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English for Nursing 2

Topic 12


Instructional objectives
The students are expected to be able to:

 act out a conversation and practice of applying an infusion to the patients.

Infusion Equipment
Direction. The followings are infusion equipment. Study the equipment below and practice pronounce each
of them with the correct pronunciation.
Infusion container (n) botol infus
Needle (n) jarum
Alcohol swab (n) kapas alkohol
Disposable gloves (n) sarung tangan sekali pakai
Band-aid (n) plester
Tourniquet (n) turniket

Related Vocabularies
Direction. The followings are vocabularies related to applying an infusion. Study the vocabularies below
and practice pronounce each of them with the correct pronunciation.
Apply (n) memasang
Infusion (v) infus
Intravenous (n) intravena
Roll around (n) berguling
Rationale (n) alas an

Useful Expressions
Direction. Study and practice the following useful expressions when applying an infusion to the patients.
A. Greeting
 Hello, Mrs. Rose. How are you doing today?
 Good morning, Sir/Ma’am, Madam
B. Self-Introduction
 My name is Michelle. I am a nurse from Faletehan University.
 I am Nurse Bella. I will take care of you today.
C. Stating what you are going to do
 It is time for me to…
 I just want to…
 I am going to…
 I would like to…
 I need to…
 apply this infusion
 give injection into your vein
 apply this tourniquet round your arm

D. Rationale (asked by the patients)

 What for?
 What is it used for?
Response (by the nurses)
 To make medication easier.
 To increase solution in your body.
 To boost nutrition into your body.
E. Giving Instructions and Expressions
during Implementation

 Would you………………………, please?

 Please…………………….
 Now, I want you to……………………
 lie flat on your back
 roll up your sleeve
 give me your right/left hand
 sit down
F. Reassurance
 Don’t worry. It’s ok.
 It won’t take long
 I’ll do this as quickly as I can.
 Have you ever (had/been) given an
infusion before?
 Everything will be ok.
 It shouldn’t be painful, just a little
bit uncomfortable.
G. Cautionary Expressions
 This will give you…………
 You may feel……………
 You’ll feel……………
 a little pain.
 a bit uncomfortable.
 a little bit uncomfortable.
 a jab.
 Don’t move while I am applying this

Communication Exercise
Direction. Choose a pair and write a complete conversation on applying an infusion. You can use the useful
expressions above. Then, practice and present your communication practice.

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