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Students who are Gifted and talented

Objectives :

 Determine the great of the 20th century as discussed in six sections, and
 Discuss the nature of human intellect as expounded by philosopher, psychologists, and
educators through the centuries.

Great people of the 20th century

``brim with insights into life and times of an unforgettable gallery of men and women : the diplomats
and the warriors, The scientists and the moguls, the explore who supprised us and the artist who move

 The Leaders- the diplomats and dictators who have shaped the destiny of nations.

1.Theodore Roosevelt - 26th President of USA / 3c's and nobel peace prize.

2.Woodrow Wilson - 28th President of USA / League of nations / Nobel peace prize

3.Franklin Delano Roosevelt - 32nd President of USA/ Led American through Word War II

4.Harry S. Truman - 33rd President of USA / Ended racial segregation in the USA Armed Forces

5. John F. Kennedy - 35th President of USA / Awarded with the navy and marine corps medal

6. Lyndon B. Johnson - 36th President of USA/ '' Civil Rights Hero''

7.Richard Nixon - 37th President of USA /Enforced several ground breaking environment measures.

8-9. Vladimir Lenin and Joseph stallin - Russian Marxist / Advocate of Socialist Internationalism.

10. Mikhai Gorbachev - Russian President / Reformed the social party

11. Mao Zedang - Communist Leader / Established the people's Republic of China.

12. Adolf Hitler - German Chancellor / Most powerful and Notorious dictator of 20th Century

13. Winston Churchill - British Prime Minister / Lead Great britain successfully during the World War II

14. Charles de Gaulle - French President / He led the French military against Germany during the World
War II.
 The Activist - the men and women who fought for charge from outside the traditional halls of

1. Mohandas Gandhi - Father of the nation / Fight racial oppression in South Africa

2. Nelson Mandela - First black President of South Africa / Fight discrimination against black in his
Country known as Apartheid

3. David Ben-Gurion - Israel's founding father

4. Ayatollah Khomeini - Leader of a revolution that overthrow Iran's monarchy and establish the current
Islamic Republic

5. Albert Schweitzer - Provided medical care to the poor deep in Africa's tropical jungle

6. Dalai Lama of Tibet - 14th Tenzin Gyatso / strived to make Tibet independent from the state of China

7. Mother Teresa - Saint Teresa of Calcutta / Received Nobel Peace Prize for humanitarian work

8. John Dewey - Pragmatism / Instrumental in the progressive movement in Education

9. Marian Montessori - Montessori System

10. Margaret Sanger - Planned Parenthood

11. Billy Graham - American Southern Baptist Evangelists / known for preaching the message of
Christianity around the world.

12. Pope John XXVIII -'' The good pope '' Convented the Second Vatican Council

13. Pope John II- '' War, Never Again''

14. Lech Walesa - Charismatic Leader of Solidarity

15. Corazon C. Aquino - First female President of the Philippine Managed to lead a revolt.

 The Pioneers - the men and women who have dared to explore new fields and break down
1. Charles Lindbergh - American Pilot / Pioneered the first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean
2. Amelia Earhart- American Pilot / The first woman to fly the Atlantic solo
3. Wilbur and Orville Wright - American Pilot / Invented the first successful airplane
4. Jacques Costeau - Explored the depths of the ocean
5. Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norkey - Mountain Climbers / They were the first people to ever
reach the summit of Mt. Everest
6. Rachel Carson- '' Silent Springs''
7. Sigmund Freud -'' Psychoanalytic Theory ''
8. Carl Gustav Junng - '' 4 archetypes of personality
9. Jean - Paul Sartre - Aestheistic Existentialism
10. Jackie Robinson - First African - American to play major league baseball

 The Innovators- the gifted few whose visions have change our selves
1. Henry Ford - Founder of Ford Motor Corporations
2. Eddi Rickenbacker - American pilot '' Ace of Aces''
3. William Randolph Hearst - American newspaper publisher / " Yellow Journalist"
4. Walt Disney - American Cartoon Film maker
5. John Maynard Keynes - British economists "keynesianism"
6. David Sarnoff - Father of mass Media
7. Ted Turner- Founder of Cable News Network
8. Tom Watson Sr. and Jr. - Introduced the International Business Machines or IBM
9. Bill Gates - American Computer genius / Founder of Microsoft

 The Scientists - the searches whose work has revolutionized human society in the span of only
100 years.
1. Albert Einstein - Revolutionized modern physics with his work on the atomic nature of matter.
2. Marie Curie- Discovered Radium
3. Alexander Fleming - Discovered te Antibiotic / nature of Penicillin
4. Francis Crick and James Watson - Identified the double Helix structure of DNA
5. Dr. Jonas E. Salk - Discovered Polio Vaccine
6.Linus Pauling - Work on Chemical bond
7. Stephen Hawking - Best known scientist in the world
8. Edwin Hubble - Proposed the theory of the expansion of the universe
9. Louis and Mary Leakey - Discovered bone fragments of apelike prehumans called Homo
10. Margaret Mead - Studied the nonliterate people of Oceania

 The creators - the artist whose work has shaped and mirrored the Century.
1. Pablo Picasso - Spanish Visual arts and Painter / Cubist style of art
2. Miles Van Der Rohe - German architect Modernism
3. Alfred Stieglitz - The Father of modern Photography
4. Georgia O'Keefe - First female American Modernist
5. James Joyce - One of the most influential authors of 20th Century
6. Virginia Woolf - One of the most important feminist writers
7. George Bernard Shaw - Received Nobel Peace Prize for his Contributions in Literature
8. Lawrence Olivier - One of the most acclaimed actors of the 20th century
9. Charlie Chaplin - One of the most important figures in the history of film industry
10. George Balanchine - Chief Choreographer and Co - Founder of the New York City Ballet
11. Igor Stravinsky - Greatest Composer of the 20th century
12. Louis Armstrong - The most important figure in the history of Jazz
13. George Gershwin - The man who brought " Jazz into the Concert hall
14. Elvis Pristey - Spread rock 'n' roll music across countries
15. The Beatles - The First band that wrote their own music
1. Paul McCartney - Bassist
2. George Harrison - Lead Guitarist
3. John Lenon - Rhythm System
4. Ringo Star - Drummer

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