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Tranquil Back Awareness (TBA) is a technique that was developed for and through yoga practice. The
technique is simple to understand but is a life long journey to implement.

The work is done in 3 stages:

 First find the tranquil back,

 Then keep the tranquil back as you move into the pose.
 In the pose continue searching for ways to deepen the experience of the tranquil back.

That’s all there is to it. Sounds easy enough, but this is not an intellectual exercise but a practical one!


Lowers stress and anxiety

Relives back pain

Improves concentration

Strengthens core muscles

Strengthens the leg muscles: Calves, Quadriceps,

TBA can and should be used in all aspects of your life: During physical activity, while standing in a queue,
or sitting on a chair.

When using the TBA technique, you will find that you are more focused and alert. Your back will feel less
stressed. You will also notice that over time both your core muscles and your limb muscles strengthen.

TBA can be used to enhance your yoga practice as well as your everyday activity.


Start by finding what a tranquil back feels like.

Lie on your back, knees bent, feet on the floor, hands to the side of your pelvis. Slightly root into your
feet to widen your back. Feel the sacrum area and between your shoulder blades expand.

Stand in Tadasana and try looking for the same experience in the back as we had when our back was on
the floor. Root into your feet, slightly bend your knees until you feel your thighs start to work, at this
point you should feel some relief in the lower back. Try bending your thighs a little more till you feel the
weight of your sitting bones and try releasing your buttocks. Exhale your lower abdomen towards the
lower back and look for an expanding experience in the sacrum area.
After that we can start with simple standing postures: Virabhadrasana II or Parsvakonasana,

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