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BAO LONG COMPOSITE JOIN STOCK COMPANY MESSAGE FROM BAO LONG COMPOSITE JOIN STOCK COMPANY Loi gidi thiéu NhGing dac tinh ndi trdi tiv céng nghé sdi thuy tinh cing vdi nhya Composite dudi sy gidm sat chat ché dua trén kinh nghiém nhiéu nam cua cae chuyén gia ky thuat hang dau, két hgp ban tay khéa léo cua nhiing céng nhan lanh nghé, da tao ra nhting san ph4m vust tréi, dugc danh gia va dua san pham vao su dung tai nhiing du dn, dé mang lai hiéu qua rat cao. Vi thé, nhu cau stv dung nhiing san pham duoc tao ra tif cong nghé trén ngay cang nhiéu stf dung trong céc dy 4n nhu: Xi ly nuéc, hod chat, cong nghiép thyc phdm va ving dung trong nhieu [inh vuc khac. Céng ty Cé phan Composite Bao Long duc thanh lap vai hy vong sé mang lai ‘cho Quy khdch hang nhiing san phém an ton, chat lung bén dep vdi gid than hdp ly dua trén céng nghé néi tr6i trén, Su két hap gilfa nha va sai thus tinh gitip san pham cé nhiing tinh néing uu viét chiu dude thai tiét kh&c Inghiét vé mdi truéing 8n mon cao mai vdi thdl gian Composite Bao Long 36 hitu déi ngt chuyén vién ky thudt giau kinh nghiém dé thiét ké céc sn phém Com- posite, Jam chu céc ban vé thiét ké xy dung nh3m lam thoa man moi yéu cdu ca khdch hang. ‘Composite Bao Long nhén phuc vu lép dat tn ngi, hiéu chinh va sta chia cde bén Composite, san phém khdc lam tis Composite tai céng trinh, 1. Bén Composit Composite Bao Long sn xudt cdc bGn Composite st dung cho viée chia nude, hod chat, thiét bi phan ung (Cc dc tinh hay quy céch cia bén dua trén viéc két hop loai keo tng hop khac nhau tuy theo muc dich str dung. San phém ca Bao Long duge lam tis vat liéu chat lucng cao cé kha néng chiu dude néng dé hod chat va nhiét d6 cao. Céc san phém tiéu biéu: = BE chifa hod chat va nude dang hinn tru duing, bé nam ngang, bé day hinh nén hay bé hinh chi nhét = Bé Composite cho hé théng xt IV nude thai = Bé Composite theo yéu cdu cla khdch hang 2. Boe phi Composite: Phu nhya Composite dude xem nhu Ung dung tuyét v8i trong céng nghiép. Composite Bao Long st! dung nnhiing loai keo téng hop dc biét nh&m dem lai nhiing tinh nang da dang cho san phdm. Céc Iép nhus tong hgp chat Iuang cao cé thé chiu duge téc déng ca nhiét dé va hoa chat (axit, ba-20) néng 66 cao, ~ Boc phd Composite cho bé mat bé tng: Hé ga, bé, san nha, = Bac phi Composite cho bé mat thép: Bén bé, 6ng, san thao tac, gié da ‘Composite Bao Long tin rang bang cong nghé, thiét bi hién dai va di nad Ky sulanh nghé s8 trd thanh don vi hang dau vé san xudt bén bé Composite va cde sn phém Composite khac, thucng hiéu Composite B3o Long s8 toa séng va trd thanh thudng higu manh cua Viét Nam, ‘Composite Bao Long Iuén mong mun va sn sang hap téc di khéch nang theo nguyén te "Chan thanh, gp téc, binh dng va cing phat trig" Gidm déc Céng ty Cé phén Composite Bao Long ¥ C6 PHAN COMPOSITE BAO LONG Introduction Advanced features of combination of fiber glass and resin (Fiber reinforced plastic Compasite) under the hand of skillful technical worker and supervision of experienced experts has made a outstanding products which were evalu-ated and used in many projects with economical benefit, Thus, demand of product made of Composite has increased for alot of applications: Water and wastewater treatment, Chemical industry, Food and Beverage and so on. Bao Long Composite JSC was established with the ambition to provide Customer a durable, safe and quality product with competitive price by advanced technology. The combination of fiber