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Development Quiz 21 - ​Underline​ your answer.

1. Development is:
An increase in the proportion of people living in towns and cities
B. When a poor country with little economic growth becomes as rich as the UK.
C. Meeting the needs of the present without harming the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
D. The progress of a country in terms of economic growth, the use of technology and human welfare.

2. Development is most commonly measured using:

A. Social, economic and environmental indicators. B. Social and economic indicators.
C. Economic indicators. D. Social indicators.

3. GNI per capita is:

A. The total amount earned within a country divided by it's population.
B. The total amount earned within a country and by it's companies overseas.
C. The total amount earned within a country and by it's companies overseas divided by the population.
D. The total amount earned by a country in US dollars.

4. What is missing from this definition? Quality of life is the standard of ________, money and happiness
experienced by an individual or group of people.
A. Health. B. Education. C. Housing. D. GNI per capita.

5. The GNI per capita for the UK is $45,350, making the UK a:


6. Debt limits development because...

A. Countries do not borrow money from each other.
B. HICs will not lend money to LICs for development projects.
C. Repayments mean LICs have less money to invest in improving levels of development.
D. The money loaned is only in small amounts, limiting how much it can improve development.

7. LICs often trade in primary products which are...

A. Of low economic value. B. Of high economic value. C. Not needed by HICs.

8. When money is taken or misused by people in the local or national government, it is known as...
A. Tax. B. Corruption. C. Investment. D. Debt.

9. Colonialism limits development in some countries today because...

A. HICs pay a fair price for products bought from former colonies.
B. Former colonies do not wish to trade internationally.
C. Exploitative trade still exists, particularly in raw materials.

10. Which of the following is not a way in which conflict damages the economic development of a country?
A. Trade with other countries often stops during a major conflict.
B. Overseas investment significantly increases.
C. Significant amounts of money are invested in weapons.
D. Productive farmland is ruined and becomes unusable.

11. An economic indicator of development is...

A. GNI per capita. B. Death rates.
C. Population size. D. Literacy rate.
12. Wealth in LICs is low. This is due to...
A. Increased investment from TNCs.
B. Large scale investment in education.
C. Low rates of disease and increased productivity.
D. Little investment in education, healthcare and infrastructure.

12. An economic indicator of development is...

A. GNI per capita. B. Death rates.
C. Population size. D. Literacy rate.

13. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of poor overall health in a country?
A. Reduced life expectancy. B. Small population size.
C. High infant mortality rate. D. Increased rates of diseases such as cholera.

14. Poor health in a country results in ...

A. Low infant mortality rate. B. Low death rate.
C. Low life expectancy. D. High literacy rates.

15. Lower levels of development cause migration from…

A. HICs to LICs. B. NEEs to LICs and HICs. C. LICs and NEEs to HICs

16. Identify the term used to describe the progress of a country as it becomes more economically,
technologically advanced and improvements in people’s quality of life.
Population Development Gross National Income Urbanisation

17. Which organisation classifies countries as HICs, LICs and NEEs?

The World Bank The United Nations
The European Union UNICEF

18. What is a LIC?

Limited income country Less industrialised country
Low-income country Limited income country

19. What is a HIC?

Huge income country High-income country
Highly industrialised country Highly independent country

20. What is a NEE?

Nearly economised environment established economy
New evolving economy Newly emerging economy

21. Identify the type of country described below. A country which is experiencing rapid economic growth and

22. Identify the type of country described below. A country in which the people have a poor quality of life with
inadequate services and opportunities.
23. How are countries such as France, the USA and UK classified?

24. How are countries such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Ethiopia classified?

25. How are countries such as Brazil, India and China classified?

26. Which of the following is not an example of social or economic development?

GNI Death Rate Marriage Rate Infant Mortality

27. What does GNI stand for?

Gross national income Grand national income
Gross national investment Gross national internment

28. How do you calculate GNI per capita?

Total income of a country including money made overseas divided by the population.
Total income of a country divided by the working population.
Total income of a country excluding the income earned from investments that its businesses and people have
made in other countries divided by the population.

29. Which of the following is not a limitation of using GNI as a measure of development?
Average figures can be misleading. A few wealthy individuals can distort the figures.
In poorer countries many people work in farming or the informal sector and their income is not taken into
account by official GNI records.
Not all deaths are of children are reported in LICs.
Data about income is sensitive and people may not always be honest.

30. Which measure of development is the number of deaths of children aged less than one year of age per 1000
Birth rate Death rate Infant mortality Life expectancy

31. True or false? Death rates are relatively low throughout much of the world due to basic improvements in
health care.
True False

32. What is the typical life expectancy in NEEs?

50-60 65-75 80+

33. Identify the measure of development developed by the United Nations and is the most commonly used
measure of development.
Gross Domestic Product Gross National Income
Literacy Rates Human Development Index

34. If a country has an HDI close to 1 what does this mean?

It is a low-income country. It is a high-income country.
35. What is the definition of a development indicator?
A. A measure to show how developed a country is
B. A measure to show how many people within a country can read
C. A measure to show how much people within a country earn

36. Which is the best definition of GDP?

A. Total income for the country
B. The total value of all goods and services produced in a country
C. Total income for the country plus earning from foreign investment

37. Which three things make up the HDI?

A. Life expectancy, GNI, birth rate
B. Birth rate, literacy rate, GNP per capita
C. GNP per capita, life expectancy, number of years schooling

38. Why is PPP useful?

A. It is measured more regularly
B. It compares what can actually be purchased with the same amount in each country
C. It is an average figure of the amount purchased per person per year in each country

39. What is a problem with classifying countries using development indicators?

A. Most people aren't honest so the information collected is usually wrong
B. We can see which countries need more help
C. There are large contrasts or differences within each country which are hidden when averages are used

40. What is the multiplier effect?

A. When profits from sales are invested in new industries and a country gets richer and richer
B. When profits from sales are sent abroad and help other countries to develop
C. When profits from sales are kept by one person, making that person richer and richer

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