanding
on the topic, give more examples and let them answer their worksheets. End up the class
by letting students finish answering their worksheet.

Step 3. (10 Minutes)

Interactive Activities…Evaluate the student’s knowledge on the vocabulary taught
lately by letting them answer worksheets and checking it in prompt before the class times

Step 4. (5 Minutes)
End class by saying goodbye and thank you. Pass finished or unfinished answered
worksheet. Assist some students whoever does have queries.

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