glass and resin make the product have advanced characteristic as withstanding severe weather and high corrosive condition, durability Bao Long Composite JSC has 2 qualified and experienced engineers for design of Composite products, preparation of engineering drawings to satisfy customer request. Bao Long Composite JSC also offers installation, repair and modification far Composite products at Site 1. Composite Tanks: Bao Long Composite JSC produces Composite tanks for water and chemical storage, reactor. Composite tank selection will be based on the use of different resins for different apulication purposes, Product of Bao Long Composite ISC was made of high quality material with good quality of chemical and temperature resis- tance. The typical Composite tanks are as below. = Chemical and water storage Composite tanks: Vertical cylinder tank, Horizontal cylinder tank, Conical tank, Rectangular tank = Composite tanks for wastewater treatment systems, = Compnsite tank as customer request. 2. Composite Lining: Composite lining is a excellent application of fiber reinforced plastic technology. Bao Long Composite applies various special types of resins to make a diversified characteristic of product. The selected high duality resin can withstand the impact of high temperature and chemical concentration (acid, base). Typical applications of Composite lining as below: = Composite lining for concrete surface: Manhole, Tank, Floor. = Composite lining for steel surface: Tank, Pipe, Plalform, Support, Bao Long Composite JSC believes that with advance technology, modern equipment and skill persons, we will be one of a leading FRP related product manufacturer. The branch name of Bao Long Composite JSC will bbe a strong name in Vietnam, Bao Long Composite JSC is always willing to cooperate with customer in the principle of * Trust, Coopera~ tion , Equality and Development” Bao Long Composite Joint Stock Company. OSITE BAO LONG PRODUCT VERTICAL TANK Durgtich Capcity Cum) w 20 20 0 0 0 0 a a0 w w ito 0 cy 0 0 0 0 m0 x00 0 0 0 0 0 0 a0 ag ao m0 m0 m0 0 0 0 no mg ‘a0 Théng ung kinh Diameter 0) wo if im a 20 a0 cr ‘hiéuca0 Hiei) ra mi w = wi ea ca) = BB Sa aa ky thuat/ Technical parameters ¥ C6 PHAN COMPOSITE HORIZONTAL TANK fungi Chiuczo Chiducanchim Diameter Cy Hight} Head) 0 om Fa) Fe a Fy ws % 7 B£8eeeeeeeSeneeeen88 8 a fi ky thuat/ Technical parameters (Bp, core rrc6 nan conrosiresto tons BON DAC BIET / sPECIAL TANK CAC UNG DUNG TIEU BIEU KHAC / puttrupe propucts Sn phém cua chting t6i cé thé st’ dung nhu mét gidi phép hoan hao méi hoc thay thé cho cdc ting dung ctl trong mdi trudng cé dac tinh 2n mon va Ung dung trong nhiéu finh vuc khac. Our products can be used in either new application or for replacing existing application which is exposed to corrosive enviroment applications can be found in all types of industrial. MOT SO LINH VUC UNG DUNG / WE SUPPLY FOR S 0 O Nha may dién Co sd ha tang céng céng Dau khi Power plant Public Facilities Oils & Gas Héa chat, hang hai Céng nghiép thuc pham Giai tri Ca dién Chemical, Marine Food industries Recreation Electrical y_Y fit ial Xtrly nude thai Du én cing Hé théng lam mat. Water treatment Goverment Properties Distric Cooling System De ee a RG) (Accesories for our hight standard tank fit to all type of demand) 27 i ‘CONG TY 06 PHAN COMPOSITE BAO LONG FRP LINING Muting bé tng dude ph Composite/ San bé tng boc ph: Composite / Lam sach bé mat bang phun cat / Conerete Channel Lining with FRP Concrete Floor Lining with