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Name : Nadila Choirunnisa’ Intsani

NIM/Class : 19190037/B

Paraphrasing exercise 1
Paraphrase each part of this sentence into different three ways.
1. It is not illegal in some cultures to be married to more one woman, but the
monogamous relationship is the most common. (Barron’s TOEFL IBT 208by Pamela J.
Sharpe, page 96)
- It is not illegal in some cultures to be married to more one woman
a. in some culture polygamy is legal
b. Marrying more than one woman is legal in some cultures
c. polygamy is not illegal in some cultures
- but
a. however
b. although
c even though
- the monogamous relationship is the most common
a. monogamy is found in most cultures
b monogamy is more common
c the more common one that is found is monogamy
- combine three paraphrases into different sentences
a. in some culture polygamy is legal, however monogamy is found in most cultures
b. Marrying more than one woman is legal in some cultures, although monogamy is more
c. polygamy is not illegal in some cultures, even though the more common one that is found is
2. Some 10 million girl a year are married before 18 years across the world, according to a
UNICEF report release this year (what it is like to be a childe bride? By Nel Hidayat, BBC
News Magazine, October 4, 2011)
- Some 10 million girl a year
a. approximately 10 million girls a year
b in one year, approximately 10 million girls
c More than 10 million girls during one year
- are married before 18 years
a has been married under 18 years
b married at an early age
c married at a young age
- across the world
a all countries in the world
b in many countries
c in all the world
according to a UNICEF report release this year
a for this year's unicef statement
b based on unicef's exposure this year
c sourced from unicef reviews this year
- combine three paraphrases into different sentences
a approximately 10 million girls a year has been married under 18 years all countries in the
world for this year's unicef statement
b in one year, approximately 10 million girls married at an early age in many countries based on
unicef's exposure this year
c. More than 10 million girls during one year married at a young age in all the world sourced
from unicef reviews this year
3. Try to find a sentence and try to paraphrase it
a. Original Passage
In The Sopranos, the mob is besieged as much by inner infidelity as it is by the federal
government. Early in the series, the greatest threat to Tony's Family is his own biological family.
One of his closest associates turns witness for the FBI, his mother colludes with his uncle to
contract a hit on Tony, and his kids click through Web sites that track the federal crackdown in
Tony's gangland.
b. Paraphrased Passage
In the first season of The Sopranos, Tony Soprano’s mobster activities are more threatened by
members of his biological family than by agents of the federal government. This familial
betrayal is multi-pronged. Tony’s closest friend and associate is an FBI informant, his mother
and uncle are conspiring to have him killed, and his children are surfing the Web for information
about his activities.

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