RP ‘Surface Preparation by Sand Blasting Bé mat dude boc phi Compostie sé ngiin can dude qua trinh &n man héa hoc clia cdc hda chat c6 néng 6 axit, bazo cao. Composite Bao Long sd hiiu déi ngii chuyén vién ky thuat day dn kinh nghiém. Chung téi 6 chuyén mén trong viéc Iya chon Iép nhyé thich hgp cho phi hdp vdi muc dich sif dyng cua khach hang v6i gid thanh hgp ly nhat. Lép phd Composite cé kha n&ng thi céng trén bé mat bé téng va thép noi ma khéng 6 kha nding chéng an man hda chat hoc bé mat ctl do bi &n mon trong thai gian dai Ngoai ra, ching tdi con cung cap dich vu lam sach bé mat dé sén sang cho qua trinh boc phd nhu: Mai, phun cat nh&m dat duge higu qua st dung tét nhat cho khéch hang. CONG TY ct LINING PROCEDUCE An toan lao déng: Bé mat dugc boc I6t cn phai khé réo va sach sé triét dé. Trong truting hdp boc lot ban bé, phan hai dm trong bé can phai khiv hét dé gia guy ed chéy né va anh huéng t6i hé hé hép. Chuén bi bé mat: \Vi bé tng: Mai qua bé mat cho phang va min, kiém tra d6 4m bang thiét bi do dé ém. Bé mat thép: Bé mat théo khong con dau va hoi nuéc. Phun thép dén Idp thép trang va lam sach vét gi dé chéc chan rang bé mat khéng c6 hoi nude va dau ma. 3. Lop lin két bé mi Bé mat bé tong va mat thép duge bao vé bang \6p keo ¢6 pha chat déng rén nham tang cudng khd nding lién két va chiu luc gitia ldp FRP va bé mat chu thé, 4, Dan Iép va chiu lye: Toan bé dién tich sé dude phu bang lép vai soi thuy tinh va keo d8 duge Iva chon. Keo va si sé dude lan bang con lan tiing ldp dén chiéu day thiét ke 5. B6 sung Idp bao vé 4n mon héa chat: Sau khi dua cc Ip vao chiu luc, bé mat mang dé bo vé an mon héa chat sé dude dua va véi sgi thy tinh va keo. 6. Lop hoan thiér Lp keo haan thién sé dude lan trén bé mat, Idp keo sé dugc tr6n véi ldp chéng dinh bam va bot tao mau dinh sn. 7. Kiém tra d6 day va cuing Sau khi bd sung Ip hoan thién, toan bd bé mat sé dudc kiém tra chiéu day bdi thiét bi do chiéu day cla hang Elcometer va kiém tra dé cting bdi thiét bi do d6 cing barcol Thiét bi danb tia Ifa dién sé st dung dé kiém tra | khi bé mat*, Bat cus mét 16 khi nao duge phat hién sé duge sua chia. (*Chi dp dung bé mat thép) Phun cat cho bé mat thép, hay chun bi bé mat cho bé tng dé loai bé thanh phan phd hoai va tao nén kha chat ché. Sandblasted steel or concrete prepared to remove contaminants and assure a strong, permanent bond. Ap dung cho bé mat bé téng va bé thép ding cho di c6 khd nding gi gidla qué trinh phun cét va boc pho. Required for concrete and for steel tanks where rusting may occur between sandblasting and application. Lép vai thy tinh bat ky dugc lan keo sau khi dua vao. Layer or random mat thoroughtly saturated with resin after it is applied. MOt I6p bé mat logi C hoc mang thém. *C" grade one-ply surfacing mat or nexus viel LOP HOAN THIEN / FINISH COATS. Lép keo phu bé mat dude quét lén tao ra bé mat cho san pham. Resin-rich coats finish the installation, creating a single continous surface. THIET BI DO / INSTRUMENTS TIEU CHUAN NGHIEM THU BE MAT / VISUAL ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Nuva Crack \vét khd / Dry Patches ‘vet nhan / Wrinkle Bot khi/ Air Bubble Vétr6p / Blister ee 582-02 6 khi Pit/Pinhole Tables (ac g6c cét / Exposure of cut edges \Vét nude / Scratches Vat thé la / Foreign matter \Vét keo thita / Crazy Fine Resin - Rich Surface Cracks [= ‘Thiét bi dé 3m / Moisture Tester Thiét bi dé day / Thickness Gauge ‘Thiét bi d6 cUng/ Hardness Tester REFERENCES.

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